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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja Exam 85 - Wind Main


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 39
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On 2017-08-13 10:51:15Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-21 00:17:08
  • I used Guy, 3* Kimimaro and Kurenai to beat it but it needs a bit of RNG since you want Kimimaro to dodge every 1st attack from Orochimaru. If Kimimaro doesn't dodge most (preferred is ALL first hits) retreat. Against Manda, if you get bitten and a unit dies she gets to attack again. If that happens retreat. Once you're inside the Snake's stomach (be aware of the fact you can't kill the snake while inside : you won't be able to damage the snake past 1.3-1.4k HP), you first get hit by a shaking attack then it'll try to throw acid at you. You can interrupt the Acid attack with Guy, and once the acid has been interrupted, you'll be spat out by the snake (make sure you have either Guy's or Kimimaro's mystery off cooldown when you're spat out). After you're spat out, kill the snake as quick as possible (you have 1 turn), otherwise it'll swallow you over and over again until you're dead.

    Kurenai Main Guy
    x x Kimimaro
    x x x
    Skillset : 33212 with Gamachu summon

    A bit of RNG is required so keep trying :) May RNGesus be with you.

this does not work for me, ,where the healing going come from ? Breeze dancer is first to die

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 39
  • Posts: 65
On 2017-08-15 14:20:04Show All Posts

everyone in this line up take two hit and is dead just does not work for me, really need help on this, I believe work in the past but no loner, I have read they have change it exam 85 or could be bug Orocgimaru getting 4 attack around. and Orocgimaru go first

This post was last edited by Sharess on 2017-08-15 14:20:44.
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