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A spy in you group?


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On 2016-11-21 05:51:20Show this Author Only
My group had 2 spies last GNW. One told us that he was. the other loged in at a weird time in the GNW
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On 2016-11-21 07:07:40Show this Author Only
We've had issues with spies here, too. Just watch for the people who don't talk/help/log on except for war.
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On 2016-11-21 18:49:35Show this Author Only
Well I shut off applications until I see a need to reopen them Im all good. Even thou we lost by 3 points it was at least a fair fight loss. That is something I can accept.
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On 2016-11-23 08:37:42Show this Author Only
the game client literally have a multiple account running simultaneously function so i think it was planned ;P;P
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On 2016-11-23 16:00:38Show this Author Only
To the people that actually think that spying is a game feature or multi-accounting was planned for this purpose congratulations,you are probably highly intellectual.
First of all, multi-accounting in this game is a function that allows the playerbase to keep their server running and not having lack of players because of a new server coming every 3-4 days.
Second, it exists because in case you didn't notice this game is revolutionary when it comes to anime-based P2W games,bringing features and content in a way others didn't.By accepting this you understand why it gives you the option instead of having you struggle with proxies and multiple browsers.
Lastly,the game has a lot of flaws and one of them is failing to understand the toxicity people hide in them.The instance they are given the option they try to cheat to get more benefits,the instance they see a new team that works from someone they copy it.That's what jealousy in people does and the current state of the game fails to deliver the gaming experience without nuisances like these.
P.S Best solution for the spy issue is gray-ing out the field for anyone of "member" status and only allow Leader,Senior,Anbu to see the people placed in the fields and their names,while giving elites only the ability to see the number of units placed in each field but no names or levels.This also gives more benefits and interesting interraction to the rankings in groups.
Peace out
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On 2016-11-23 23:27:51Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-23 16:00:38
  • To the people that actually think that spying is a game feature or multi-accounting was planned for this purpose congratulations,you are probably highly intellectual.
    First of all, multi-accounting in this game is a function that allows the playerbase to keep their server running and not having lack of players because of a new server coming every 3-4 days.
    Second, it exists because in case you didn't notice this game is revolutionary when it comes to anime-based P2W games,bringing features and content in a way others didn't.By accepting this you understand why it gives you the option instead of having you struggle with proxies and multiple browsers.
    Lastly,the game has a lot of flaws and one of them is failing to understand the toxicity people hide in them.The instance they are given the option they try to cheat to get more benefits,the instance they see a new team that works from someone they copy it.That's what jealousy in people does and the current state of the game fails to deliver the gaming experience without nuisances like these.
    P.S Best solution for the spy issue is gray-ing out the field for anyone of "member" status and only allow Leader,Senior,Anbu to see the people placed in the fields and their names,while giving elites only the ability to see the number of units placed in each field but no names or levels.This also gives more benefits and interesting interraction to the rankings in groups.
    Peace out
But isnt more fun, to see a spy report backfire on the other team? :D i still think this idea kinda pointless when someone said this game promotes multi i dont see the point of this post.
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On 2016-11-24 10:32:15Show this Author Only
You really want to get to the brass tacks of the issue and why it is caused. It is not a feature in the game it isn't promoted by having more then one account. This is a issue of morals really just cause you have more then one option on something doesn't make the one you choose correct. This should not be a expected thing it should either be a playable option or be punished. Example is a game called Town Of Salem being a spy is a role in the game so that kind of thing is fully expected to have someone give info freely but this game is more like football. You have two teams who train every season to be better then the others so when you basically hand the other team your play book it throws all that work out the window. People choose to ruin the game for others cause they want to be king of the hill and don't care who they screw over doing it as long as they get their way. Spying is a moral choice not a game option.
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On 2016-11-24 12:02:17Show this Author Only
Honestly, in a game about ninja, can you really be mad if a ninja is a spy? He's a ninja... that's kinda what they do.

If you are afraid if a ninja is a spy, then spy on the other group and find out? Honestly, I know it feels underhanded, but there is no way to be sure you have removed the spy other wise. If you go on a witch hunt within your own group, you will only cause panic and make your ninja trust each other less.

In most cases, your spies are people who were originally trust worthy, but got tired of someone else in your group. If you can make your group a cool place too be where everyone feels like they have each others back, you will have less worries about spies. We had a spy in our group once, but after we won a war he came clean, and dropped his original group to join us because we were more fun.

Aside from that, moving your zones last minute or PMing you most trusted with where you want them to move to. you can take an entire zone of ninja and drop them on another zone by clicking on the name of the zone and dragging it too another... not sure if you already knew that.

anyways good luck
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On 2016-11-24 12:07:48Show this Author Only
Spies are only there to see where you are placed ..... If you are losing the war .. then odds are the losing of a spy wont save you. Im sure we have a spy in our midst , do we care? NO! I laugh at the spy ... Now they can see us whip their asses from both angles..... JS lol
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On 2016-11-24 13:02:27Show this Author Only
Maybe what we can have is only ANBU and above can move and place participants. And all the others can't see their placing until combat has started. If there are no people ranked ANBU and above attending the group forfeits.
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On 2016-11-24 14:37:04Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-24 12:02:17
  • Honestly, in a game about ninja, can you really be mad if a ninja is a spy? He's a ninja... that's kinda what they do.

    If you are afraid if a ninja is a spy, then spy on the other group and find out? Honestly, I know it feels underhanded, but there is no way to be sure you have removed the spy other wise. If you go on a witch hunt within your own group, you will only cause panic and make your ninja trust each other less.

    In most cases, your spies are people who were originally trust worthy, but got tired of someone else in your group. If you can make your group a cool place too be where everyone feels like they have each others back, you will have less worries about spies. We had a spy in our group once, but after we won a war he came clean, and dropped his original group to join us because we were more fun.

    Aside from that, moving your zones last minute or PMing you most trusted with where you want them to move to. you can take an entire zone of ninja and drop them on another zone by clicking on the name of the zone and dragging it too another... not sure if you already knew that.

    anyways good luck
And spies when caught are killed? Are we allowed to permanently kill a character? Mmmkay. Stop using a logical fallacy to try and prove a point.
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On 2016-11-24 14:39:02Show this Author Only
  • WyldChild18 On 2016-11-24 12:07:48
  • Spies are only there to see where you are placed ..... If you are losing the war .. then odds are the losing of a spy wont save you. Im sure we have a spy in our midst , do we care? NO! I laugh at the spy ... Now they can see us whip their asses from both angles..... JS lol
Spoken like someone who is in the dominant group of the server, where it doesn't matter if the spy is relaying information. But in the op's server his group can win if the tactics are aligned correctly. Each server has their own problems.

What may not be a problem for you could be a very serious and server destructive problems.
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On 2016-11-24 15:44:16Show this Author Only
I'm sure someone has said this in a previous post but just incase; There is one very simple way to deal with having potential spies in your group. When you do your line up for war, always line up the same. Then when there is 10 seconds left start moving your lands. Be careful tho, once the count reaches 3 seconds you will be unable to make further changes. By moving the lands at the last second you prevent the spy from being able to relay info to whoever. So, just do this and having spies will not matter at all. If anything they are helping you get group contributions (And if they aren't you might as well kick them for not being productive.)
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On 2016-11-24 17:36:17Show this Author Only
I have one very simple suggestion that can resolve the problem of spies :curse: giving intell to another group.
Limited visibility for all members, :o while those who have earn trust can see the whole planing.

This work the same way as privilege in a Group (senior, anbu, etc...), :D where you entrust few members to invite new ones, kick members or give the ability to upgrade the Group.

That's a very very simple solution :lol , let Groupmaster, Seniors and Anbu be the only one to see the battle plan. Other members could be abble to see liumited intel with no names and why not something 4 or 5 minutes old. It will be impossible to use the infos. :)
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On 2016-11-24 18:31:02Show this Author Only
OK I was trying to avoid doing this but I guess I really have no choice. I'am on S47 we only have 3 groups for war and as of last night we may have a 4th but it was seriously only 3 people in the whole group. Now the top dog on our server is called Anime and have the top 3 ranks on the server and dump insane amounts of money into the game or they have luck that is unheard of. I am the 4th place power wise on the server and my two seniors are right there with me so it is not a lack of power by any means. The other two groups placed a spy in my group to avoid both my seniors and one of my elites as they run as a team with almost all pains between the 3 of them. The first spy didn't even bother to try and change his alts name and it was a name I recognized right off hand due to fighting him in survival so I try to remember peoples names if I respect their builds. The second one was giving information out over discord from what I was told from other people and I booted him then * problem gone. I have a vary tightnit group we talk on and off game. A server as small as S47 doesn't even have 10 people level 80 yet. So when your already the underdog and out powered any small victory counts as a larger one to a small group. This mentality of "We got spies it don't mater" only comes from groups who are either on a super active server or the top dog and have no idea what its like to have to be under powered and then have someone kill the only chance you have of a win EVERY fight. For the people who say do the swap last 10 seconds yes that works but the point is you shouldn't have to in the first place. Spys kill off a server when its small groups. Who wants to to even waste their time and money when you know full well your going to lose before the fight even starts? We had a full server for months then people got sick of being beat every time. I dont know about you guys but I don't want to walk away from all the work I put into this game cause someone else wants to be a troll till the server dies cause then you end up with nothing but a hand full of people and a pile of wasted money cause no ones there to do anything with. This is a easy fix lock anyone out of seeing anything that isn't a senior or leader cause they are the only one's capable of moving people anyway and it will stop people from jumping around and screwing up tactics. Now for people trying to say well ninjas spied in real life. Yes they did spy and when caught were beheaded or worse also that's how whole clans got wiped out over a spy when they got caught. So the spy and the whole group would be ban when caught by that same mentality. A ban is equal to death or take away everything from them and make them start at zero again and yes including things they paid for cause that would equal out to a clan being raided. We could all set here every day and argue this point back and forth and get no where with it. Which seems to be the case here it boils down to ethics of the group and the people that make it up. You either support the cheating/ spying or you don't both sides make a valid argument for and against this behavior. Personally having to cheat/spy isnt a fair or honorable tactic and should be punished as it takes away other players enjoyment from the game. I thank you all for your help with this and your comments. As for me I won't be wasting anymore time trying to get people to see things the way I do.For the people who are in the same spot I was there is hope either with a server merg to boost the groups or the devs take this serious and make it to where only the top people of a group have information. Either way best of luck to you all and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
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On 2016-11-25 07:07:04Show this Author Only
ain't nobody got time for ^ change servers
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On 2016-11-26 13:02:50Show this Author Only
Got yelled at for giving out spy tactics. :shutup: This post was last edited by 153***@facebook at 2016-11-26 15:50
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On 2016-11-27 02:32:46Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-24 18:31:02
  • OK I was trying to avoid doing this but I guess I really have no choice. I'am on S47 we only have 3 groups for war and as of last night we may have a 4th but it was seriously only 3 people in the whole group. Now the top dog on our server is called Anime and have the top 3 ranks on the server and dump insane amounts of money into the game or they have luck that is unheard of. I am the 4th place power wise on the server and my two seniors are right there with me so it is not a lack of power by any means. The other two groups placed a spy in my group to avoid both my seniors and one of my elites as they run as a team with almost all pains between the 3 of them. The first spy didn't even bother to try and change his alts name and it was a name I recognized right off hand due to fighting him in survival so I try to remember peoples names if I respect their builds. The second one was giving information out over discord from what I was told from other people and I booted him then * problem gone. I have a vary tightnit group we talk on and off game. A server as small as S47 doesn't even have 10 people level 80 yet. So when your already the underdog and out powered any small victory counts as a larger one to a small group. This mentality of "We got spies it don't mater" only comes from groups who are either on a super active server or the top dog and have no idea what its like to have to be under powered and then have someone kill the only chance you have of a win EVERY fight. For the people who say do the swap last 10 seconds yes that works but the point is you shouldn't have to in the first place. Spys kill off a server when its small groups. Who wants to to even waste their time and money when you know full well your going to lose before the fight even starts? We had a full server for months then people got sick of being beat every time. I dont know about you guys but I don't want to walk away from all the work I put into this game cause someone else wants to be a troll till the server dies cause then you end up with nothing but a hand full of people and a pile of wasted money cause no ones there to do anything with. This is a easy fix lock anyone out of seeing anything that isn't a senior or leader cause they are the only one's capable of moving people anyway and it will stop people from jumping around and screwing up tactics. Now for people trying to say well ninjas spied in real life. Yes they did spy and when caught were beheaded or worse also that's how whole clans got wiped out over a spy when they got caught. So the spy and the whole group would be ban when caught by that same mentality. A ban is equal to death or take away everything from them and make them start at zero again and yes including things they paid for cause that would equal out to a clan being raided. We could all set here every day and argue this point back and forth and get no where with it. Which seems to be the case here it boils down to ethics of the group and the people that make it up. You either support the cheating/ spying or you don't both sides make a valid argument for and against this behavior. Personally having to cheat/spy isnt a fair or honorable tactic and should be punished as it takes away other players enjoyment from the game. I thank you all for your help with this and your comments. As for me I won't be wasting anymore time trying to get people to see things the way I do.For the people who are in the same spot I was there is hope either with a server merg to boost the groups or the devs take this serious and make it to where only the top people of a group have information. Either way best of luck to you all and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Nobody reads walls of text. Paragraphs are your friend!
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On 2016-11-27 02:40:45Show this Author Only
1. Banning players who are spying is absurd.
2. If swapping lands wasn't a viable counter to spying then the devs wouldn't have given you the ability to.
3. As a leader, I am one myself, we take on the responsibility of those we let in our group. If you didn't properly vet the individual in a desperate attempt to gain active members, then you should take the consequences of those actions.
4. You've been given solid strategies to counter-act spying, stop trying to ruin the gameplay of others because your too lazy to put forth the extra effort that is EXPECTED of a leader. By ruin gameplay, I'm referring again to spying (since some enjoy it, and it is not against the rules), and also limiting GNW vision of lower ranked members. A lot of people like to see whats going on, removing even that would reduce the amount of people wiling to join by some degree.
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On 2016-11-27 03:43:36Show this Author Only
if you think a spy is making you lose your leader is not doing his/her job spies will allways try and its up to your leader to weed them out its not that hard if you pay attention to spot them so get use to the idea of spies and assume you are allways being spied on they are in every game not just this one :D
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