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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-26 18:01:28Show All Posts
  • OgreOnAStick On 2017-03-26 17:38:13
  • Woah, Khannonx, that sounded really jaded. A sleazy business model to milk as much cash from the buyer in short-term should not be default position for a service oriented business. Repeat and longterm customers are their backbone. This is business 101 level stuff.
    Shady business practices are most certainly not something customers should accept as reality.
    This post was last edited by OgreOnA* at 2017-3-26 17:39
I agree with this 100%. Business ethics are important and any person with a quarter of a brain knows better than to do what this * ass company has been doing.
Why do we have 400+ servers when server 1 can still hold new players?
Why have they sold the same 4-5 ninjas in every event for 2 months praying some f2p player will finally spend or that a new server will make a WONDERFUL $40-100 off the same recycled *?
Who in their right mind punishes KNOWN SPENDERS in the hope of appealing to new spenders?
What is the point in calling someone a liar when he showed plenty of evidence during his rant? Then banning him and implying that he was breaking the "spreading false rumors" rule... When you literally post your OWN RESPONSE THAT PROVES MORE THAN HALF OF WHAT HE SAID RIGHT?
Just own up to the fact that you pulled the wool over so many peoples' eyes for so long and move on with fair stuff. Stop talking about these things and put them into action.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 02:27:04Show All Posts
  • Pwnzinc1991 On 2017-03-28 20:28:27
  • if all of the accusations being made are true about them rigging the events to make more money i wouldnt put it past them to pull something like that however if that is the case and they were EVER caught making an account to mass spend and jack the price of thier own product up so that players had to spend more to get something they were already getting at a lower price. they not only would be sued and shut down but jail sentences would be handed out like lollipops. which is why from a professional standpoint the risk does not outweigh the benefit in this case so i would assume that is not the case This post was last edited by 102***@facebook at 2017-3-28 20:30
dirty or not dirty, that is a practice that happens in the Chinese servers of the game. I don't know if it is legal by Chinese law or not, but that's something to consider.
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