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[ Ranked Battles ] Improvement Advice Needed


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-10 07:04:39Show All Posts
  • On 2016-11-09 09:42:17
  • Thanks for the advice ! :)

    Do you have any suggestions as to the ninjas I should aim for (aside from Sage Naruto that is lol) This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2016-11-9 09:43
anything from sage treasure would help,
orochimaru traitor summons hashirama who stuns enemies, plus its exra damage the enemy has to deal,
sage naruto is a tank with huge damage,
ao has cc and a bit of tankines with clones,
jigokudo it great since he heals 2 clears all debuffs and rezes,
hashirama or tendo would help as well,
ningendo works with ur gakido and shurado and can stun,
sage jiraiya has good aoe with ignite,
playboy sasuke has decent damage and paralyze on 2 turn cd so he stops alot of damage to u,
3* 9tails naruto huge aoe with ignites,
itachi chase goes well with deidara skill since the ignite lasts 3 rounds(keep them in different teams)

any of those would help you so start saving for some, i would say get orochi and naruto from sage treasure first then go back to tendo and hope for good events to give frags
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