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[ Player Guide ] Changes in Talents in Version 2.0 - Detailed Version


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On 2017-01-06 00:38:03Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Naruto Online Changes in Talents in Version 2.0 - Detailed Version New Talents of the 5 Main CharactersAll main characters have now a fourth new column of Talents to choose from!

Midnight BladeIaido – Instantaneous Flash: Causes damage to a selected unit, the selected unit will suffer from and . If you have a minimum of 50 Chakra points, this unit's skill will not consume Chakra and will not suffer from Cooling Time.Calm Mind: Recovers Life based on 10% of this unit's Ninjutsu base attribute, also, your team will receive 20 Chakra points.Moon Cutting Flash: unit, causes .Hearth Flux: When you have a minimum of 40 Chakra points, for each extra Chakra points over the 40 Chakra points you have, your unit will increase its Attack by 2%.Arena Prowess: Every time one of your team's unit is defeated, this unit's Ninjutsu and Attack will be increased by 20%.
Azure FangSkewering: Causes Water attribute damage to a selected unit, will cancel the Shield and on the selected unit, will also cause this unit to suffer from .Monster Strength: Attacks the opponent’s units in the front row and has a high chance of causing . Will also cause damage to this unit and the opponent’s units in the front row based on this unit’s maximum Life points.Water Style – Water Trumpet: , damages 2 of the opponent's units and causes .Reserve Seal: Every time this unit suffers an attack, this unit will recover 2% of its Life points and this unit’s Attack will be increased by 8%.Curse Mark Test: If there is 1 Curse Mark type ninja in your team, this unit will have his Ninjutsu and Attack increased by 20%.
Scarlet BlazeIllusion – Mirroring Vision: Generates a Shield based on 20% of the unit's Resistance base attribute on a selected unit, will also cancel all on the selected unit. Moreover, the selected unit will be immune to all for 1 round.Fire Style: Bomb Blast Dance: Attacks 4 of the opponent's units and has a fixed chance of causing .Fire Style – Burning Ash: unit, causes and .Ninjutsu Urge: If your Main Character is in the field, your entire field will have its Ninjutsu increased by 15%, also, when the units in your field use a Ninjutsu attribute attack, they will heal themselves in 10%.Unparalleled: If this unit’s Mystery skill defeats an opponent’s unit, its Mystery skill’s Cooling Time will be reset to 0. The damage caused by this unit to Clones, Puppets and Summons will increase by 50%.
Breeze DancerSage Art: Wind Style – Sand Dust: Causes Wind damage to up to 3 units of the opponent’s Lineup and will also cause . Furthermore, it will cancel the affected unit’s , and Shields.Sage Art – Rasengan Barrage: Attacks the opponent’s units in the front row and has a high chance of causing .Combo Blade of Wind: unit, causes .Chakra Coordination: If your Main Character is in the field, when your team recovers Chakra, the units who recover Chakra will give 7% of this unit's Life back.Natural Draining: Every time this unit triggers a Chase skill, your team will receive 15 Chakra points.
Crimson FistChakra Wall: Generates a Shield based on 50% of the unit’s Resistance base attribute on a selected unit, will also receive 40 Chakra points.Earth Style – Fissure: Attacks the opponent’s units in the front row and has a fixed chance of causing .Wood Style – Edged Rafter: unit, causes .Wood Style – Universe: When this unit has a Shield, its Standard attack will be substituted by the following: “Causes Earth and Water attributes damage to the opponent’s units in the front row and causes and .Defense Knowledge: When this unit is in the field, your team’s units will have their Resistance increased by 60% and Defense increased by 20%. Changes in the Talents of the 5 Main Characters
Midnight BladeThe following Talents suffered changes: 1. Lightning ArmorBefore: When used, become immune to all during the round, launch 3 standard attacks and increase Critical Hit rate.
Current: When used, this unit will cancel all its and will launch 3 Standard attacks this round, simultaneously, this skill will increase ninja’s Critical Hit Rate by 15%, lasts for 1 round.
2. Chidori Sharp SpearBefore: enemy and cause with and .Current: unit, causes and and .3. Anbu Special Assault TacticsBefore: When the main character is present, increase the Taijutsu damage to ninjas from your own field and Heal yourself of a certain percentage of damage when taking a Taijutsu attack.Current: If your Main Character is in the field, your entire field will have its Attack increased by 25%, also, when the units in your field use a Taijutsu attribute attack, they will heal themselves in 25%.4. Root of WarriorBefore: At the beginning of a combat, cause debuffs to at most 3 sword-bearing ninjas from your team and increase attack by 20% for 2 rounds.Current: At the beginning of a battle, up to 3 Sword-User type ninjas will become Immune and their Resistance will be increased by 100%, lasts for 2 rounds.
Azure FangThe following Talents suffered changes:1. Taijutsu AttackBefore: Attack front enemy, with a probability of creating triple combo and . The skill has a critical bonus.Current: Attacks the opponent’s units in the front row with a fixed chance to cause which will cause and .2. Water Style - Super Shark BombBefore: Cause a lot of Ninjutsu damage to at most 4 enemy units and causes to the selected enemy.Current: Causes Ninjutsu damage to up to 4 of the opponent’s units, moreover, the selected unit will suffer from . This skill has a high probability of Critical Hit.3. Regenerative Healing JutsuBefore: Recover the Life of your own team based your own Ninjutsu and cancel all .Current: Recovers 25% of Life for the units in your field based on the unit’s Ninjutsu base attribute, also cures all .4. NeurotoxinBefore: Cause to an attacker from the enemy's lineup who launches you a Critical Attack, lasts for 1 round.Current: When this unit causes a Critical Hit, the unit who received the Critical Hit will suffer from , lasts for 1 round.5. Soul AbsorptionBefore: Recover 20 chakra points and 10% of Life every time a unit dies.Current: Recovers 10 Chakra points and 10% of your Life every time a unit dies. Can be triggered up to 6 times each round.
Scarlet BlazeThe following Talents suffered changes:1. Fire Style - Dragon Flame JutsuBefore: Cause substantial ninjutsu damage to up to 7 enemy bodies, with to selected enemy. Substantially increase damage to clones, puppets and Summons.After using for 2 rounds, it will start to cool off for 4 rounds.Current: Causes Ninjutsu damage to up to 7 of the opponent’s units in the field, moreover, the selected unit will suffer from .2. Fire Style - Flame JutsuBefore: Attack all the front enemies and has a chance of .Current: Attacks the opponent’s units in the front row with a high chance to cause . This skill can not be evaded.3. Phoenix Fire – ChaseBefore: , attack at random 2 enemy units with .Current: , cause Fire attribute damage to 2 of the opponent’s units and .4. Red Lotus SecretBefore: Increase ninjutsu and attack by 40% of up to 3 Kekkei Genkai ninjas from your own team for 5 rounds.Current: At the beginning of a battle, increases the Ninjutsu and Combo Rate of all Secret Techniques attribute units in your field by 40%, lasts for 3 rounds.5. Genjutsu – Mirror ReturnBefore: Transfer to the enemy the first received by your own unit each round; significantly increases the damage to the enemy targets under .Current: The first causes to one of your units during each round will be transferred to your opponent’s unit.6. Bani ChakraBefore: Before the action of each round, cause to one enemy at random and disperse the Buffs on the target.Current: Before each action in a round, recover 20 Chakra points and a small quantity of Life.7. Death MirageBefore: Before each action, cancel one to up to 2 units from your own entire team at random, and recover 10 chakra points for every hit unitCurrent: Before each action in a round, reduces the Resistance of all units in the opponent’s field.
Crimson FistThe “Unyielding” skill was removed and substituted with the “Guidance” skill.Unyielding: “Resurrect immediately after dying and recover 50% of Life. Triggered once at most each round.”Guidance: “When this unit is in the field, every Male ninja in your team will have their Combo Rate increased by 40%.” The following Talents suffered changes:1. Earth Style - Super Stone Fist JutsuBefore: Cause ninjutsu and taijutsu damage with to up to 4 target enemy bodies and apply a shield based on your resistance.Current: Causes Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage to up to 4 units of the opponent’s field, cause a selected unit to suffer from . Moreover, generates a Shield for this unit based on 50% of the unit’s Resistance base attribute.2. Konoha HurricaneBefore: Attack all front rank enemies, with a probability of creating .Current: Attacks a maximum of 3 units of the opponent’s units in the front row and also causes .3. Earth Style - Petrifying JutsuBefore: Apply a shield based on your own resistance on the 2 units with the least life on your team.Current: Generates a Shield to up to 2 units from your team with the least Life, based on 20% of the unit’s Resistance base attribute.4. Bottom ForceBefore: Significantly increa se Defense and immunity to all damage received in the first round.Current: When damage is suffered, this unit will have its Attack increased by 7% and Defense increased by 4%.5. Pose of DuelBefore: Significantly increase ninjutsu attack and attributes for all ninjas with 50% blood or more from your own team.Current: All of the units from your team who still have their Life points full, will have their Ninjutsu and Attack attributes significantly increased.6. Steel BodyBefore: Before the action each round, double the Critical Hit of one team member at random and provide one extra Standard attack (cannot be stacked up with the effects of other Standard attacks).Current: Immune to , , and Debuffs. Will also have his Defense increased by 100%.
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On 2017-01-06 00:44:29Show this Author Only
Those Flower Guard changes. Oh well, at least it isn't so bad. I'll just have to adjust.
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On 2017-01-06 00:46:16Show this Author Only
Hope you guys enjoy all the details! Make good use of them!:lol
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On 2017-01-06 00:52:59Show this Author Only
Awesome! I cannot wait for future updates!
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On 2017-01-06 00:54:45Show this Author Only
  • LadyBang On 2017-01-06 00:44:29
  • Those Flower Guard changes. Oh well, at least it isn't so bad. I'll just have to adjust.
no longer need a healer for empress build... well... mostly.... paralysis on main is still a thing.
I'm adding a second initiator in the form of mei myself, keeping kurenai and hinata (is paralysis+acupuncture too much XD, well at least they can't remove both easily now), the GR cd reduction will allow further skill chains. Those are nice empress build buffs.

unfortunately, wind 9 tails have been nerfed due to wind dance change.... will have to rework that one...

Super *y is.... odd.... never really used it much before, but seems to be potentially broken in ninja exam, gonna have to try it out....
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On 2017-01-06 01:08:39Show this Author Only
I'm kind of confused as to why Earth is the only main that didn't receive all their changes.

Guidance is also supposed to increase attack.
Super Stone Fist Jutsu is supposed to generate a shield on all of your units.

Welcome to earth being weakest main in 2.0.
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On 2017-01-06 03:06:53Show this Author Only
looks like Water, wind and lightning mains are the real winners of this update - in roughly that order.
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On 2017-01-06 03:41:02Show this Author Only
OK, so Fire and Earth got nerfed, and Wind ad Water got a (mega) boost.

And yet, here I am, sighing as a lighting main. Well, at least RoW is better, and we get to cancel debuffs on main now.
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On 2017-01-06 03:54:34Show this Author Only
Earth is pretty useless now. Time for everyone to go Fire! ;o
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On 2017-01-06 03:59:06Show this Author Only
  • Luminai On 2017-01-06 01:08:39
  • I'm kind of confused as to why Earth is the only main that didn't receive all their changes.

    Guidance is also supposed to increase attack.
    Super Stone Fist Jutsu is supposed to generate a shield on all of your units.

    Welcome to earth being weakest main in 2.0.
Wasnt it enough for that class to dominate all the others for like 6 months or so? Now its time for him to get shrekt by all others!
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On 2017-01-06 04:23:19Show this Author Only
Are you mistaking Fire main with Earth main?

Fire dominated PvP up until 2.0.

The only thing that makes earth even REMOTELY op is Super Armor, and the pay off for Super Armor is earth deals the least amount of damage of all mains.
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On 2017-01-06 04:56:30Show this Author Only
I think its hard to have a constructive idea with this update. Dev team went really over with this.
I feel like Fire and Earth were the selected pinatas in some private nerf fest. (altough i always considered fire and earth to have stuff to be nerfed, this...). I feel demotivated since i dont have much chars to play around and feeling that i need to change main main. In terms of damage output, fire mistery got really bad. Sage battles went for too much time.
I really want to read others opinions at this point because i don't know if skills are bugged or not.
Great update in some parts, worst in others.
Overall, too much changed to be called an update.
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On 2017-01-06 06:01:25Show this Author Only
I just feel some of the skill changes were not really planned well or thought well enough.

I am curious to see the people's reaction.
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On 2017-01-06 06:05:48Show this Author Only
the skills changes were directly from chinese server
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On 2017-01-06 07:07:22Show this Author Only
  • Goddess Chii On 2017-01-06 06:05:48
  • the skills changes were directly from chinese server
Then why is it Earth doesn't have attack boost on Guidance? Like it should.
Or Super Stone Fist give shield to entire team? Like it should.
Or Super Lightened Boulder remove all debuffs on team? Like it should.

They might as well just removed Earth main from the game - because they * now.
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On 2017-01-06 07:34:55Show this Author Only
Yes there are still missing some changes. Breeze Dancers also didn't get the double rasengan chase, and the last talent is also supposed to increase Ninjitsu when you chase, not only chakra. The changes will likely be incremental.
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On 2017-01-06 08:43:48Show this Author Only
My guess is, chinese is in the "2.5 update" (not exactly 2.5, but you get the point), and we got only the 2.0 for now, probably those other changes didn't came with the 2.0 update, they were added after.
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On 2017-01-06 09:39:18Show this Author Only
I miss immobile on my neurotoxin.
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On 2017-01-06 10:01:16Show this Author Only
  • Hinu Hyuga On 2017-01-06 09:39:18
  • I miss immobile on my neurotoxin.
U have Chaos n its better.
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On 2017-01-06 11:53:01Show this Author Only
I went from #2 strongest on my server with only the #1 being able to beat me and that was with a lot left up to chance at lvl 53. To now I'm the weakest in the top 5 and the only reason I still beat #3-4 is because of raw power and now a lot of luck is involved...
I didn't even get to the lvl 55+ Earth that is actually good...

RIP Earth, you will be missed.
Quicky Post

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