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[ Events ] Events Dec 1st


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-02 05:02:53Show All Posts
A free player can:
do 2 x 10 ranked easily w/o sacrificing daily
do 3 x 10 ranked excruciatingly OR sacrificing daily
do 4 x 10 ranked excruciatingly AND sacrificing daily

A player with no stamina pot income other than the online reward daily can:
do 2-4 60x plot AND do 2-5 60x elite (with 50s in all other days)
2/2 requires no sacrifice whatsoever and is relatively easy while 4/5 requires giving up multitude of daily quests and is difficult (in planning and execution)

Want details? The * forum ate my details that i spent 20 minutes to write. Go have the mod dig it up or something because I'm not bothering again. This post was last edited by 117***@google at 2016-12-2 05:05
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-02 05:42:22Show All Posts
  • bigmike12188 On 2016-12-02 05:37:20
  • so that means we can only do it every other day wasting like 60 points This post was last edited by big*** at 2016-12-2 05:42
For the "no sacrifice" path 2x:
5 before mid, 5 after mid
2 after mid
3 before mid
5 before mid, 5 after mid
2 after mid
3 before mid

3x is a bit hard, because on day 7, you need to do 5 before mid, 5 after mid
but week 2 have 5 daily, which means you have to do 5 after mid everyday for entire of week 2.
then week 3, day 1, you do 2 after mid, week 3 day 2 you do 3 before mid and you are done.This is why I say 3x w/ no sacrifice is excrutiating.
Where as if you sactrifice some dailys and do:
5 before mid, 5 after mid
5 before mid, 5 after mid
5 before mid, 5 after mid
2 after mid
3 before mid
you can get 3x in w/o having to do "after mid" every day for week 2.

And finally, for 4x, you will simply do 5 before/after every other day, which also rans over into week 2, ergo 4x is both excrutiating AND sacrifice.

(note all "3 before mid" CAN be "2 before mid" and your daily will be done anyway. however, it's best to use ALL your chances for the group activity stuff)
This post was last edited by 117***@google at 2016-12-2 05:44
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-02 08:51:06Show All Posts
  • jQuery172038994 On 2016-12-02 08:43:23
  • it is out of this event uestion but what is the character for ur picture?
Luka Megurine, ninja edition.
First part because I like her
Second part because this is naruto forum.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 29
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On 2016-12-03 06:45:22Show All Posts
  • manwithnoname On 2016-12-03 03:20:25
  • Is Sage Naruto worth getting from this event? The points don't add up nor you can buy them (as the game says you can).

    Should I just go for the scrolls or just buy him from this event (when they fix the option to buy additional points).
If you really want him, it doesn't hurt to get some frag now and then hopefully complete him in a later event.
One of my mate, for example, collected 20 iruka frag across 2 different events AND did a frag refine to get the last 10 needed for the 2*. Thou this is easier than with 2* than 3*, fact is if you never start, you will never finish.

I'm currently half way done with jigokudo upgrade because I've collected frag for him in 2 or 3 different event. I never expect to finish the project in one, but over time....
Quicky Post

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