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[ Player Guide ] POWER UP Guide - For new players for higher power (F2P friendly)


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On 2017-02-04 14:41:55Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello everyone. So lately I have been working about my power and making it higher.
So here, I have a few tips I have learnt, a few shared by friends, that I would further share with all new players and anyone who needs it :loveliness:

So being a beginner (or even when you're lvelling up) your first bet is on obtaining magatamas and strengthening and upgrading equipment and refining.
So well, you don't want your ninjas to be unbalanced in magatamas.
You want to distribute the life, attack, defense, ninjutsu and resistance equally, which is, put two magatamas of the "same" level in each of your Main team ninjas and keep upgrading them to higher levels, so for example your main character has a life magatama of level 5, then your other ninja should ALSO have a life magatama of level 5. :D One really good way for getting magatamas is doing your Ninja exams till your best limit, and sweeping it everyday. It really helps.

Now for refining, it does take some time for getting those refine runes, and the same rule applies here, try to refine your ninjas on So choose which characters you want to use the refines on depending on your team.

As for equipment strengthening, it's extremely convenient in the beginner levels like upto like Level 40. But after that it slowly starts becoming tougher as the prices keep increasing. But after level 55, the equipment strengthening hardly will increase your power by few points. So it's better to donate to your group in large numbers so you get contribution points to upgrade your Group Skills.
Equipment upgrading also increases quite much power! Do not skip this part at all, although it does take time.
But if you can manage strengthening as well as Group Skill upgrading alot then go for it! :P

Now next comes, Coupons. You want to spend coupons on buying (threads/refines and stuff) and please don't waste them on events which have less chances on giving you stuff that will help you in getting more power. But high-return events like Lucky Board are a sure shot to go for. :D

Now moving onto Group Skills, you must upgrade all skills equally. They're a GREAT way to considerably increase power. You should focus on Life Gains, Attack Gains, Ninjutsu Gains, Defense Gains and Resistance Gains as they give you most power. You can concentrate on the others later if you want to or how you like it :) You can max out the skills one by one.

As well as Mood Scrolls, they're also obtainable during events so they'll boost up your power. Setting your mood and strengthening it depends on the strong factors of your ninjas (which can be seen under the mood section of the ninja) and your talents for example if you are the healer in your group, you would wanna work on strengthening the "+" on your ninjutsu rather than attack. (Although I personally go for CC ^^) :) Also, strengthen your main character to max first because you wouldn't have to worry when you're switching ninjas. Keep strenghtnening.
Next thing you'd wanna focus on is Cultivation. You need to FULLY cultivate your ninjas (mainly your main team) and the ninjas that you need in your ranked battles and survival trial. It's going to get tougher to fully cultivate as your level rises, but it's a very essential part of power. You need to awaken your ninjas to the max. (Don't waste stamina on unwanted instances, do only the instances you need the stuff needed from and your storyline)

Next you have Summons , go for the summons that you want, and put in your 3 most strongest ones and do not forget to imbed the runes into them. They're a nice way to get power.

Next are the Ninja Tools you will get from Team Instances. The attritubutes of the tools matter a lot, so choose your tools carefully, the higher your power and the level of the team instance, the better are the rewards :) Also, in Survival Trial if you're going to die, or one of your important ninjas are about to die, just retreat. Sometimes all it takes is correctly timing your moves, the combos and the elements you are dealing with. :loveliness:

That's all I can come up with for now. Do tell me if this helps you :) Doesn't hurt to share whatever knowledge we all have lol. So put in any more suggestions if you have 'em! ;P

This post was last edited by Rin♡ at 2017-2-4 14:41 This post was last edited by Rin♡ at 2017-2-4 15:55
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-04 15:06:11Show this Author Only
This is good overall, but there's a couple things that are incorrect:

Firstly, having unbalanced magatamas has literally 0 effect on combo streaks. In fact, the only things that affect a combo chain are if you have the correct chases in or paralysis (and death). You are correct that they should be reasonably balanced though.

Secondly, using coupons to buy cloths is one of the worst pieces of advice you can give. The game literally throws so many at you, just be patient and you'll get significantly more value out of your coupons. Buying threads falls under a similar category, although I understand if you buy med threads. In fact, depending on the event, spending coupons on events is the BEST idea. Take lucky dice, a new F2P player should 1000% spend their coupons there since there's so much value in that event.
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On 2017-02-04 15:06:56Show this Author Only
Nice article, keep up the good work. :)

Just add new cave rune stones.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-04 15:18:16Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-02-04 15:06:11
  • This is good overall, but there's a couple things that are incorrect:

    Firstly, having unbalanced magatamas has literally 0 effect on combo streaks. In fact, the only things that affect a combo chain are if you have the correct chases in or paralysis (and death). You are correct that they should be reasonably balanced though.

    Secondly, using coupons to buy cloths is one of the worst pieces of advice you can give. The game literally throws so many at you, just be patient and you'll get significantly more value out of your coupons. Buying threads falls under a similar category, although I understand if you buy med threads. In fact, depending on the event, spending coupons on events is the BEST idea. Take lucky dice, a new F2P player should 1000% spend their coupons there since there's so much value in that event.
xD Appreciate it. Yeah, the common thread part does make thread, SA's are the best for that though, or maybe I should specify that medium thread is a better option to go for? And yeah, The Lucky Board event is a really good one, I would totally go for that, but a few of them really didn't do any good when done with coupons, so yeah, I'd say go for the ones that have a good chance of giving great stuff like Lucky Board.
Thanks for the corrections. :loveliness:
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On 2017-02-04 15:20:56Show this Author Only
  • Blaz On 2017-02-04 15:06:56
  • Nice article, keep up the good work. :)

    Just add new cave rune stones.
Thanks! xD And oh, right, I forgot the cave rune stones lol :3
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-04 15:26:15Show this Author Only
  • Rin♡ On 2017-02-04 15:18:16
  • xD Appreciate it. Yeah, the common thread part does make thread, SA's are the best for that though, or maybe I should specify that medium thread is a better option to go for? And yeah, The Lucky Board event is a really good one, I would totally go for that, but a few of them really didn't do any good when done with coupons, so yeah, I'd say go for the ones that have a good chance of giving great stuff like Lucky Board.
    Thanks for the corrections. :loveliness:
Medium refines would be better choice than medium threads as now SA gives medium threads, treasure hunt and monthly event too and attending GNW always are good source of getting group coins to get Medium refines for free.

Tactics page (Ghost) are good to invest coupons in, i remember when i upgraded it to level 3 in less than 500 coupons.
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On 2017-02-04 15:26:37Show this Author Only
I think you have no idea what you are talking about.

Here are some things for you :)

Combos: "So well, you don't want your ninjas to be unbalanced in magatamas, that DOES affect your combo streak especially if they all are initiators of some combos."

Magatamas have nothing to do with your combos !!! your combos come from the combo rate your characters have, and if you are talking about the Chases with combos... what wont get influenced in any way as well from magatamas.

Refinements: Those actualy increase your stats, so you have to think about what character you should use the highest refines on in your current linup. That won´t always be the main ! and you can just swap the gear that is refined from one character to another if you what the refined gear on a different one

Group skills and strengthens : yes Upgrading your groupskills is at some points worth more than strengthening your equipment. What is worth to upgrade there are "Life Gains" Attack Gains" Ninjutsu Gains" Defense Gains" and "Resistance Gains" Those give you the most power, after upgrading them it is worth getting your equipment strengthens higher since you will gain more power from that.
the Other 4 Group Skills, you can much ignore till you are at higher lvl you can start getting them up when your strenghtens hit lvl 70 or above ( coins power power ratio )

Summons Upgrading the runes is very important that is true. but you dont need as many summons as possible, get all purple summons and after that try to put in the Strongest summons you have on your 3 "spots", with keeping one For the summon you need for the linuup for example, if you need white snake for your chases to work out you should put in 2 "golden" summons and White snake cause this way you will get the most power from it.

Cupons :you do not what to spend them entirely on BA stuff, you what to spend them on what is most important for you. o and never spend on Cloth!!!
Than can be Refines, Purifyes, Threads, or it can even be better to spend it on events for eample .. if you what to buy medium refines, buy stuff for an event where you will get the refines "cheaper" ( sometimes) and will even get suff extra.

The rest of your post was fine. have a nice day :)
This post was last edited by mayuri kurotsuchi at 2017-2-4 15:31
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On 2017-02-04 15:29:09Show this Author Only
Its a good idea for sure, however you have quite alot of things that need to be fixed as it is incorrect. For example magatamas have nothing to do with combo or as you call it "combostreak". They affect base stats only.

As for spending coupons, the most efficent way is always low cost high return events like for example lucky board. Now as a general rule of thumb i like saying you should always spend for what you personally want. It could be ninjas or anything regarding power. But you should never let someone else tell you what to spend for as only you can know how you want to play and what you want.

As for group skills upgrading them all equally is a great idea for sure! However you should try focusing on getting them up to the max of your group one by one before just distributing across the board equally.

As for mood its usually dependant on the growth values what gives you the highest return. This can be easily checked by having them in your team and clicking details under character.

Keeping everything equally upgraded is a good way for sure, however keeping mood's etc maxed on every ninja is very costly especially considering you will probably switch out ninjas frequently when you want to use new teams or get a new ninja you like. My personal recommendation is maxing the mood on main first and foremost and not going above 25% on any ninja you are not planning on using for a while.

As for summons you imbed the runes into the actual slots not the summons, as you can switch out the summons and the runes are still there increasing power. (all 3 of the summon slots can have runes in them and they will all increase power).

Well done nonetheless and i hope to see you update this /Achroma
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On 2017-02-04 15:32:13Show this Author Only
  • Achroma On 2017-02-04 15:29:09
  • Its a good idea for sure, however you have quite alot of things that need to be fixed as it is incorrect. For example magatamas have nothing to do with combo or as you call it "combostreak". They affect base stats only.

    As for spending coupons, the most efficent way is always low cost high return events like for example lucky board. Now as a general rule of thumb i like saying you should always spend for what you personally want. It could be ninjas or anything regarding power. But you should never let someone else tell you what to spend for as only you can know how you want to play and what you want.

    As for group skills upgrading them all equally is a great idea for sure! However you should try focusing on getting them up to the max of your group one by one before just distributing across the board equally.

    As for mood its usually dependant on the growth values what gives you the highest return. This can be easily checked by having them in your team and clicking details under character.

    Keeping everything equally upgraded is a good way for sure, however keeping mood's etc maxed on every ninja is very costly especially considering you will probably switch out ninjas frequently when you want to use new teams or get a new ninja you like. My personal recommendation is maxing the mood on main first and foremost and not going above 25% on any ninja you are not planning on using for a while.

    As for summons you imbed the runes into the actual slots not the summons, as you can switch out the summons and the runes are still there increasing power. (all 3 of the summon slots can have runes in them and they will all increase power).

    Well done nonetheless and i hope to see you update this /Achroma
Sure, I will. :) Thanks for the help Achroma ^^
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On 2017-02-04 21:59:29Show this Author Only
Don't know if is a good idea, but in the start I always try to get lvl up all the equipments of 2 characters to lvl 4 refines first, with that you get better results having high initiative on your initiators on positions 1 and 2, then having those refines spread to all ninjas
Quicky Post

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