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[ Fanfiction ] The Hidden Curse (2) [Rating T]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-02 14:34:38Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This is chapter 2 of The Hidden Curse
This is my first attempt at fanfiction! Since it's sure to have lots and lots of flaws, suggestions are welcome. I only sort of have an idea where I'm going with this so things may get weird...I haven't come up with the chronology, but I'll be including Naruto characters. It's kinda AU but kinda not...if that makes sense...
I will be trying not to center on any one character as they are all awesome (^-^)b As for ratings I think T is an overestimate of where I will go, but better safe than sorry XD

Chapter List:
Chapter 1: The First Arrival (Again)
Chapter 2: (You are here)
Chapter 3: Revealed
Chapter 4: Dude Looks Like A Lady

Cast List:
Azure Fang - Hasu
Scarlet Blaze - Mutsuo
Crimson Fist - Senju Takeshi
Breeze Dancer - Namikaze Ayaka
Midnight Blade - Hatake Koji

Chapter 2: Welcome to the Hidden Leaf

Takeshi kept his promise to visit Hasu every day and make sure her recovery was coming along well. By now, with the skill of the Hidden Leaf's medical ninjas and a steady supply of painkillers, the only remaining signs of Hasu's injury were the slight dark mark on her temple and her amnesia. Takeshi was glad that was all, and that the girl didn't seem to harbor any ill will. What had happened was just a training accident; it could have happened to anyone.

Today, on his daily visit to Ayaka's house, he spotted someone he hadn't seen in quite a while. "Oi! Koji!" Takeshi shouted cheerfully. Though the younger boy didn't even crack a smile, he made his way through the streets to his friend. "Hey, you've been like a ghost lately. Mission?"

Koji shot the other male a glare, which caused him to laugh nervously. "Okay I forgot that I'm not supposed to shout happens, okay? It's just that you haven't hung out with Ayaka and me latel-"

"You could say that."

"Eh? What?" Takeshi asked in confusion.

"I answered your question."

"Ah. Okay. Gotcha." Takeshi took the other's apparently grumpy mood in a stride, even if he didn't understand it. After all, it wasn't as if he'd just shouted that his friend was in the Anbu. "Hey, why don't you come with me to Ayaka's? Aren't you curious about that girl?"

Koji gave the boy a long stare. How dense did this guy have to be, seriously. "I would have to say no."

"Oh, come on. You should be nicer to a guest in our village!"

Ugh. Now Koji knew there really was no way of getting away. There was no arguing with this guy, once he had his mind set on something even as frivolous as this. "Just this once."

"Yesss!!" Takeshi pumped his fist, glad that his friend gave in so easily this time around. "Konoha Hurricaneeeee!!!" And they were off...

Meanwhile, Ayaka and her guest were having a nice friendly chat. Even if it meant spending a little less time training, Ayaka liked her new companion enough to consider it well worth the loss. It was nice having another girl around, after all. Hasu seemed like a nice enough girl; she appeared primarily occupied with remembering things just so that she could make sure no one back home - wherever that was - was worried about her.

But in the meantime, they had helped Hasu learn much about herself. For one thing, they determined her chakra nature from the Chakra Induction Paper test. From the dampness of the special paper, it was easy to tell Hasu was a water ninja. And of course, since the arrival of a new ninja had been brought forward to the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade had taken a look and declared Hasu had potential as a medical ninja.

"And if we can't figure out where you're from, at the very least you can stay on here," Ayaka said over the cup of tea she prepared for herself and her guest. "You can join Konoha. I'm sure you won't find us so difficult to get along with."

Hasu smiled. The prospect of staying here didn't seem bad at all - much better than she'd initially assumed when she woke up. "Yeah, I'd like that a lot, actually," she agreed before carefully sipping her tea. The sooner she got her own income, the better. Then she wouldn't feel so uneasy staying in Ayaka's house and living off the food there for nothing. Ayaka's cousin, Naruto, had introduced her to Ichiraku Ramen not long ago, and since that time there was no turning back.

The shoji door slammed open, causing both girls to jump as Takeshi barreled in, followed by an irritable Koji. "Takeshi, please," Ayaka said with a sigh, even though she knew it was hopeless to admonish.

"Aw, come on, Ayaka...Hey Hasu, I brought you something nice!" the boy said, greeting them both in turn.

" that so?" Hasu said, forcing a smile. Last time, he'd brought her a tight green jumpsuit, claiming that it would be good for her strength. It was something he picked up from his sensei, and he had been deeply offended when she tried to refuse. For some reason, even though he was related to the God of Shinobi, he kept training his taijutsu. For all Ayaka (and therefore Hasu) knew, he couldn't use ninjutsu.

Takeshi handed Hasu a package, but dropped it as she was reaching out to take it from him. It gave a resounding clunk on the ground, which alarmed her and made Ayaka put a palm to her face.

"Ankle weights!" Takeshi said enthusiastically. "They will keep you super strong! You'll love them!"

"Th-thanks, Takeshi," Hasu said, jaw twitching slightly.

"Takeshi, why? Just...why?" Ayaka scolded, which made Takeshi raise his hands in defense. "What do you mean why, they're great! If only you'd use the set I bought you-"

Hasu giggled, watching the two of them bicker. Her eye caught Koji, who seemed to be staring through her rather than at her. "Hi! Koji, right?" She figured she might as well have some conversation while the other two were preoccupied in their heated debate over the merits of ankle weights. There was an uncomfortable pause. "Okay...or not..."

What's his deal? Hasu wondered. Takeshi and Ayaka were friendly enough but this guy just looked like he was waiting for an excuse to murder her. She shivered, but kept a calm face on. No need for him to know how much he was freaking her out. It seemed odd to her that he was friends with the other two, much chattier, ninjas.

Eventually, Ayaka and Takeshi settled down to an uneasy peace. "Whew...Anyway dears, what brings you here?" the blond said, seamlessly returning to her smooth, easygoing manners.

"We were thinking of taking her sightseeing with us!" Takeshi beamed. Us? Leave me out of this, you dolt, Koji thought, his eyes turning into blue slits. "It's not good for her to be cooped up all day!"

"To hear you talk, it's as if I'm torturing my guest," Ayaka said with mock indignation. "Well, all right, as you please, then."

There was a pause, after which Takeshi ran a hand through his hair. "Uh, both of you can come. I mean, like...I'd like if...or, it'd be great if both of you, uh yeah..."

The blond laughed airily. "Really, is that a question? No way I'll allow you to bash her head again."

"Ah! Yeah, definitely not!" the earth ninja agreed cheerfully, glad that he didn't need to say anything more. "Let's get going, then!"

This post was last edited by ISeeYou at 2017-4-12 01:34
This post was last edited by ISeeYou at 2017-4-28 23:14
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-02 14:51:19Show this Author Only
***** It kept complaining about character limit *****

This time, they made their way outside of the Hidden Leaf Village, since they had already taken Hasu on a grand tour of the village itself. Takeshi, noticing that Koji was looking increasingly uncomfortable, but he said nothing to the other two. For one thing, he knew that Ayaka believed they should just let him alone when he got into these moods. Nevertheless, Takeshi felt guilty - belatedly, as usual - for pulling his friend into this. So, he dropped behind to keep him company. The silver haired boy only gave a noncommittal grunt in response, but was considerably more at ease.
That aside, it was a full day, and Takeshi was glad to see Ayaka looked entertained throughout the entire time. After a dinner of ramen late into the evening, Takeshi tagged along the girls' way back home, with Koji tailing them reluctantly. At this point, Hasu had chosen to take no notice of Koji's unwelcoming attitude, since that was just what the others were doing.

Ayaka was having so much fun that she brought out some snacks for her guests, but then it became quite late and Ayaka had to kick Takeshi out before he proposed a sleepover. "Aw...we should do it just once! It'll be super fun!" the Earth ninja begged with a big grin.

"Absolutely not, you menace," the hostess huffed.
"Whaat? Why not??" Takeshi protested.

"I've heard you offering girls massages in the hot springs," the blond said, rolling her eyes. Takeshi reddened and chuckled sheepishly. Hasu couldn't believe that the clumsy ninja was so flirtatious, but a nod from Ayaka assured her otherwise. Now thoroughly abashed, Takeshi took his leave. He passed Koji, who was already standing outside the door.
"Thanks for waiting, big softie," he grinned. The other boy only closed his eyes and s* his head in response.

They continued in silence for a while before Takeshi said something that had been on his mind for several hours now. "That mission of's to watch Hasu, isn't it?"

The silver haired boy froze momentarily before relaxing. "For a moron, you're surprisingly insightful."

"That was a compliment, right..?" Takeshi asked, brows furrowed.


The rest of the walk was quiet until they were about to part ways to their neighboring houses. The fact that he even spoke surprised Takeshi; Koji only spoke more than absolutely necessary when something was troubling him.

"There's nothing on her."

"That's good, right?" That meant Hasu could stay here and become friends with the rest of them. Takeshi didn't understand why his friend was so bothered.

"No..." Koji s* his head before pushing past the other boy. "No, that's the worst possible outcome..."

Chapter End

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-02 15:02:27Show this Author Only
*heavy breathing*
This was really nice! and interesting too! I'm curious what's going to happen next and so nice to see them all hanging out with each other :loveliness: Looking forward to the next chapter!

Ohyeah... welcome to the awful situation of character limit :lol
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-02 15:08:08Show this Author Only
  • Venn On 2017-04-02 15:02:27
  • *heavy breathing*
    This was really nice! and interesting too! I'm curious what's going to happen next and so nice to see them all hanging out with each other :loveliness: Looking forward to the next chapter!

    Ohyeah... welcome to the awful situation of character limit :lol
Thank you x__x when I first posted it, it cut off part of what I wrote so I was like DX and raced to write it back in. Character limit struggle is real OTL

Thanks very much XD I had some ideas of what I should do next in my post but we shall see where my weird mind takes me hehe
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-02 16:08:48Show this Author Only
Well you keep your weird mind working.LOL.Loved this.

I really cant wait till the next chapter.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-02 22:18:50Show this Author Only
  • silvereagle3870 On 2017-04-02 16:08:48
  • Well you keep your weird mind working.LOL.Loved this.

    I really cant wait till the next chapter.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you very much! XD
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-03 01:03:24Show this Author Only
The worst possible outcome is nothing :o
interesting.(sorry that was creepy)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-03 01:12:29Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-03 01:03:24
  • The worst possible outcome is nothing :o
    interesting.(sorry that was creepy)
Given your avatar image, I think Koji being creepy is the worst of my worries XDD

*Yamato staring intensifies* O_O

I meant least of my worries OTL
This post was last edited by ISeeYou at 2017-4-3 02:22
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-03 01:51:48Show this Author Only
  • ISeeYou On 2017-04-03 01:12:29
  • Given your avatar image, I think Koji being creepy is the worst of my worries XDD

    *Yamato staring intensifies* O_O

    I meant least of my worries OTL
    This post was last edited by ISeeYou at 2017-4-3 02:22
*stares back at Yamato* I see you my twin
Quicky Post

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