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[ Events ] BIG NEWS!SasukePB and ShikamaruM-O will not be released anymore???!!


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On 2016-12-09 23:00:26Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2016-12-09 22:48:22
  • It is possible that we may not be able to release Playboy Sasuke or Shikamaru (Make-out Paradise) ever again. But as I said, it is not confirmed yet. We don't know what will happen. We don't want to lie to you but we also want you to know the truth. That's all I can say at the moment.

    There is possibility that we won't be able to release or put Playboy Sasuke Shikamaru (Make-out Paradise) in events. This might be your last chance to get these ninjas.
I know you said that you cant provide anymore info than the possibility of them not returning for events. But I'm curious as to if the reason is their character names? I know NA is extremely nit picky about these things
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On 2016-12-09 23:04:11Show this Author Only
What about those new server open ?
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On 2016-12-09 23:16:15Show this Author Only
Disaster I'm 2 fragments of getting shikamaru
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On 2016-12-09 23:47:08Show this Author Only
I know what you did there devs :lol
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On 2016-12-10 00:08:08Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-09 23:47:08
  • I know what you did there devs :lol
Enlighten the rest of us then.
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On 2016-12-10 02:45:33Show this Author Only
  • XanderCade On 2016-12-10 00:08:08
  • Enlighten the rest of us then.
I think he's saying that the devs are trying to get more people to spend on them. Sasuke is about 3k ingots and I feel like Shikamaru has a low pull rate on the wheel. That since we have Kages now, it might be 3 or 4 months or even longer before they're back. I personally think it's their names. Odd coincidence that (Playboy) and (Make-Out) are no longer going to be sold. NA is always is strict on what is in these games. I don't know if people are familiar with league but they took Graves cigar away which was his identifier aside from the shotgun he wields because they believed it promoted drug use among other things. Its always the little things.
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On 2016-12-10 02:50:02Show this Author Only
I would love to have PB Sasuke but i wont be getting him for a while :'(
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On 2016-12-10 02:52:27Show this Author Only
I feel like this should be announced for player clarity.
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On 2016-12-10 02:58:07Show this Author Only
  • heyMayhem On 2016-12-10 02:52:27
  • I feel like this should be announced for player clarity.
Yes we shouldnt find out about this from a 3rd party really.
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On 2016-12-10 02:58:56Show this Author Only
I doubt its name problem, if it wos name problem they could simply rename him. I hope he comes back in few months or i will just sit at 50frags, if wont come back ever could they ofer us redemption for frags we have becouse they are usles, if nothink else change them to Konana becouse she wos with Sasuke event evry time and she wont be unaviable in future.
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On 2016-12-10 03:39:27Show this Author Only
I also agree that an ingame mail or announcement of some kind would be a good move, and definitely better than finding out about this from a 3rd party, or even worse after the fact... It's highly possible you will get additional sales if more people knew. On that same subject I appreciate that you at least confirmed the rumor here, but this does bring up many questions that others have expressed. I know you have stated that you can't share more at this time, but you can definitely appreciate our concern.

Lastly I'd like to add that while Sasuske is a fantastic ninja and it'll be a real shame for all those that miss out on him, I'd like to at least caution people before they spend a ton to get Shikamaru. After getting him in the last event I've done quite a bit of testing and unfortunately he doesn't seem to function all the time with "Secret Jutsu" ninjas, so please just be aware of this in case it never gets fixed.

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On 2016-12-10 04:53:40Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2016-12-09 18:41:30
  • Hello there.

    Sadly, I can confirm this. You won't be able to see (receive) Playboy Sasuke and Shikamaru (Make-out Paradise) for some time. At the moment I can't share more information.
How come? <:3_57:>
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On 2016-12-10 05:42:07Show this Author Only
I agree that a bit more clarification would be nice. If it is something to do with legal issues, I at least would like that to be a bit more transparent. If there is a possibility those ninja could come back, I think it would be fair to give the playerbase some indication as to when that may be. There is a huge difference between them going away forever and just for an extended period of time. I would consider possibly purchasing one of them if I had a more concrete answer in that regard.
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On 2016-12-10 07:06:37Show this Author Only
I hope its not a legal thing. PlayBoy Sasuke is a good ninja, the only thing someone could harp on is the term PlayBoy in his name. But they also call Tony Stark a play boy in the Avengers, and that is a Disney movie. (Marvel is owned by Disney so its technically accurate)

My point being 99.9% of people don't have a probem with this term, so I wonder what could be causing this...
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On 2016-12-10 08:07:09Show this Author Only
They won't go away permanently.... It's probably just the same tactic EVERY other browser game does. Announces that certian characters won't be available to get anymore or for awhile but then 2 months later the same character shows up in an event. Mo's common browser game that does this with almost EVERY character is ninja classic/anime ninja.
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On 2016-12-10 09:50:25Show this Author Only
wow guess i'm wrong... possibly, but if this is the case is that why they pretty much released playboy sasuke for free in china? :o
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On 2016-12-10 11:19:54Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2016-12-09 18:41:30
  • Hello there.

    Sadly, I can confirm this. You won't be able to see (receive) Playboy Sasuke and Shikamaru (Make-out Paradise) for some time. At the moment I can't share more information.
Sorry, but this is actually pretty scammy if u guys cant tell us information on this and release him for a event and not informing the players 2 days in the event... Then u confirm thats this 3rd party info is true, but u still hide the fast the he could return in futur events but won't be for a very long time.

This change's the mentality on players extremely by just saying this COULD be the last time, for p2w players this meains that ok i guess il spend to get him 5 star then becasue he will never show up again. For f2p means * if i actually want this guy i have to spend now and not save up.... But playing with us like that, not telling us when u posted the events for this week and putting him in there is really a slap in the face. U guys should of mentionned this to all players so they knew right away and not let this slide until someone heard of this. Especially when u confirm this 2 days after the started cmon man :(

Now i feel bad for everyone, because u guys are trying to force a decision on us right away. Also it makes 0 sense to remove u ninja basically completemely. U guys make money off him anyways, why would u remove a source of income. Unless like someone said its legal name stuff then just change the name.
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On 2016-12-10 11:30:19Show this Author Only
  • Varz On 2016-12-10 11:19:54
  • Sorry, but this is actually pretty scammy if u guys cant tell us information on this and release him for a event and not informing the players 2 days in the event... Then u confirm thats this 3rd party info is true, but u still hide the fast the he could return in futur events but won't be for a very long time.

    This change's the mentality on players extremely by just saying this COULD be the last time, for p2w players this meains that ok i guess il spend to get him 5 star then becasue he will never show up again. For f2p means * if i actually want this guy i have to spend now and not save up.... But playing with us like that, not telling us when u posted the events for this week and putting him in there is really a slap in the face. U guys should of mentionned this to all players so they knew right away and not let this slide until someone heard of this. Especially when u confirm this 2 days after the started cmon man :(

    Now i feel bad for everyone, because u guys are trying to force a decision on us right away. Also it makes 0 sense to remove u ninja basically completemely. U guys make money off him anyways, why would u remove a source of income. Unless like someone said its legal name stuff then just change the name.

We also didn't receive information about this until very recently.
I am also not too sure about why exactly this is happening. However, just in case that this is the last time, it means that players who don't have him can take advantage of it now. I would suggest saving up coupons until later in the week to maximise savings in events.
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On 2016-12-10 12:26:38Show this Author Only
OK thx for ur repost bro
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On 2016-12-10 12:54:25Show this Author Only
it was brought up because certain people were complaining about the names,(make out paradise)(playboy)but those shouldnt matter.There are just a few people complaining.This shouldnt have any effect on the game.It happens.
Quicky Post

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