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[ Help ] Go for Sage Treasures Again or Save?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-07 01:30:59Show All Posts
if you are playing MB I recommend go for konoha's taitou team : Iruka, Orochimaru, Sasuke. 5 stars them except for iruka and wait for kage. You don't need anything from previous treasure, what you need are darui and friends in kage.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-07 02:37:45Show All Posts
  • Zerex On 2016-11-07 01:39:00
  • I am f2p and I don't have Iruka or Orochimaru..
you will get oro for free after lv 70, save up your cp for iruka later
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-07 03:37:06Show All Posts
Now answer me :
1. Do you win sage battlefield and get reward from it often?
2. Do you win all survival trial everyday?
3. Do you win all matsuri rewards everyweek?
If all the answers are YES. Then don't invest anything. The boredom mentality while using same team all over again will make you want to invest into something you don't actually need and it will hurt you more than it help in long run.
As long as you can fight your boredom and the urge to waste your resource on unnecessary ninja you will be fine.

If your answers are NO then go ahead and do it. But aware that treasure pull are random, nothing garuatee you will get the ninja you want. People recommend Sage because it have the smallest ninja's pool.
Quicky Post

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