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[ Suggestions ] Balancing Fire Mains Ideas [Mirror Return]


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On 2016-10-25 09:28:11Show All Posts
Question: Why are you so adamant on changing FM's Mirror Return? Why do you need to "make FMs feel more like the other mains". If they were made to have a different play style what about it? What's the problem if "FMs get to enjoy the best of both worlds. and the reason because of that is because of how works". In essence LM's Root of Warrior also lets them "enjoy the best of both worlds". Should I make a thread lambasting Root now? WindM's Harem Jutsu prevents 1 enemy form doing a standard action while simultaneously lowering it's Res. Maybe we should change that too!

What's your real reason that you made this thread?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 15:48:26Show All Posts
"current state of FMs Mirror is overloaded. it;s literally a team-wide damage buff" huh?

By that logic EM's Pose of Duel is also a Team-wide damage buff with no restrictions, except that they have to be at 50% or more HP for it to be effective, what about that?

"i want to know why FMs Mirror is so overloaded but his ekkei passive is literally * tier"

Every Main have a more common skillset and a *ty skillset. Nobody use WaterM's Soul Absorption, why is no one nitpicking on that?

"Gaara's up. and he'll trigger a chain combo that includes acupuncture with Neji in Round 2. that's on prompt. and will outspeed you if formation orders are working as intended"

And? Can that particular move, when paired with FM's Mirror return, can actually kill? With the White Snake summon it can only reach a 5 Hit combo with the Ignition applied at the end. The Damage Boost only kicks in if the Ignition is applied at the start of the combo. You're making a silly assumption here.

"FM's Mirror Return is overloaded with utility and a extremely potent damage boost. that's not restricted aside from it activating once per round"

Overloaded? 1 debuff reflect per round? As one who runs Poison Tai the 1st debuff I inflict is always poison. So FM reflects that back to me, what of it? The debuffs I inflict after that are more layers of poison, acupuncture, immoblie, ignite and paralyze. Should I be concernced about that 1 debuff he reflects? All on a Round 1 standard attack combo not relying on RNG.

If I use a team relying on pure damage buffers not relying on any status effects, should I be concerned about the Mirror Return?

"Fire Mains legit have 3 free debuff removed every turn

I'm guessing the 1 is from the reflect and the 2 from the Death Mirage? You assumed it works that way? "cancel at random a poor state of up to 2 units..." that's what it says. Did you know that of those 2 units, 1 of them is always the FM and the remaining 1 is random, and it DOESN"T check if the target actually has a debuff on them? It can target a unit that has no debuff on them at all and ignore a unit that actually needs that cleanse. It's UNRELIABLE.

"i listed the theorycrafted FM team,
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 16:48:31Show All Posts
Round 2.
if death mirage manages to land me chakra regain.
it's automatic GG.

Gaara and Neji mystery.
Neji will interrupt Naruto/Kakashi and the Gaara will aim for WaM.

When's that gonna happen? Your FM is at move 4, Death Mirage only activates when he makes an action, any initiator on move2 or 3 can outspeed that.

Gaara and Neji mystery down.

If you're using GNW Neji his mystery has a 3 round CD.

and obviously summons take battling up a notch.

which we won't use.

With no summon the only time ignite is applied is if someone attacks Naruto(9Tails), he attacks, or if he uses his mystery. He is at move 3, the next one to move is only your FM and they are not in the same lane, how will it take advantage of the damage boost from ignition exactly?

your Hinata's acupuncture gets reflect back at your team

Huh? If he used Naruto the 1st debuff you'd be taking is a poison, If he used Kakashi the 1st debuff you'd take is also poison. That acupuncture will go thorugh no matter what. along with an immobile rendering you unable to take any action ergo no Death Mirage ergo no cleansing.

and if WaM is already low enough from the previous encounter. she's dead this round

And why is that? By the end of the round she'll be cleansing that ignite from her standard heal. You're assuming the damage output from that Gaara combo can actually kill?

You're making silly assumptions all throughout this thread huh? And you don't even realize it, and you wonder why people keep on putting you down?

This post was last edited by KenR at 2016-10-25 16:54
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 16:59:31Show All Posts
can you please discuss FMs Mirror Return and the changes i suggested for it and not derail my question with all this nonsense?

What gave you the idea that it's overloaded?? You tried to "prove" it's overloadedness by bringing up that "theorycrafted" team. And when we scrutinized that team you say "we aren't talking about battle machanics here". Thing is, you haven't proven why it's overloaded in the first place!

It can reflect 1 debuff, what about it? I can trigger it by inflicting a "bait" debuff like poison then inflicting my desired debuff, like acu.

It boosts damage to ignited enemies? Only works when the enemy is ignited at the start of the combo. On your theory team the one doing that is 9Tailed Naruto with it's mystery causing ignition and repulse but wait, there's no one in that lineup that chases repulse do they?

anyone even bothered to answer my question and help discuss why or why not my proposed changes should or should not happen?!

You even asked why?? Because it's silly that's why!

This post was last edited by KenR at 2016-10-25 17:06
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 17:13:45Show All Posts
Debuff reflect, debuff cleanse, damage buff.

the debuff reflect alone is great on a passive.
but a cleanse?!

And just what is so overloaded about it??? A debuff reflect that can be baited, an RNG cleanser, and a damage boost that has to be set up. What is so broken about it???
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 17:15:06Show All Posts
feedback to Naruto's repulse.
not everything is about combos O.O

Then how can it take advantage of the Mirror Return damage boost??? How can it kill that WaM on Round4???
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 17:26:47Show All Posts
HUH?! What is this a troll? People have been saying that exact solution all throughout this thread.

What is wrong with this guy.....
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 17:32:05Show All Posts
So basically you made a silly assumption of a skillset, then added a ridiculous team in an attempt to support your premise, made a battle simulation that defies common sense, failed to prove anything, and in the end said "Hey! I have the solution to the problem all this time!"

Idiot of the Week Award, you got it.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 17:39:42Show All Posts
A Conclusion? You made a ridiculous thread, like all the others we usually see here.
Quicky Post

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