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[ Events ] Events - Dec 8th


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On 2016-12-08 22:12:50Show this Author Only

Now who is gonna say complaining doesn't work? It is still a loss but at least we can see that oashiet DO care.
Let's hope the 2.0 update wont take a whole week eh?
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On 2016-12-08 22:18:59Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2016-12-08 22:12:50

    Now who is gonna say complaining doesn't work? It is still a loss but at least we can see that oashiet DO care.
    Let's hope the 2.0 update wont take a whole week eh?
Pray to god it doesn't become 2017 by the time the 2.0 update finishes lmao.
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On 2016-12-08 22:20:54Show this Author Only
  • Kisamehada On 2016-12-08 22:18:59
  • Pray to god it doesn't become 2017 by the time the 2.0 update finishes lmao.
It should come in January, people are already complaining about all the rush
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On 2016-12-08 22:34:24Show this Author Only
LMAO, more P2W BS. And you even failed to maximise it. Contact me if you want some ideas.
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On 2016-12-08 22:44:30Show this Author Only
i'm fine with 50 coupons and a seal with the other things ty for it
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On 2016-12-08 22:51:44Show this Author Only
Thanks for the compensation , much appreciated.
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On 2016-12-08 22:55:12Show this Author Only
Did 5 Wanted Missions--- 1 map and 0 tactics scrolls. Going to see a really slow upgrade time.
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On 2016-12-08 23:03:58Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2016-12-08 21:56:33
  • i didnt say lets not update, i said lets not update so fast, its a big difference.

    you forget its not all about the older servers, notning to do at max level, poor you, on my server 105 no one even reach max level, top player is level 83 and it was done this week and i already see people cry about a level cap raise.

    you need to think about everyone not just your small little bubble.

    same goes with merges, so many people asking for merges because they only have 4 groups to GNW and 9 tails takes time to kill, some servers dont even get 2 groups every week because 1 group has control over the entire server, and the 9 tails cant even be killed (not my server but they exist).

    The curious part is people rushing to level cap and crying there is nothing to do there, well maybe dont rush to it and enjoy the game in the meantime.
Good one m8.
85 or rather EXP maxed for past 3 days.
Not rushing at all just playing the game.
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On 2016-12-08 23:05:36Show this Author Only
Change monthly event join sage world battlefield to 2 times plz
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On 2016-12-08 23:20:28Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-08 23:05:36
  • Change monthly event join sage world battlefield to 2 times plz
I like your idea!
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On 2016-12-08 23:21:01Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-08 23:05:36
  • Change monthly event join sage world battlefield to 2 times plz
great idea
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On 2016-12-08 23:40:21Show this Author Only
how many much key? can got clothing
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On 2016-12-08 23:51:47Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-08 23:05:36
  • Change monthly event join sage world battlefield to 2 times plz
i'm with this idea +1 or do another sage in one day
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On 2016-12-09 01:14:44Show this Author Only
why on server S258 EU we don't have Time-limited Ninja Recruitment and Wheel of Fortune?
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On 2016-12-09 03:20:22Show this Author Only
  • Izuna-san On 2016-12-08 23:03:58
  • Good one m8.
    85 or rather EXP maxed for past 3 days.
    Not rushing at all just playing the game.
WHAT, call the devs we need a level cap raise right away, 3 days already, you must be pro (sarcasm).

If you started to play earlier then others and maybe are top dog on the server that is normal, just deal with being level cap and farm materials, ninjas and coins to your hearts content to prepare for what might come next.

Again, depends on what server you play on, in my server highest level is 83 and it was done just this week. The game isnt just for the first servers its also for the others, just because you are at max level doesnt mean others are.

So be patiente and allow the others to catch up, or will that ruin the special snowflake experience for you? Or alternatevely are you afraid the power gap wont be enough to hide the lack of skill?

I just suggested that they slow down the updates so we mortals can try to catch up to the strongest players on each server, they are already much stronger, and with each new feature they get further away, if that happens to often the lower players will leave the game and you will end up with at best 5 players for most servers, then I want to see you play all alone.

Not to mention that some features seem rushed, which causes problems that delay maintenances, which in turn make players angry like we see time and time again.

Also online games are known for players to be sitting at level cap for long periods of time, the difference is that other games have end game content, and this one doesn't, maybe they could add some cross server PVP for the top players to fight each other, why does it always have to be features to allow the gaps between paying and free players to get even bigger.

But as an old mod once said, "Let us be completely realistic. We make no money off a F2P player. It is nice to have more players, so we do what we can for them, but whether you leave, or stay, really doesn't make that much of a difference to us. We want you to stay, but we aren't going to be hurt because you feel as though you aren't given enough free stuff each and every week."

So why not just make it 1000 dollars entry fee, and give the rewards once you log in and lets see how many server they can have running.

I do prefer his attitude rather then yours.
This post was last edited by Glyrin at 2016-12-9 13:08
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-09 04:53:25Show this Author Only
  • Izuna-san On 2016-12-08 23:03:58
  • Good one m8.
    85 or rather EXP maxed for past 3 days.
    Not rushing at all just playing the game.
From what I understand, the only one who is capping already are those who can do extreme amount of damage on fox, which implies heavy ptw and/or lack of competition in server. It's hardly the norm.
What are you doing on foxes? I'm estimating 20-30m. Like that's common...
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On 2016-12-09 05:42:23Show this Author Only
I really like the fact that we can consistently cap the daily treasure key limit with wanted missions, thanks so much for this, lol :D Was a pain to rely on RNG for key drops in previous key events.
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On 2016-12-09 05:46:58Show this Author Only
lvl 84 plot quests bring u straight to lvl 85
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On 2016-12-09 05:53:44Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-09 05:46:58
  • lvl 84 plot quests bring u straight to lvl 85
that's more than expected, I'm 83 atm, the 80/82 only provided about half. Still, exp cap is a full bar beyond that, 86 -1 exp, so still require huge fox damage to achieve, around 15-20m each time I'd guess.
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On 2016-12-09 05:54:37Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2016-12-09 04:53:25
  • From what I understand, the only one who is capping already are those who can do extreme amount of damage on fox, which implies heavy ptw and/or lack of competition in server. It's hardly the norm.
    What are you doing on foxes? I'm estimating 20-30m. Like that's common...
15-20m with with Fire Main, Hashi (Lucky Dice box lawl) Iruka, and WB Asuma. Full auto. The top 10-4 do 4-8m while top 3 do 10-15. Everything after that is a bunch of people who don't listen to my Nine Tails advice aka more rewards for us hahaha. Been capped at 85 for a while now :-(
Quicky Post

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