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[ Player Guide ] Team advice


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-03 17:32:07Show All Posts
You have your main exposed which means he will get blitzed down from regular attacks fast. Additionally, while sailor sakura is an incredible ninja - a ninja dedicated to healing is kinda the antithesis of the Lightning playstyle. It's all bout blitzing the first 2-3 turns. If you are playing a long game, you will lose out on much of your damage as your buffs wear off: best to double down on damage.
(Note: this is kind of exclusive for Midnight Blade - Sailor Sakura would have a good spot in almost any other main's team. Just Lightning's playstyle - especially pre level 55 - is best to double down on damage dealing)

Sasuke Main Iruka
Kakashi Clone X

Get sasuke up to 3 stars ASAP. Iruka protects your main in this instance and also is in the best position for his interrupt. After that, use Guy and replace kakashi or sasuke (preferrably kakashi - 9/10 times you'd rather have sasuke than kakashi on the team), this will also give you a bit more passive healing, in addition to more buffs and staight up damage (along with some control). This exact team easily carried me to level 60.

After that you have the makings for what could be a very solid water team so you c*ways change your main then. You have several good ninjas, which will be good when you choose your second class and ranked opens up more fields to fight in. In the mean time though, the above team should get you through all content until level 60 easily. This post was last edited by Kaigen at 2016-12-3 17:34
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