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[ Player Guide ] Naruto vs hinata for wind main


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-01 23:45:21Show All PostsDescending Order
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Who is better and why? I c*e all of chase skills from hinata in my team so it isn't the problem. But hinata waste 20 chakra t the begining what is kind of problem for me. My team is main(wind), kankuro, sakura and hinata right now. Other question: is 3 star naruto better? When I read his skill, it says he uses rasen shuriken jutsu if there is more then 2 clones. Is this a mist translate or you really need to have 3 clones at leas? couse that is almost imposible.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-08-02 00:23:47Show All Posts
  • moumin On 2016-08-02 00:10:27
  • I would use hinata, because optimally you'll want to have at least one control on your team.

    Not so sure of what you mean by wasting because her mystery makes her a very good tank especially when you are facing a lightning main with lightning shield - which has a critical hit bonus that allow them to defeat at least one of your ninjas with a single mystery as long as their power is not too low- you can dodge all of his attacks.

    is 3 star naruto better?
    isn't this question the same as the first?
    or if you mean better than 1 or 2 stared naruto, yes.

    He uses shuriken jutsu if there are two or more clones present, if not he will use a normal rasengan

    hinata and 3 star naruto are both good, you can put both of them on your team,
    or if you only wish to use one of them, i would suggest hinata
Thanks, then I think I will use hinata in my main team. Yea, lightning main can do a lot of dmg and hinata can dodge it all. I would use naruto as well, but you need at leas 3 clones to use rasen shuriken what is really hard couse in first round most of clones are mostly gone.
Quicky Post

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