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[ Fanfiction ] Forest of Death (Cont. 3): Naruto Online Characters (Rated. T)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 14:05:06Show All PostsDescending Order
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Summary: A continuing story of the 5 Naruto Online Mains in a slightly different universe than the actual Naruto. Scarlet plans something ahead, and soon enough, their team encounters a strange Genin…
***The settings have been slightly shifted from the Naruto universe to match the story. They'll be explained as the story progresses, but don't be surprised if you suddenly find someone that was alive dead, or someone dead alive. =D

Note: I'm using character titles for the names temporarily (Midnight Azure Scarlet Breeze Crimson), but definitely willing to decide on an actual name. Comment below if you've got any name suggestions!

Note 2: Rated it as T because I plan on writing some material that should definitely be rated like that. However, not all of them are necessarily T.

Forest of Death (7): A Typical Plan

Crimson slowly regained his senses as he opened his eyes. He got up and looked around as Azure and Scarlet noticed he was awake. “Wha-what happened? Are you guys alright?”

Scarlet grinned as he spoke up. “You were out cold for an hour, but other than that…not really.” Azure smiled at Crimson, getting up as they prepared to leave. “Cmon, we should go find a scroll. Midnight took ours, but Scarlet found a Heaven scroll from the ninjas that attacked us.”

Crimson’s eyes widened, confused. “...Midnight? He was here?”

Scarlet sighed as he stood up. “Yeah, and he killed every enemy to boot. But that’s not important.” Scarlet bent over towards Crimson, whispering into his ear. “We’re gonna fish for an Earth scroll. This is what we’re gonna do…”

Forest of Death (8): A Big Fish

Crimson held the Heaven scroll in his hand as he walked aimlessly and sighed, thinking how crazy his situation was. “Jeez…they all left me behind too…I can’t even see them anymore.”

“Is that so? How unfortunate.” Crimson looked around to see where the source of the voice was, but he couldn’t see anyone around him. Puzzled, he shouted back. “Who’s there?!”

A white haired man wearing Harry Potter glasses jumped down from a tree branch, lunging at Crimson’s head from above. Crimson barely looked up in time to notice him, jumping backwards to dodge the attack just before it hit him as it slashed his chest slightly. The white haired man landed smoothly as he glanced back at Crimson, lifting his glasses. “Amazing reflex you have there. Hard to believe you dodged it.”

Crimson quickly put the scroll in his pocket, gripping a nearby boulder with his two arms. “Thanks - now let’s see YOU dodge it!” He threw the giant mass of rock, aimed directly at the man before him. The white haired man straightened his right hand as it started to glow in an eerie blue light, sharpening into the shape of a blade. He ran towards the boulder, slashing at it with his glowing hand.

Crimson saw the rock fly at him, but before the impact, the boulder was split in halves, each landing on the sides of the man harmlessly. Crimson scratched his head, a streak of sweat coming down. “Well, that’s not what was suppose to happen…”

Forest of Death (9): Bait and Net

Crimson quickly formed a hand sign as his enemy ran towards him. “Earth Style: Boulder Jutsu!”

The glassed man slashed at Crimson’s left side as Crimson raised his arm to defend himself. The chakra blade cut through his wristguard easily, but was stopped as it clashed against Crimson’s arm, unable to cut through in one swipe. "What the-“

Crimson quickly took advantage of the confusion, gripping the enemy’s right arm with his own, pulling him towards himself. Crimson gripped onto the man's back tightly as the white haired Genin struggled to break free, slashing at Crimson but only managing to cut through a slight portion of Crimson's skin. The man’s allies who were watching from the same branch jumped downwards to aid their comrade, but Crimson was waiting for this moment as he shouted out loud. “Now!”

Azure came out of hiding from a nearby bush with Scarlet as they jumped towards them. “Water Style: Poison Fog Wave!”

A thick cloud of purple poison enveloped the 3 enemies and Crimson, blinding and trapping them in the midst of it. Crimson immediately held his breath and closed his eyes shut to avoid the damage. He felt something wrap onto his arm immediately as he noticed Azure’s water whip, pulling on his arm.

Outside of the fog, Scarlet saw his friend pull himself out of the fog with Azure’s help, sliding towards them as he started to breathe again. Scarlet smiled as he launched a tiny flame at the poisonous cloud.

The white haired man’s comrades squabbled in the poison, choking with bloodshot eyes as they gasped for breath. The white haired man instantly started to cure himself and purify the air around him as he no longer felt Crimson's arms around him, trying to find a way out until he saw a small light to the right. “That’s…?”

Scarlet’s tiny flame reacted with Azure’s poison fog, making dozens of explosions as they merged. The cloud of poison turned into a mass of fire as Azure gave a high five to Scarlet, while Crimson was still coughing slightly from the poison. “Why am I always the bait…”

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 15
  • Posts: 25
On 2016-11-10 14:27:30Show All Posts
  • TomatoKat On 2016-11-10 14:20:48
  • Wow, that was really fast. I suppose drabbles/mini chapters are easier to write, but that was fast.

    Azure and Scarlet get along alot better than I expected, but its nice for them to teamup, especially how mischievous we find Azure is.

    Excellent like always! I look forward to reading more!
I have one chapter written in advance, but I'm not sure if I would have internet tomorrow so I just posted the advance one right now. XD
Quicky Post

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