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[ Strategy Share ] Surival trial difficulty


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On 2016-08-05 02:25:16Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I don't get the point of making the last, 12th node impossible to beat. Ok, i'm overexaggerating, but 99% impossible. I really don't see the sense of making the last team +2 or +3 (it's an exponentially HUGE difference) which do only one thing - obliterate your whole 12man team.

Yes, i managed to complete it few times. And never again. 45vs48...nah...doesn't quite go.

I'm attacking for 90dmg, enemy is attacking for 500dmg. My 2.8k hp gaara is dead in 1st turn. Without combos. Without special attacks. Pure melee hits.

Not to mention that the last node is made up from impossible-unless-pay teams which devastate your toons even before the fight has even started.

I'm kinda starting to think that you have something in common with SW:GoH developers.

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On 2016-08-05 02:43:32Show this Author Only
I just beat lv 12 on my alt today. the stuff you get after in breakthrough looks good. she just needs a better third team to keep my two stronger ones watching and not dying a bit longer.
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On 2016-08-05 02:54:28Show this Author Only
Totally agree with you here, I beat the 12th stage a few times early on. But lately ZERO chance.

The way it SHOULD be is that the 12th stage is a match that is EQUAL to your level. Not 2-3 levels higher, I'm lv 56 and going versus a 58 is a MASSIVE difference.
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On 2016-08-05 03:17:26Show this Author Only
if meet pay player at last round i never can win
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On 2016-08-05 03:34:12Show this Author Only
the 12th stage is hard, but heres how i get through usually.
I start the day off going as far as I can,if things start looking bad, i retreat. I spend the rest of the day finishing dailies and other quests to potentially level up or upgrade equips etc. Eventually when there's nothing left to do, im probably a bit strong. and i will make an attempt at clearing what i have left.

I get what you're saying about the power difference. However, a good team that's lower powered CAN beat a higher powered team running in auto.

im sitting at 8.4k power, and i've beaten many players that are a lot more powerful than me. Im talking maybe 10 or 11k power. They're on auto, they will always attack a specific way, use that to your advantage.

My team has won against players more powerful than them since i formed it. at 6.8k power i was beating some 8ks. At 7.5k power i was beating 9.2k. Recently i hit 8.4k and i managed to beat 11.5k power.
Group Convoy, Ranked, Plunders. I've beaten more powerful opponents in all of them. All at least 1k power more than me. It's not easy, but i've won at least 50% of them
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On 2016-08-05 03:48:42Show this Author Only
yeah its impossible to beat 12 without a plan, but they are on auto, just manually beat them trust me its very easy to beat im sitting at 11k power atm and i face big 13k and 14k players but i manage to get around them but even for me its a 50/50
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On 2016-08-05 06:39:10Show this Author Only
The reason why lvl 12 is made to be very difficult is that you may get seal scrolls from it, and also a higher probability of getting a 3 star ninja, along with the fact that if you pass all 12 lvls, you'll be able to sweep up to lvl 9, leaving you with only 3 lvls that you need to clear.

I suggest you to save at least two full teams with full health for the last lvl,
if you see your team has almost been completely defeated, you c*ways retreat and try again with full health. Especially for the last 1 or 2, you may need to try a few times, so please don't use auto.

Another thing is, you should choose your ninjas for each round with reference to the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent, such that having a medic on your team when facing a team w/ conditions and controls, hinata or neji when you are facing a lightning etc.

This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-5 06:40
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On 2016-08-05 07:27:00Show this Author Only
if you wanna win survival.. you need to PLAY.. you auto.. you lose..
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On 2016-08-05 10:25:03Show this Author Only
  • moumin On 2016-08-05 06:39:10
  • The reason why lvl 12 is made to be very difficult is that you may get seal scrolls from it, and also a higher probability of getting a 3 star ninja, along with the fact that if you pass all 12 lvls, you'll be able to sweep up to lvl 9, leaving you with only 3 lvls that you need to clear.

    I suggest you to save at least two full teams with full health for the last lvl,
    if you see your team has almost been completely defeated, you c*ways retreat and try again with full health. Especially for the last 1 or 2, you may need to try a few times, so please don't use auto.

    Another thing is, you should choose your ninjas for each round with reference to the strengths and weaknesses of your opponent, such that having a medic on your team when facing a team w/ conditions and controls, hinata or neji when you are facing a lightning etc.

    This post was last edited by moumin at 2016-8-5 06:40
i cleared all 12 stages but are only allowed to sweep the first 3 levels, how do u make ir to 9
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On 2016-08-05 10:33:28Show this Author Only
Also as what everyone said, play manually will giv u easy clear. For each level, its not enough just to win, but importantly get the win with highest hp left. For this u may need to try many times (rng factor of initiating ombos/evading attack). This set u to easier clear of the few final stages. Most of the time i get to the final stages with full team alive.
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On 2016-08-05 11:55:39Show this Author Only
  • lingcj92@gmail. On 2016-08-05 10:25:03
  • i cleared all 12 stages but are only allowed to sweep the first 3 levels, how do u make ir to 9
0.0 oh i don't know, don't really remember http://4.bp.blo*.com/-v7z_C2JrYEQ/UZVbDcOolMI/AAAAAAAAD9I/uyFIcKesiI4/s1600/emoticon-crying-tears-of-joy.png
maybe you'll be able to at a higher level,
later 9 will the the last level that you're allowed to sweep
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On 2016-08-05 12:23:32Show this Author Only
Level 12 gave me 80 shards of Kurenai. The rewards are possibly much higher for clearing all 12 levels. You do realize you can challenge that same team multiple times even if you wipe right? That person's team won't heal up. Plus you can reset multiple times without the damage being saved to your team as long as you retreat before your entire team wipes
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On 2016-08-05 14:27:53Show this Author Only
I do not know for other classes but as Earth Main Kabuto, Kurenai, and Kakashi team allows me to beat all 12 survival rounds, and than the treasure room rounds.
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On 2016-08-05 14:31:45Show this Author Only
yea it really depends on the team of the last guy.

Ive sadly gotten an earth main with Iruka guy and tenten/neji...and its beyond lethal. If the level difference werent 2-3 Id stand some kinda chance, but he chews through all 12 of my 53 guys like a hot knife through *er. On the other hand if I dont get...well ill be honest an Iruka synergy team, its rather easy.

Just depends on your draw for the last guy

Though that could just be How OP iruka is at this stage in the game....
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On 2016-08-05 15:13:00Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-05 14:31:45
  • yea it really depends on the team of the last guy.

    Ive sadly gotten an earth main with Iruka guy and tenten/neji...and its beyond lethal. If the level difference werent 2-3 Id stand some kinda chance, but he chews through all 12 of my 53 guys like a hot knife through *er. On the other hand if I dont get...well ill be honest an Iruka synergy team, its rather easy.

    Just depends on your draw for the last guy

    Though that could just be How OP iruka is at this stage in the game....
Sorry if that was me...I use that team to clear things fast in PVE.
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On 2016-08-05 15:18:22Show this Author Only
  • Tezu On 2016-08-05 15:13:00
  • Sorry if that was me...I use that team to clear things fast in PVE.
If its server 3 than yea its you :v

Not angry or nuttin, just saying that the last team can REALLY determine your win/loss rate towards the last fight.

Ill have a full empress team in a day or two, the passive buffs etc should let me power through that.
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On 2016-08-06 14:21:35Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-05 15:18:22
  • If its server 3 than yea its you :v

    Not angry or nuttin, just saying that the last team can REALLY determine your win/loss rate towards the last fight.

    Ill have a full empress team in a day or two, the passive buffs etc should let me power through that.
Whew not me I am on server 2.
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On 2016-08-09 18:32:04Show this Author Only
Today i was lvl 51. Went thru the trial, only to see the 12th node lvl 55 opponent.

2.5k pwr difference.

I managed to lvl up to 53. now it's 1.8k pwr difference. And they are still wiping the floor with me. My A team did maybe 1k dmg in total, and i managed barely to retreat before being totally obliterated.

I still don't see sense in this "make-it-impossible-to-pass" thingie. And it will be even more imbalanced with higher levels.
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On 2016-08-09 19:24:03Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-08-05 15:18:22
  • If its server 3 than yea its you :v

    Not angry or nuttin, just saying that the last team can REALLY determine your win/loss rate towards the last fight.

    Ill have a full empress team in a day or two, the passive buffs etc should let me power through that.
Wut's an "empress team" ??
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On 2016-08-09 21:13:42Show this Author Only
I don't understand how you're stating it's 99% impossible to beat #12. You just gotta use the right ninjas (doesn't even have to be rare ones or anything), since you can counter everything. on #12 it's usual to kill the ninja which is the most threat with your 3rd/2nd team then go all out with your main
Only lost one #12 so far, but that was only because I was playing * as hell
Quicky Post

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