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A spy in you group?


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On 2016-11-19 10:13:33Show All Posts
Oh I agree one hundred percent. They should make it so only Seniors and Leaders can place people and know where everyone is placed.

Make it so there is a giant list on the side and the leaders and seniors click the name to the land in question. This removes spying. If you can't trust your seniors who can you trust?
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On 2016-11-19 10:16:24Show All Posts
  • †Hashirama Senj On 2016-11-19 10:09:24
  • Start swapping entire lands in the last 10-5 seconds, once its either 4-3 seconds you cant move anymore.
One should not have to do the last ten second change up. If spying is ok, then allow a caught spy to have permanent player death or some terrible fate happen to them.
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On 2016-11-19 11:03:27Show All Posts
  • dart feld On 2016-11-19 10:22:12
  • pretty much what hashirama said and what you call cheating is in fact a valid strat for wars and when your complaining about is gnw (great ninja WAR) as-well as it was common for all to have spys in your opponents base and it is part of the game but most severs from what i seen don't need to worry about it
Yes, and then we should have the chance to punish spying other than kicking them out. Like a 2 day ban on the account in the other group.
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On 2016-11-19 13:45:57Show All Posts
Instead of saying how to get around spies (Not only failing at trying to fix it) Explain why having a blank screen and the Seniors and Leaders can move people around is a bad thing?

It gives everyone a fair chance and by the way I'm level 72 with over 31k power. Some groups will never win unless they get lucky with who they place in certain locations.

A majority of people who are saying spying is ok... I bet you are in the dominant group of your server right? So spying doesn't matter.
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On 2016-11-19 16:12:26Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-19 15:59:54
  • spying is part of the game, deal with it. be smart. even in the anime itself, spies are well known ;P
And spies can be permanently killed off or arrested and exiled for years. Your point?
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On 2016-11-19 16:48:26Show All Posts
So what would the problem be to make it so only seniors and leaders see and move people around? Nothing.

Any people not allocated would be randomly placed. (Gotta love auto) And it may not bother YOU but what is your group called?

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On 2016-11-19 16:56:36Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-19 16:23:25
  • actually spies doesn't bother us cause we rearrange before the war starts at 10 seconds. be smart, spies doesn't do much its just that you cant deal when you lose i think.
And by the way my group that I am in-- is the dominant group in the server. We don't lose. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't implement things that prevent others from having fun. How many people leave because they feel they can't win because of spies. More than you care to admit.
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On 2016-11-24 14:37:04Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-24 12:02:17
  • Honestly, in a game about ninja, can you really be mad if a ninja is a spy? He's a ninja... that's kinda what they do.

    If you are afraid if a ninja is a spy, then spy on the other group and find out? Honestly, I know it feels underhanded, but there is no way to be sure you have removed the spy other wise. If you go on a witch hunt within your own group, you will only cause panic and make your ninja trust each other less.

    In most cases, your spies are people who were originally trust worthy, but got tired of someone else in your group. If you can make your group a cool place too be where everyone feels like they have each others back, you will have less worries about spies. We had a spy in our group once, but after we won a war he came clean, and dropped his original group to join us because we were more fun.

    Aside from that, moving your zones last minute or PMing you most trusted with where you want them to move to. you can take an entire zone of ninja and drop them on another zone by clicking on the name of the zone and dragging it too another... not sure if you already knew that.

    anyways good luck
And spies when caught are killed? Are we allowed to permanently kill a character? Mmmkay. Stop using a logical fallacy to try and prove a point.
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On 2016-11-24 14:39:02Show All Posts
  • WyldChild18 On 2016-11-24 12:07:48
  • Spies are only there to see where you are placed ..... If you are losing the war .. then odds are the losing of a spy wont save you. Im sure we have a spy in our midst , do we care? NO! I laugh at the spy ... Now they can see us whip their asses from both angles..... JS lol
Spoken like someone who is in the dominant group of the server, where it doesn't matter if the spy is relaying information. But in the op's server his group can win if the tactics are aligned correctly. Each server has their own problems.

What may not be a problem for you could be a very serious and server destructive problems.
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On 2016-11-28 15:27:23Show All Posts
  • †Hashirama Senj On 2016-11-27 02:40:45
  • 1. Banning players who are spying is absurd.
    2. If swapping lands wasn't a viable counter to spying then the devs wouldn't have given you the ability to.
    3. As a leader, I am one myself, we take on the responsibility of those we let in our group. If you didn't properly vet the individual in a desperate attempt to gain active members, then you should take the consequences of those actions.
    4. You've been given solid strategies to counter-act spying, stop trying to ruin the gameplay of others because your too lazy to put forth the extra effort that is EXPECTED of a leader. By ruin gameplay, I'm referring again to spying (since some enjoy it, and it is not against the rules), and also limiting GNW vision of lower ranked members. A lot of people like to see whats going on, removing even that would reduce the amount of people wiling to join by some degree.
1) Banning players is not absurd (Perception and Opinion)
4) Limiting vision of lower ranked members and removing vision would reduce the amount of people willing to join by some degree (Speculation, could very well increase it as it would prevent spying and thus create a more level playing field.)

If you consider removing spying to be ruining the gameplay then once again opinion.

How is spying mandatory function of gameplay? Please answer that one.
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On 2016-11-28 20:59:15Show All Posts
Everyone gets 9 packs.
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On 2016-11-29 17:53:43Show All Posts
  • onitatsuo On 2016-11-29 16:28:06
  • Fixed We ADMINS need more permissions to get a better grip of what the hell is going on. Of course that's why we have Seniors, Anbu and Elite's. But sometimes in some servers specially in mine is NOT enough.
    Sure you can kick one if you spot it (not easy sometimes) and is not because you are doing bad your job as an administrator but because the permissions are NOT set properly and you are not 24/7 in the game.

    Furthermore the spy often will use several accounts not ONE but SEVERAL and when i mean several, i mean more than 6 and they will continue to donate and try to blend in to avoid to be spotted so fast, We caught one that way because the "offline time" was the same as the rest and he didn't even bother to be creative. Also if you have a spy that happens to own more than one account and continues to contribute if you kick the hell of out him and his accounts you face another issue = Activity rate drops, you have to double your turns and push your players further. That's why more than one admin/senior or whatever is asking for a set of permissions.
    Change formations ranging in into the 1:30 to screw the spy or spies is useless, you could end fudgin all the strategy you had, if one or two users moved to another land.

    So yeah, this is an issue that SHOULD be fixed. Many of US invested time, just to some random moron to sell intel to other clans. Also is true, this is not by anyway prohibited in the rules.
    But just make it easier for Admins of Clans that want to grow, without using the same modus operandi as may use others and trying to stay "loyal" to the way they play.

    If we lose, we lose fair and square but if we lose knowing that our position is being sold to a random moron then all the meaning of going to the GNW is useless. At least from my point of view. I won't be an hipocritical douche saying that's not about the prices and points we can make and take. But * is not easy to make some progress with a situation like this one.

    Last but not least, many clans had previous admins. So even if you are part of it, sometimes you really don't know which whom are you playing. When an administrator leaves, most of the times 1) the clan dies or 2) the clan manages to keep it up with the new administrator. That happened to me.So start to sort it out which one is who and if that is not spy, you have to work even harded to keep the clan ranked at the end of the day.

    Long story short, Oasis SHOULD do something about this. Creating a rule which the user can get punished for giving intel to others or just give more power (options) to the admin and seniors.

    This post was last edited by onitatsuo at 2016-11-29 16:45 This post was last edited by onitatsuo at 2016-11-30 00:12
If you bothered to read my previous posts, I am in agreement with you. I have no idea why you were quoting me.
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On 2016-11-30 02:18:00Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2016-11-30 02:04:21
  • This post still going lol, i dont see the point in it, overall promotes competition, and makes u work just someone said, there's certain counters for a spy, just use them, if not, then you're lazy.
And condoning is reprehensible. Next.

Does not promote competition that is just a perception. Spying has ruined servers, based on mutliple accounts saying it has. Yes, Anecdotal evidence but the same evidence that it promotes competition is anecdotal. But how does Spying promote competition? If you took spying out would there still be competition? In fact there would be MORE competition rather than less.
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On 2016-11-30 03:39:01Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2016-11-30 02:47:55
  • Like you said to someone, it's your opinion...i just dont see the point in some of the ideas, cuz it's catering to the lazyness of people rather than doing something about like someone said, u rather come to the forums and complain about it, yeah the ideas giving out, not so great, i like to see where im getting paired with.
Don't try and claim your opinion as fact. You never answered the question though. Nice deflection by the way

(( How does spying promote competition that is normally not there normally? )) You can't answer that one without subverting your position.

We all line up anyways, the competition will always be there. Oh, and what exactly would be the problem if Seniors/Leader are the only one's who can see the board and place people? If you answer is catering to laziness then you are part of the problem on why there is toxic nature in the game and why people will leave. They get pressed into losing conditions over and over and so they leave. By the time you get to the point where Spying is useless they are already the dominate group in the server. If you check the server where I belong. We don't lose, it doesn't matter how many spies they send.

But as per the Op's story, which until prove otherwise is legitimate. We have to take into account the toxic community destroying nature of spying. Spying doesn't build a community to game on.

You may like to see where you are getting paired with but since people have abused this function for so long, people are speaking up. Ever thought of why there is so much server bleed is because of the toxic nature of spying? Close games lost because someone passed on information that should never have been passed on.

If they did condone spying there would be an in game mechanic that had a chance of failure.
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On 2016-11-30 09:30:52Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2016-11-30 04:22:04
  • I'll give u one good reason....on China version there's spying, on big servers there's spying, game lets u create multiple accounts, do i call that competition, yes in a way it is, unless the mods come in and say it's not okay to spy in these games(which they wont) you just have to deal with it, with the solutions people helped you with, now if you dont want those solutions, it's your problem, not mine, or anyone else, here we help the best way we can, to ask a fix where it comes to the point where seniors and leaders can only see the battlefield plan...that's just catering to lazyness imo.
Ah the logical fallacy of bandwagon.

Which you deflected from the question on the toxic nature of spying.

You also avoided the question how does it promote competition that is not there normally.

And you answered with laziness and thus contributes to the toxic nature of spying in the game. You say it would be laziness and why exactly would it be laziness? Please defend your statement. The competition is still being done, it is not like people won't go into the GNW if they don't have all the knowledge beforehand.
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On 2016-11-30 09:31:22Show All Posts
  • Overmain On 2016-11-30 09:21:41
  • :lol :lol
Also Hilarious
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On 2016-11-30 13:29:32Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2016-11-30 13:23:31
  • 1st where do u see im deflecting your questions...i just simply told you how it is, and that's never gonna change, deal with it.

    2nd Toxic players will always be in this game, spies or not, but yes regarding spies when i said it promotes competition you gonna counter it somehow, if you dont wanna counter and u wanna play "clean" then you're not playing competitive imo, and you just sitting and waiting for a fix from the devs, i call that being lazy.

    3rd Like i said, this game promotes multi account, and it's there on the client itself, why wouldnt u make *t account and try to level, and counter spy?

    and final statement, if you dont want to apply the solutions given to you, by other people to counter act the spy issue, then like i said it's your problem, because i can see the devs doing nothing about, rather than agree to the solutions proposed.
how does it promote competition that is not there normally.

Here allow me to break it down easier for you on what you are NOT answering.
So if there were no spies how would it effect GNW, would it be any different overall?
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On 2016-11-30 16:05:07Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2016-11-30 13:34:10
  • It wouldnt be different at all, if people created solutions and apply them rather complaining in the forums. Just saying.
So nothing would change other than it would remove spying which is a toxic act. Just saying.
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On 2016-12-01 00:51:38Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2016-11-30 16:45:16
  • Dude i had spies in my group, and i still have, will it make a difference? sometimes yea, sometimes no, really depends on how u handle them, but come here crying and then complain about solutions given arent good enough, those arent permanent, those are just what people found out to be most useful, i guess people just want a easy way out, it's all about moral code in the end, and that's never gonna change tbh.
You call it an easy way out, but people have left the game because of it. I call it a way to help stop the bleeding of the community. Nothing helps the community more like the ability to not trust people right?

Equating easy way out with a moral code, I see what you did there...
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On 2016-12-01 02:00:38Show All Posts
I call that making the game more user friendly and to stop some of the toxic nature of the GNW. You know so people don't leave the game with disgust.
Quicky Post

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