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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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On 2017-03-26 17:09:17Show this Author Only
your damage control should come in terms of actions not words.

shady business practices need to stop, your always increasing pricing strategy is d worst, trying to maximize profit rather than trying to make many people happy.
U need to reduce the gap between f2p and p2w players so my players base doesnt quit. put the darn ninjas in the shops and pay more attention to f2p or semi p2p players
This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-3-26 17:10
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On 2017-03-26 17:13:20Show this Author Only
What about rigged polls?
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On 2017-03-26 17:20:01Show this Author Only
5. We will make a bigger effort to merge more servers every two weeks;

are you *ed? That'll kill the game even faster.
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On 2017-03-26 17:21:41Show this Author Only
I'll go through this step by step.

First paragraph reeks of corporate speak and buzzwords like diversity. We are not your stakeholders, drop the corporate speech.

Part 1
You absolutely can tease, hint and showcase without setting the timing to stone on near complete features while including the caveat of: This is a work in progress, details are subject to change.

Part 2
1 & 2 we have known of for at least a month as they have been stated to be incoming by moderators. So not really news.
3. Why did this need to be pointed out separately? Almost gives out the impression that the teams of regional variants not share ideas at all (Ex: Players in our region liked change X we did independently, perhaps you should ask the players in your region if they would like it as well?)
4. These are a logical extension of an existing system and should've already been included into the increase of level cap and not by hindsight.
5. Where have we heard that before. Oh, right. The same promises as last time around.
6. This one you could actually provide an approximate timeline for (every X weeks) without spoiling which ninjas are included.

All (except maybe 6) of these are remedies for oversights that are severely late to be realized. In the future I suggest doing retrospective *ysis after each feature launch on player reactions and and consider on how they interact with existing systems.

Part 3
So they're basically a very poorly paid QA-team. I have said this before, but it bears repeating: Stop outsourcing essential development work to the players. In every single online game if a player finds a glaring bug or an error, they vast majority of the time they report it voluntarily. Actively hunting for these things are the task of QA. As for behavioural correction, this falls under the task of moderators.
3. Isn't this what the forums are for?
4. Oh good, competition for what is basically a volunteer job. Just sack those who don't contribute and reward those who do.

Part 4.

You really want to go with the route of 'Fake News'. It really didn't work well for CNN and it won't for you either. Rumours are what fuel excitement about upcoming features and highlight what is wrong with the game so you can fix it.

To be honest, this who debacle was started due to internal miscommunication by a developer to a community member who felt threathened by the developer's actions. Instead of the dev admitting to screwing up, he basically threw Aris under the bus for taking the developer's words at face value. We aren't asking you to give his job back, but at least unban him.

You seem to have conveniently forgotten to address the claims that the game is rigged against paying customers and that the developers don't really know how the game's code actually functions. Would very much like clarification on that.

Thank you for your non-apology for predatory business policies and throwing the whistle*er under the bus.
Also, keep in mind that we complain because we care about the health of this game, not because we hate it.

Cheers. A forever F2P-player. This post was last edited by OgreOnA* at 2017-3-26 17:26
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On 2017-03-26 17:22:23Show this Author Only
You either change like China did or lose all your has come to this point so stop trying to bs us or cover anything up words will not stop the unspending
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On 2017-03-26 17:22:52Show this Author Only
So, you just said the same thing Aris did on the stream, but because it's official it's supposed to make us feel better? Trust you again? Believe that now you care? Man, you're so dumb...
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On 2017-03-26 17:30:50Show this Author Only
To be fair, this is what we were asking for, and this is all Aris wanted them to do. The rigged wheels and what not..thats not really a bad buisness decision. I mean they gave a free account to a youtuber to promote..its what companies do. Almost every company is shady, sometimes slightly, sometimes alot. These are the features that will keep the game alive honestly.
Do this every couple weeks. Let us know what actually determines what server is merged so we know when our time is coming..things like this is how you win over the big spenders.

Lets be real, people like me who have spent 5k or more are the ones who are kinda tired. This post is the start, but we want to see it for a month + before we keep recharging for ninjas we dont even need anymore
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On 2017-03-26 17:33:39Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-03-26 17:09:17
  • your damage control should come in terms of actions not words.

    shady business practices need to stop, your always increasing pricing strategy is d worst, trying to maximize profit rather than trying to make many people happy.
    U need to reduce the gap between f2p and p2w players so my players base doesnt quit. put the darn ninjas in the shops and pay more attention to f2p or semi p2p players
    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-3-26 17:10
Increasing prizes like.... 50 Kyuubi frags was 16k before & now 50k for 50? :P

Part: 4
Trying to act not guilty....
Even with new content, game is screwed anyway, since rigged stuff & too * high prices.

#FreeAris #AForAVendetta
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On 2017-03-26 17:38:13Show this Author Only
  • Khannonx On 2017-03-26 17:30:50
  • To be fair, this is what we were asking for, and this is all Aris wanted them to do. The rigged wheels and what not..thats not really a bad buisness decision. I mean they gave a free account to a youtuber to promote..its what companies do. Almost every company is shady, sometimes slightly, sometimes alot. These are the features that will keep the game alive honestly.
    Do this every couple weeks. Let us know what actually determines what server is merged so we know when our time is coming..things like this is how you win over the big spenders.

    Lets be real, people like me who have spent 5k or more are the ones who are kinda tired. This post is the start, but we want to see it for a month + before we keep recharging for ninjas we dont even need anymore
Woah, Khannonx, that sounded really jaded. A sleazy business model to milk as much cash from the buyer in short-term should not be default position for a service oriented business. Repeat and longterm customers are their backbone. This is business 101 level stuff.
Shady business practices are most certainly not something customers should accept as reality.
This post was last edited by OgreOnA* at 2017-3-26 17:39
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On 2017-03-26 17:45:53Show this Author Only
Hey guys remember me? i'm the player that screamed and pleaded in customer services for a while to improve transparency between the players and the developers. Somehow your answer was that horrible(and brought to my attention rigged) poll system. Why couldn't you guys put out statements like this periodically instead? why did it take someone being axed for you guys to actually be transparent with the players?
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On 2017-03-26 17:51:21Show this Author Only
I know that Oasis is a business and a business needs to make money to survive! comes from players who pay, and players who pay needs a nice playerbase to enjoy the game.
What most companies do is neglect f2p cause "meh, no moneyz from them" and focus on p2w. In most games f2p players quit-> playerbase shrinks to a few people->p2w players quit.

It's been done AND DONE so many times by some many companies and it always failed. You lose f2p, you end up losing p2w. How hard is it for them to understand?
Did you make money? Sure you did! But not as much as you would, if you treated the majority of the players well.
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On 2017-03-26 18:01:28Show this Author Only
  • OgreOnAStick On 2017-03-26 17:38:13
  • Woah, Khannonx, that sounded really jaded. A sleazy business model to milk as much cash from the buyer in short-term should not be default position for a service oriented business. Repeat and longterm customers are their backbone. This is business 101 level stuff.
    Shady business practices are most certainly not something customers should accept as reality.
    This post was last edited by OgreOnA* at 2017-3-26 17:39
I agree with this 100%. Business ethics are important and any person with a quarter of a brain knows better than to do what this * ass company has been doing.
Why do we have 400+ servers when server 1 can still hold new players?
Why have they sold the same 4-5 ninjas in every event for 2 months praying some f2p player will finally spend or that a new server will make a WONDERFUL $40-100 off the same recycled *?
Who in their right mind punishes KNOWN SPENDERS in the hope of appealing to new spenders?
What is the point in calling someone a liar when he showed plenty of evidence during his rant? Then banning him and implying that he was breaking the "spreading false rumors" rule... When you literally post your OWN RESPONSE THAT PROVES MORE THAN HALF OF WHAT HE SAID RIGHT?
Just own up to the fact that you pulled the wool over so many peoples' eyes for so long and move on with fair stuff. Stop talking about these things and put them into action.
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On 2017-03-26 18:08:52Show this Author Only
His the only person that always listens to everyone's feedback and looks at the whole aspect of the situation

This post was last edited by Ssmokee at 2017-3-26 18:14
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On 2017-03-26 18:23:46Show this Author Only
only below 100? what about the other 300 servers... u shud work for oasis.. only care for ur own interest. :)
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On 2017-03-26 18:28:31Show this Author Only
I support oasis maximum, good job guise be believe in you you da best, make oasis great again.

Daiske is the best guy ever. Ari is false rumors. Don't listen to him ok?

I almost spend my monthly salary on the new event, but wild wolf packs invaded my village so I had to go outside and stop them from eating my livestock.

I as well as dias like to eat rice and sea food!
PS. Can I have 240 frags of pain chikushido for free? :loveliness:
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On 2017-03-26 18:31:40Show this Author Only
I do believe the best course of action here would be to really take strides to cater to the F2P. Making the F2P events bigger and better. Because while its true that F2P don't directly contribute money, they do create competition that spurs the P2P and P2W to recharge more often. So basically the stronger you make F2P now, the better returns you will have from the spenders.

But another aspect of that is creating better value. For the Lucky Wheel, just as an example, by making it 100% RNG, you would have more people spending ingots to get that * Kyuubi Chakra-Naruto. You would see that players spend less on average but its made up for by the fact that tons and tons of more players are going for Chakra Naruto.

For events with super rare ninja. Instead of making that particular wheel have a .05% chance, just make it so that the wheel is big enough to have 200 or more spaces. In other words have prizes on the wheel that are visible and demonstrate the players actual chances of getting the super rare ninja..instead of having some secret rate. I mean on a wheel with only 10-12 items, its really unfair to have it land on coins and Dango more often then anything else, and to never land on the real prize. So to accommodate the super rare ninja, make a wheel big enough so that you can see your actual chances of getting it.

Aside from that, just over hauling the F2P events in general is needed. Have prizes that actually matter for reasonable prices. As I said in my introductory paragraph, making F2P players happier and stronger will only make the game better. And when the game is better you be making that cheddar.
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On 2017-03-26 18:32:00Show this Author Only
Aristeaus is our Hero! He managed at least some kinda response from Oasis...i hope this opens their eyes.
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On 2017-03-26 18:32:08Show this Author Only
  • Slavation On 2017-03-26 18:28:31
  • I support oasis maximum, good job guise be believe in you you da best, make oasis great again.

    Daiske is the best guy ever. Ari is false rumors. Don't listen to him ok?

    I almost spend my monthly salary on the new event, but wild wolf packs invaded my village so I had to go outside and stop them from eating my livestock.

    I as well as dias like to eat rice and sea food!
    PS. Can I have 240 frags of pain chikushido for free? :loveliness:
Why not ask for 9 tails naruto?
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On 2017-03-26 18:34:13Show this Author Only
Please address the issue of RIGGED RNG in events. You never discussed this, we want the RNG rate of each events so we know where to spend our money wisely. Last time I know I spent freaking 5k inggots to the lucky wheel and never got freaking KONAN. From that standpoint, I stopped recharging for that wheel. Please release the RNG rate of each wheel so people will know their chances before they participate.
And no disrepect, when you say false rumor, is that the video from youtube? Because if it is, this post confirmed that what Aris told in his video was true. Look how the update you guys are planning are the same to those issues that Aris mentioned in his stream.

This post was last edited by lie*** at 2017-3-26 18:41
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On 2017-03-26 18:36:33Show this Author Only
I want removing the time limited event items. Like dice, keys, and other..
we F2P cant compete with P2W like that
Quicky Post

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