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[ Player Guide ] SAI GNW on Hanzo Attack [Difficult] Azure Fang


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-13 17:46:28Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello!, I am quite new to the forum and this'll be my first thread . Hopefully this'll help!

I just got Sai GNW recently from the monthly check in, He seems too be a fun ninja to play with and I really wanted to try him out on Strong Approach, so here's my line up:

and here's the talent :

The Strategy:
Stage 1 : 3 Giants
This stage doesnt really take much effort, all you need to do is just try to avoid taking too much damage.
Round 1 : Silence one of those giants, for me, i prefer to silence the middle one first to stack up on those Poison Tai and hope that the Giant will die on round 2.
Round 2 : Proceed on the top Giant, use Kakashi's mystery on him. (also, please use Heals after all of the Giants uses their poison skills).
Round 3 : use anything on the bottom giant, neji's skills, Sai's skills, and he should be dead.

Stage 2 : Shizune
You'll be facing Shizune with 19 hit point and please note that she'll cast her Poison mystery on turn 1 and will heal right after your first ninja attacked.
Round 1 : Wait for Shizune to cast her mystery, wait for neji to attack her (if he started a combo on her, please restart from the beginning). and then proceed by cast your Kakashi's mystery right after Shizune heals herself.
Round 2 : Right after your Sai's last clone attacked, press Neji's mystery to cancel Shizune's mystery, then proceed by using your heal mystery and followed by Sai's Mystery, and Shizune should be dead.

Stage 3 : Karin
You'll be facing Karin with 18 hit point and please note that on this stage Karin will heal herself twice each round (1. before casting her mystery, 2. right after your first ninja attacked a.k.a Neji).
Round 1 : Same with Shizune's round, all you need to do is wait for her to cast her mystery, wait for her to heal herself (again) after Neji attacked, then proceed right away by casting Kakashi's mystery to start a combo.
Round 2 : Karin will not heal if you prevent her using her mystery, so you need to make sure to hit her with Neji's mystery. then proceed right away with casting Sai's mystery, Karin should be dead.

Stage 4 : Jiraiya
On this stage, Jiraiya will increase his resistance and defense everytime you hit him, so this is where the Poison Tai comes in handy.
Round 1 : This stage is pretty easy, you can cast any mysteries you want and make sure to heal up all of your ninjas so that they won't die because of ignition.
Round 2 : Jiraiya should be half hp on this round, just make sure you cancel his mystery by either Neji's or Sai's (i prefer using Sai's mystery only and save Neji's mystery for Hanzo's stage so that i can Auto on that stage). Jiraiya should be dead on the next Round.

Stage 5 : Hanzo
If you use Neji's mystery to cancel Jiraiya's mystery on the previous stage, then I dont recommend you to go Auto on this round, but if you use Sai's mystery to cancel Jiraiya's mystery, the you're good to go. (please note that Hanzo will cast his mystery on round 3, so you have to make sure to have Neji's mystery to cancel it).

I think that's enough, Thankyou!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-24 21:32:15Show this Author Only
Nice guide!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-24 22:49:24Show this Author Only
I prefer to use common Sai, because he can full up board with dogs.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-25 00:07:05Show this Author Only
yeah, people usually chooses sasuke for kakashi and normal sai for gnw sai because it's easier to take the right timing with them and to let the puppets appear when you want, but this setup indeed works.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-25 00:24:48Show this Author Only
Is Goose Wood absolutely imperative, because I have everything else otherwise.
Quicky Post

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