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[ Player Guide ] POWER UP Guide - For new players for higher power (F2P friendly)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 135
On 2017-02-04 15:26:37Show All Posts
I think you have no idea what you are talking about.

Here are some things for you :)

Combos: "So well, you don't want your ninjas to be unbalanced in magatamas, that DOES affect your combo streak especially if they all are initiators of some combos."

Magatamas have nothing to do with your combos !!! your combos come from the combo rate your characters have, and if you are talking about the Chases with combos... what wont get influenced in any way as well from magatamas.

Refinements: Those actualy increase your stats, so you have to think about what character you should use the highest refines on in your current linup. That won´t always be the main ! and you can just swap the gear that is refined from one character to another if you what the refined gear on a different one

Group skills and strengthens : yes Upgrading your groupskills is at some points worth more than strengthening your equipment. What is worth to upgrade there are "Life Gains" Attack Gains" Ninjutsu Gains" Defense Gains" and "Resistance Gains" Those give you the most power, after upgrading them it is worth getting your equipment strengthens higher since you will gain more power from that.
the Other 4 Group Skills, you can much ignore till you are at higher lvl you can start getting them up when your strenghtens hit lvl 70 or above ( coins power power ratio )

Summons Upgrading the runes is very important that is true. but you dont need as many summons as possible, get all purple summons and after that try to put in the Strongest summons you have on your 3 "spots", with keeping one For the summon you need for the linuup for example, if you need white snake for your chases to work out you should put in 2 "golden" summons and White snake cause this way you will get the most power from it.

Cupons :you do not what to spend them entirely on BA stuff, you what to spend them on what is most important for you. o and never spend on Cloth!!!
Than can be Refines, Purifyes, Threads, or it can even be better to spend it on events for eample .. if you what to buy medium refines, buy stuff for an event where you will get the refines "cheaper" ( sometimes) and will even get suff extra.

The rest of your post was fine. have a nice day :)
This post was last edited by mayuri kurotsuchi at 2017-2-4 15:31
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