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[ Ranked Battles ] [Help] Creating RB Teams (Water Main/Azure Fang)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-11-01 12:02:19Show All Posts
  • PJP2810 On 2016-11-01 11:56:00
  • Dym, You are the best. I'll level up Jugo and put this team on to see how it does.

    Yeah I'm realising how * useful some summons would be with SA as well, being able to keep the combo going even more xD I'll be getting Chameleon, Gamachu, Kyoshoku Deer ASAP then.

    Also mostly out of curiosity, does the Poison Tai passive effect all 3 teams, or just the one the main is in?
    I know the Lightning main leech (from a friend in SA) applied to my team, so wondering if this works similarly.
    Oh and I do now have normal Asuma :D
    This post was last edited by PJP2810 at 2016-11-1 11:59
I believe it applies to only the team your main is in. I may be wrong, since I don't frequently use Poison Tai, but rather Water Clone.
Quicky Post

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