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[ Suggestions ] Balancing Fire Mains Ideas [Mirror Return]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 10:20:32Show All Posts
Ok, lets be honest. May be you think that he is broken because you maybe you use LM. But i will tell you something, before Death Mirage, i lose every time against LM, because that Mystery that paralize and entire team is amazing, i lose every time against LM, and finally in level 55 Death Mirage was my savior, now i have chance. And still many people prefer the stupd clon. At this moment i hate fight against EM because the shield is based of resistence, so my ninjutsus do almost nothing of damage, and they do not depend of debuffs. That´s how the game works,that´s how is balanced, there is no an invincible main character, each one has a bad match or nemesis. Is not until all skills are unlock that we reliaze that. And just wait for water has their support. Whta you need is a better strategy that´s all. This post was last edited by hil*** at 2016-10-25 10:35
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 10:33:37Show All Posts
  • Fleece On 2016-10-24 05:06:06
  • No I looked at the suggested change. I read your whole thread even and still again I still have to explain what others have already said or why the scrubs scream nerf fire main.

    Everything a fire main has can be heavily punished. Mirror against a smart player can be heavily punished. If I know a fire main is running mirror, i would bait the mirror and there are many ninjas capable of baiting this passive. Trust me mirror passive does not turn you into a god, I run it and against smart players, they will use it against you. Next death mirage, that skill does not make you op. In fact fire mains give up a lot of defense just for that skill. Initiative turns to * too because of that skill. Now i will point out counters.

    Azure is a heavy counter to fire mains genjutsu mirror and death mirage but just as she is a counter, he is a counter to her healing and such.

    Earth main is probably the only non counter to fire main, they always leave themselves open to cc, but again with higher ini they can interrupt and most earth mains run a damage interrupt team with a debuffer.

    Lightning main should not even be concerned, you are like the king of killing fire mains.

    Wind main this is like a counter to fire mains too because again wind mains use clones. Clones if rng kick in take the cc mirrored since the mirror is kind of rng.

    You c*so add a mirror user to counter them. Again this class is very balanced , in fact all classes are balanced.
I use FM, i know it will be a weak character in the future, it is a weak character i my server matter fact, and you are TOTALLY RIGHT. But some peolple can not see the big picture, can not see the strategies, only cares about and easy win.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 15:21:36Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-25 12:37:26
  • please.
    i've stated it over and over in this thread.

    don't discuss with me about formations and strats. this isnt the Strategy forum.

    what i've been trying to do is start a civilized discussion on why FM's Mirror is in its current state.
    mind you i dont read China patch notes. nor do i care about it. they are irrelevant to the current game.

    i want to know why FMs Mirror is so overloaded but his ekkei passive is literally * tier.
    and so i proposed suggested and posted it all in the OP.

    legit gets tiring when i have to remind everyone that this is a discussion.
I did not mention china patch or notes, i just share my previous expirience and why i think the mirror and the mirage are good as they are. For one reason FM is the genjutsu specialist. This post was last edited by hil*** at 2016-10-25 15:26
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