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[ Suggestions ] Balancing Fire Mains Ideas [Mirror Return]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 18:07:01Show All Posts
Only thing I never understood about the Mirror from Fire Mains was that it also gives the whole field (on your side) +damage to anyone ignited. As stated above, other classes buff ninja that fit a requirement (sharing an attribute such as Lighting/Fire, or Gender, or Sword Wielder), the loosest I can think of being Earth Main's that can buff ninja on His team that have over %50 life. You can copy almost everything Mains give you (Mirror is on a few ninja, Guy gives Leech, Ao and others give shields to those that share Water or the same type. There are ninja that buff ninja that share elements with them, some that set up barriers to increase them further. Even Kage Gaara will shield one or two Earth/Wind ninja each turn), but to my knowledge no other ninja makes targets take more damage from enemy ninja as long as they are under a debuff.

Closest I can think of would be Shizune, who's passive "increases damage of debuffs to enemies who are suffering from them", but that is it. And not only does the Fire Main have such a passive, but it is attached to Mirror, which in and of its self is a good passive on its own. If it were something that effected the FM's team, I wouldn't be confused (like his team dealing more damage from members who are debuffed, or something), but the current one just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

I should point out that I'm not complaining about the class it's self, or saying they Need to nerf/change his passive, I'm just giving reasons why I could see it being done to mesh with more of what we see on other mains/ninja that can off set what mains do. I've always seen Mains not so much as unique/special ninja with their own unique skills, as much as special ninja that have a combination of skills found on other ninja, in one place. Most fit that build (as explained above), this Fire Main passive doesn't.

As far as Death Mirage goes, even though it would sound like a unique skill, it really isn't. yes you get get chakra for removing said debuff (not even that much), but it is random at best, and any good healer/debuff remover will remove the same/more debuffs as a standard action. So I don't see a problem with this one at all, even with the Mirror, if that were all it did.

TL: DR - It is what it is. Mirror is fine, ignite buff I don't understand. If they remove it/change it so it fits with other mains, great. If not, oh well, just get used to taking increased damage from Fire Mains, or run a debuffer. And there is nothing wrong with Death Mirage as it is RNG, and most healing ninja remove just as much, if not more debuffs as standard. This post was last edited by Maroner at 2016-10-25 18:13
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-25 18:31:00Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-25 18:14:28
  • only a matter of time before a mod comes to close this thread.

    but looks like you've captured the initial change i suggested with Mirror.
    little late now tho. i would of loved to discuss how we can further improve Mirror, which in turns improve Fire Mains.
I like/see where you are going with trying to brain storm with people about issues you see with things in the game. But I would say you may have the wrong mind set. Fire Mains don't need to be improved, they have their place like the other 4 Main Characters. If they changed what they currently do (atleast in the way I was talking), it couldn't really be anything other then a nerf. I like that all the mains feel unique in their own way. Yes, some of the skills/passive they have are the same as others (buff to ninja that share their element), but other then that they have their own feel. Earth is of course the tank, and makes his whole team tanky. Water mains may not be tanky like the Earth teams, but they are they last very well with their heals, and do very good DOT damage. Wind creates a lone wall like nothing else, and is good for high burst teams. Lighting is top of Taijutsu/Physical damage, and targeting/clearing the field of low life enemies. And then last you have the Fire Mains, who I would say rule control type play style with high Ninjutsu damage output.

Anyways, I wouldn't come into it thinking so much that the class needs to be "improved" as much as trying to understand what it does. I may lack the understanding on how the Mirror falls inline with the other skills, but I don't feel it is broken.
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