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[ Events ] How it should've been [Fun thread]


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On 2016-11-22 01:14:59Show All Posts
  • Nara Temari On 2016-11-21 23:43:22
  • I'd love to see Sakura's standard be a double heal like Kabuto, and her mystery be Cherry Blossom Impact. There's already plenty of other healers in game, and past 70 you generally don't see anyone use Sakura except for maybe SA or Ninja Exam. Giving her a powerful attack would take her from purely a weak support (honestly all the other healers generally do a better job of keeping you alive) to closer to her manga counter part.

    I'd also like to see a more offensive Hinata, where her evade is more like Neji's and her mystery would be some sort of twin lion fist. It could either be one big offensive attack, or a power up for a 2~ rounds where her standard attacks do an automatic crit and lightening damage with an in use byakugan and her lion shaped chakra palms. Could also give a crit bonus to Naruto for those rounds.
    She doesn't really use protective trigrams nearly often enough to be her mystery, or at the very least it should do more damage to the enemies that attack her. In the Bandai Ninja Storm 4 her trigram can hit 64 times to an attack and it does decent but not crazy damage. The ~30 damage she does to people hitting her in only 1 round is nothing. It should at least scale with level.
There is a hinata like that in china. Shes from the naruto movie where the personalities were switched.
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