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[ Suggestions ] Balancing Fire Mains Ideas [Mirror Return]


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On 2016-10-23 23:29:51Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To
edit: included in the title.
apparently every single post thus far has legit been posted with a "this thread must be a nerf FM thread." mentality, because of the first portion of the title:


As it stands Genjutsu - Mirror Return, is borderline broken.
gets even better once you unlock Death Mirage.

Genjustsu - Mirror Return
- Transfer the first received by your own unit in each round to the enemy body
- Substantially increase the damage on any target enemy in

Death Mirage
- Before action in each round, cancel at random 1 of up to 2 units from your own team
- Recover 10 chakra points for every hit unit


For a highly offensive class, they have a ridiculous defense.

Fire Mains legit have 3 free debuff removed every turn. on top of having amazing damage boost (via damage increase onto Ignited enemies) something that's easily applied from Mystery/Combo's. and also chakra restores per unit hit, legit 2nd turn kill.


to put that into perspective

Lightning Mains:
tends to favor sword wielding type ninja's (Killing Intention of Warrior + Root of Warrior/Bloodthirsty Demon)
applies paralyze on demand up to 4 units OR acupunture on demand to 1.

to wield the best possible Lightning Main squad, would mean to use Sword-based Ninja's to abuse LM's innate passives.
something a Fire Main isn't limited to.


Wind Mains:
tends to favor comboing in general, whether it be from chasing a status (repulse, floats, etc) or 10-combo chains.
Debuff clear to all teammates + Mystery CDr 1 turn
tends to favor female ninjas (Flower Guard + Queen Momentum)

let's keep in mind. FM's debuff removal is on a PASSIVE and is active EVERY ROUND
and again not limit'd by a taking away damage. least Wind Main's get free CD reduction on Mystery's. no idea what the CD for Dance of Impetus is tho, must be broken. but you can't use Giant Rasengan w/ it so it's a good trade-off.


Earth Mains:
tends be a favorable frontline tank OR a damage boosting passive bot.

you can't Earth Slam -> Get Shield and Team-Wide bonus attack. (Mystery slot)
Damage+CC immune (still gets poison'd and ignited) and provide team-wide damage boose (first set of passives)
at least they get a Revive every turn. at the cost of Floats/Repulse/KD immunity and random ally gets crit+ and standard attack turn+.
the bestpart? the passive attack+ doesn't stack with the mystery attack+

Truly limited to committing on being a frontline tank OR a high team-wide damage booster. of course mix and match is good.
unlike FM's universal debuff clear every round/


Water Mains:
you either Heal OR do damage. c*so mix and match at the cost of a 'pure' set. similar to Earth Mains.

Has access to inflict Immobile/Stun at the cost of no healing.
Charkra + 10% hp restore when a unit dies (includes clones i believe). self only. too bad you can't use this with the innate shadow clone passive, they occupy the same slot. as mention'd before. Healing or Damage. pick one.

but Fire Mains? universal debuff clears. and chakra gain PER UNIT HIT. on top of having a damage boost.
tell me again why they aren't already nerf'd?!?


Suggested Nerf/Hotfix:
i propose a change. obviously.

Mirror Return:
instead of transfering the debuff.
it should in turn 'mirror' the debuff. aka, apply the debuff to opposing unit. WITHOUT CLEANSING aka healing the debuff'd ally unit.
also a removal of ignition damage boost and in turn toss it into the Ekkei passive, similar to Lightning Main's 'Sword-based' team.

Death Mirage:
keep one, not both.
you either get another debuff clear. or chakra restores. not both.

i'd say remove the chakra restore, put it into Bani Chakra. and change it to restore chakra when ally unit dies. Can make the chakra restore higher. 40 sounds awesome.

in return you get to keep 1 debuff removal up to 2 allied units.


with Fire Main's getting a damage boost along with 3 debuff clears EVERY TURN at this time, it's borderline broken in arena.

if you're up against a Fire Main, your chances of winning dimishes just because of Fire Main's innate passives. something the other mains have to choose between. either Offense. or Defense. mix and match. but not all at the same time.

would definitely help balance out the classes and fine-tune Fire Main's to use 'ekkei-based' units, similar to LM's 'sword-based' units. with the suggested fix it'll bring FM's more in line with the other mains. as it stands out, it outright outclasses the rest of them via free alone .


This post was last edited by ch3*** at 2016-10-25 13:29
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On 2016-10-24 00:11:04Show All Posts
i cant even This post was last edited by ch3*** at 2016-10-24 00:12
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On 2016-10-24 00:12:36Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-23 23:46:27
  • Get good

    nuff said
instructions unclear
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On 2016-10-24 00:13:41Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2016-10-23 23:44:20
  • Not gonna happen.
can still dream T.T
i mean, there's legit 20~ until they hit 200 servers.

no one must of cared enough. :\
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On 2016-10-24 03:06:15Show All Posts
  • Phoenix Rising On 2016-10-24 02:06:24
  • Has access to inflict Immobile/Stun at the cost of no healing.
    Water main can still inflict Immobile with Chakra Dissection Blade and still heal. So what you said is very wrong. Perhaps you meant not heal as much, since healing tips and neurotoxin is in the same row?
i figured the 'pure' set builds would clarify this.

and also as what Belerephon stated.
FM's Mirror Return is like having the pie and eating it.

imagine if WM's c*e her strong heals coupled with immobile. that's what FM's have right now. the ability to immunize a debuff and send it right back to your team.
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On 2016-10-24 03:08:21Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-24 02:33:54
  • I wonder why CN still hasn't nerfed Fire Main, from what I saw on their website in his skillset, nothing seems to be changed. Most ppl play Earth anyways XD
i rolled EM. just cuz i figured i can co-play as a pseudo-Rock Lee with the Lotus.
turns out FMs are literally not allowing me to CC. even worse if they have access to a Gaara. or Naruto. or both T.T
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On 2016-10-24 03:31:02Show All Posts
  • Magicians On 2016-10-24 03:24:04
  • fire main not broken lol.. get good ur just bad.
    many ways to play around it
tell me.

FM, Gaara GWN, Naruto, Neji 2*

what are you gonna do if you can't even hit that backline?
Neji locks you out from ever casting a jutsu.
FM backline dragon breaths.

all the meanwhile Naruto and Gaara beefing up.

and no, you can't use a FM against this team setup.
otherwise you further prove the point that Mirror Return indeed needs to get looked at.
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On 2016-10-24 03:42:30Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-24 03:29:14
  • For Christ's sake! You fight a team with Gaara and Naruto then proceed to blame Fire main for being too OP ?
    And what the heck is "end's up reflecting para on Sasuke" even mean ? Only dumbass would cast non-prompt skill right when the round start, and if you are not that dumbass (still not understand where the "reflecting para" come from) you would be blissed to see a debuff reflecting on Sasuke.
    On side note, a Fire main with Death Mirage is sitting duck for interruption. Other character can cast their mystery right away leaving a small time frame for the opponent to react. A Fire main need to trigger Death Mirage first before casting mystery, which leave a huge time gap for the opponent to react so don't whine about that passive is OP.
Sasuke. in your LM scenario.
meaning, there are opportunities for the paralyze status to be inflicted on said FM team. meaning, via Mirror Return. that paralyze (aka para), has a chance to get inflicted on Sasuke. hence RNGesus.

also stated. Death Mirage isnt what i'm talking about here. legit first 2 lines of wording in the OP.

"As it stands Genjutsu - Mirror Return, is borderline broken.
gets even better once you unlock Death Mirage. "

legit. strictly speaking of, only, and about. Mirror Return.
Death Mirage was added because it further boosts the debuff cleansing, something only Death Mirage should be able to do. of course, it's all in the "suggested change" section if you've even read that far.

and yes. Gaara and Naruto.
sure, they are great in all teams. but we can agree that on a FM team. those 2 are at their strongest. they can't get debuff'd. if they do it's cleansed. and interupts?! that's where Neji comes in. He's the hero. placed in the first ranked slot. He gets priority. He also has a prompt. He, my friend. is what makes the suggest core FM team i listed so strong. why? because yet again. Mirror Return

not Death Mirage. Mirror Return

if i'm understanding speed tiers, turn orders, battle progressions, or whatever it's called correctly. then Neji is in the first ranked slot. the fastest place to be. the first to move.

now, if you're gonna use reaction timings to corelate the relevance of battle mechanics.
you should assume the best possible situation.

in any situation, Neji will get his mystery off and stop the opposing team from doing anything. of course, you'll aim for priority jutsu's to cancel. stuff that leads into combos. such as Giant Rasengen. anything else is practically irrelevant.

and those are just the first 2 turns.

because Dear God,
if you didn't do anything against that FM lineup, prepare for Gaara takedowns. why? because ignited foes take more damage. why? because Mirror Return. oh and also Neji's mystery is back up and ready. hope you're ready again.
This post was last edited by ch3*** at 2016-10-24 04:04 This post was last edited by ch3*** at 2016-10-24 04:07
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On 2016-10-24 03:49:57Show All Posts
  • Fleece On 2016-10-24 03:28:59
  • Lol fire main is not broken. Take away those two things, change it in any way they become borderline useless. Like when I say useless , I mean like * they become not viable. Every main gets a counter to the mirror. Water can just heal that debuff right off, in fact if running a poison tai build you have nothing to worry about all they will mirror is poison and get poisoned again. If using earth are you serious, stack that shield up and just play smart. Do not cc right of the bat, just bait that mirror, same with wind main. Lightning mains do not even get phased, tai build to the rescue. Really there does not need to be any balanced. To answer your question china doesnt nerf fire main because they become like the second less used class in the game and you will know why soon.
so what you're telling me is.

you didn't look at the suggested change and continued to reply because you believe i'm a scrublord. amirite?

FM. Gaara GWN. Naruto. Neji 2*/
please. help me beat that team.
that's not using another FM team.
or game mechanics messing up cast times.
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On 2016-10-24 06:13:52Show All Posts
  • Fleece On 2016-10-24 05:06:06
  • No I looked at the suggested change. I read your whole thread even and still again I still have to explain what others have already said or why the scrubs scream nerf fire main.

    Everything a fire main has can be heavily punished. Mirror against a smart player can be heavily punished. If I know a fire main is running mirror, i would bait the mirror and there are many ninjas capable of baiting this passive. Trust me mirror passive does not turn you into a god, I run it and against smart players, they will use it against you. Next death mirage, that skill does not make you op. In fact fire mains give up a lot of defense just for that skill. Initiative turns to * too because of that skill. Now i will point out counters.

    Azure is a heavy counter to fire mains genjutsu mirror and death mirage but just as she is a counter, he is a counter to her healing and such.

    Earth main is probably the only non counter to fire main, they always leave themselves open to cc, but again with higher ini they can interrupt and most earth mains run a damage interrupt team with a debuffer.

    Lightning main should not even be concerned, you are like the king of killing fire mains.

    Wind main this is like a counter to fire mains too because again wind mains use clones. Clones if rng kick in take the cc mirrored since the mirror is kind of rng.

    You c*so add a mirror user to counter them. Again this class is very balanced , in fact all classes are balanced.
didn't know death mirage puts u behind in the speed tier.
figured passives, prompts, formation placements. in that order.

like the scrublord i am, what i need are sources.
links to how battle mechanics work. mainly who goes first. aside from the prompts taking priority. and formation placements.

what else factors in?

the battle mechanics could use a few touches tho. playing manual and trying to interupt the enemy legit relies on pre-spamming your skills and pray it registers in time. that along with selecting your targets. it's rough.

at least give 1s T.T

but please, provide factual proofs. something scrublords like i, can go and read for ourselves.
stuff like LMs are the kings of killing FMs are opinions. even though i agree with it.

convince me why Mirror Return should not change.
convince me how FM, Gaara GWN, Naruto, 2* Neji can be beat.
then you therefore admit that it's the strongest lineup in the game.

and i don't believe that. so please.

give me an opposing team, THAT's NOT A FM LINEUP, that can win against my listed FM lineup.
go ahead and be creative. just listing a lineup so i can compare would be great.

and don't go giving me RNGesus BS. Mirror Return doesn't need to magically reflect into the right targets. the part is bound to happen. so what? both sides pray equally for RNGesus to be in their favor. but it's tilted in FM's favor it's ridiculous via

outspeeding Neji? like how is that even possible, please explain.
and besides, who aside from EMs, would put a disruptor in their first ranked slot?! as far as i'm concern'd the only reliable tanky disruptor capable of filling that slot is Neji.

bring up a lineup capable of dealing with my theorycrafted FM lineup.
remember, you can't use a FM. that defeats the purpose of this threads actual debate. Mirror Return
edit: bolds for added effect.
This post was last edited by ch3*** at 2016-10-24 06:18
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On 2016-10-24 06:20:36Show All Posts
  • Dym On 2016-10-24 06:17:53
  • ''Wind main counter to fire'', now i heard everything lol.

    On topic he is not wrong though, yes fire is not unbeatable but the fact that you have to plan against fire, when they just run mirror vs all means it's pretty good. I don't mind the mirror part at all, but it should not add so much damage as well considering the utility.

    But we probably will just copy paste Chinese patches so this discussion is just for fun.
yes. yes. i'm waiting for updates.
but until then, i want all high nobles to teach scrublords like me how to play.

legit Mirror Return needs some of my suggested changes. that would make them more enjoyable to fight against.
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On 2016-10-24 10:38:04Show All Posts
  • Fleece On 2016-10-24 06:28:09
  • I will give you what you wanted. The reason why all fire mains should hate light mains is because we light mains run a buff team. Like by the start of the battle i am running 120% in buffed up damage plus root of warrior which makes me immune to cc for two rounds. Then if you use warrior killing intent , if you kill said fire main with just again mystery skill it resets, so a spam after spam. actually withing a first round, i dont see a fire main alive anymore unless he is running shield buffs which means round 2 my next character will have him down without targeting on him.

    Azure fang has auto heal. SO if you cc like anyone of her ninjas she will heal it right of.Then why death mirage doesnt work on her.Most azure run a ignite/poison tai build. If fire main mirrors he will mirror a poison which your main will heal. If he uses death mirage he will be hit with a silence, a ignite, a poison again. really choose your choice you cant wipe out the debuffs long enough.

    Earth mains, they really have no chance.They leave themselves open unless they use someone like Gakido,Neji,Hinata or some debuffer cleaner. If they have a cleaner, they have abetter chance.If they have interrupt,cc, and a cleaner there chances greatly increase.

    Wind main. Clones set up. Those clones are op, most wind mains run a rasengan setup, and cc mostly at the end of their combo.So he can mirror all that all he wants.It might just hit your clones (rng comes in).

    My experience ,I have tried every main.They are all balanced. They might have thier annoying aspects but there is a counter to all of them.Light main with its damage is really squishy, so is windmain and running a setup for her takes brains.Azure has no damage coming her way and must rely on tactics.Fire must rely on his wacky skills.
ty Fleece.
so from what i've gather'd and already had on mind.

LM vs FM
did not realize it was a legit passive on LMs. that's awesome. even better because it's strictly limited to sword-based ninja's. broken? as an enemy, everything is broken. but as an LM user. hardly so because it's limited to using Sasuke. and it makes great usage of that fact.
WaMs vs FMs
kek, water > fire. pokemon logic.
i would assume in this matchup the FM would use it's FM specialty ignition that lowers healing done. (i believe it's exclusive to just FM? or could it be all ignite in general?!) FMs will have their work cut out for them here.
EM vs FM
EMs atleast has interrupt. i'd run that over the shield vs FMs. it'll give them the early game edge. even more so if they have another form of for the 2nd round 40 chakra onslaughts. after that it's just a matter of controlling who to and whatnot.
WdM vs FM
WMs definitely have their work cut out for them. as you stated, it's a legitimate RNG game here. least WMs clones are awesome. and 10-hit combos.

again. thanks for clarifying why LMs legitimately wreck multiple levels of plays via whatever the skill was called. still doesn't stop so in my ideal FM setup, i'd swap Neji out for someone with an similar to that of EMs. to which i have no idea who even has access to such a mystery.


now that all that's out of the way.
the real issue here is still the overloaded BS utility that has.
it's the legitimate, pick it or lose, passive for all FMs. just because the other 2 passive slots are lackluster.
Fire-Attribute ninja buff and Ekkei-based ninja buff. both of which are weak compared to Mirror Return's .

to which i proposed:
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On 2016-10-24 22:13:58Show All Posts
you folks are legit missing the whole point here.




this is a thread talking about what we can change with Mirror Return.and in extension, make FMs feel more like the other mains.


EMs has 2 very clear cut styles, tank set. or damage set. YOU CANT ENJOY THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS. (like having the steel body passive along with random ally crit up + attack)

WaMs. Healing. or Damage/Immobile. again, DONT GET THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS. (if you rolled Neurotoxin, that means you don't get to use Healing up passive)

WdMs. are u a Raseng*er. or a Dance user?! again. same phrase. imagine if WdMs can have the CDr effect of Dance while running Rasengan, that's exactly what FMs is. he gets a strong debuff passive, coupled with a powerful damage boost passive.

as it is now, FMs get to enjoy the best of both worlds. and the reason because of that is because of how works.


from the first post on 4th page going down:

ronald: you legit just told me to use a Mirror Return vs another Mirror Return, further proving my point in this thread that Mirror Return needs to get addressed. thanks for a suggesting what's been suggested thus far. .it's legit the single most annoying skill to play around. and on a FM at that. just review my theorycrafted FM lineup. Mirror Return legit breaks that comp. and you can't use Mirror Return against it in a counter-team setup. why? obvious reasons.

Kouka: BS dream team!? what are you on spouting 'they dont exist yet'.
it's a theorycrafted team. a dream team. a possible team in the future. that's what a 'dream team' is.

and when they do, and they will be released. it legit becomes the strongest FM team i can think you. that means, eventually down in the future you WILL face that lineup fully maxed out with your choice of a maxed out team.
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On 2016-10-25 00:18:38Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2016-10-24 23:11:47
  • it's a theorycrafted team. a dream team. a possible team in the future. that's what a 'dream team' is.

    and when they do, and they will be released. it legit becomes the strongest FM team i can think you. that means, eventually down in the future you WILL face that lineup fully maxed out with your choice of a maxed out team.
thanks for providing legitimate data.irrelevant to the actual initial discussion. but thanks anyways. if you have access to GWN-Neji. provide me that data. otherwise my theorycrafted lineup will still be the best. in terms of accessibility and power off the bat.

i am naive indeed. that's not the issue here. but i must be,because the issue here is the majority of posts here are posting off-topic and assuming this discussion is 'nerf FM'.
when it's actually about .
if you read what i posted.
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On 2016-10-25 00:21:58Show All Posts
looks like you edited your post.

ty for finally providing legitimate Mirror Return data.
removal of atk buff in the future is a great step.
but it then becomes an overall nerf to FM. which we can discuss another time as that's off-topic.
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On 2016-10-25 01:47:25Show All Posts
so what if Tobi gets nerfed?!
it just means he's too strong as he is now.

just like how Mirror Return is gonna get atk removed in the future.
it was deemed, overloaded with too much utility on top of it being a damage buff.

but honestly. just legit post. "future updates"
and provide a link of some sort. we didnt need to legit travel 4 pages almost 5 just to reach this conclusion.
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On 2016-10-25 13:54:48Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2016-10-24 16:20:44
  • On your opnion on mirror return I already said at 2nd post : Not gonna happen. At least not anytime soon.

    About your BS dream team :
    - GNW Neji is bad when it come to deffensive, he can be one shot easily. There are many puppet user or ninjas that can by pass his standard dodge, also his dodge chance is not even high to begin with.
    - GNW Gaara? Did anyone have access to Kage Treasure already?
    - Naruto 9 tails, except for his 3 stars or higher version he is easy to kill. His atk buff each time get hit just got nerfed in our version. But if you ever face against a player who can buy him 3 stars you will lose anyway because he is P2W unless you are one too.

    Firemain is not that hard to beat. You're just bad.
    And ofc I'm high, at least to you :lol it's not easy for a f2p player like me to stand in top 3 almost all sage battle, top 10 kyuubi, around top 10 power, level and survival in a server that can kill ninetails 1 month after openned.

    Off-topic : I was a newbie 2 months ago. But instead of whining about this and that are OP. I went here to research, I read a lot in stragegy box. I even went to other versions, use google translate to understand what they said. Those action helped me archived what I said above, not whining. I came with intention to help you counter the team that you're struggling with and want to help to improve your setup but it's seem like you are not just bad but also dumb. That can't be help I guess.
    Anyway, keep whining and good luck :lol This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-24 15:22
Kouka please.

quit editing your post and just post a new one so we can discuss further.
i'm legit re-reading through all the BS off-topic nonsense that's floating in my thread to see if i can clarify why everyone is obsessed that this is a 'nerf FM' rant.

i dont need help organizing a legit team, that stuff is childs play.
actually getting the ninja's, is a different story and totally off-topic.

but if i ever face my theorycrafted FM lineup.

i will be dumbfounded and know not what to do. besides pray RNGesus works in my favor.

as stated.
the current state of FMs Mirror is overloaded. it;s literally a team-wide damage buff.


there's literally nothing that can beat this team, bar RNGesus standard attacks -> R1 and kills Neji.

if that's the case. you can be a level 1 Karin. and beat everyone 1v4, because RNGesus allowed you to substitute jutsu if they don't run a 'cant be dodged' skill/attack.

the only real issue would be how battle mechanics worked.
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On 2016-10-25 15:14:51Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-25 15:07:34
  • if they nerf fire then they better nerf earth main shield too.
wrong discussion bud.
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On 2016-10-25 16:28:15Show All Posts
  • Leeesh On 2016-10-25 15:18:45
  • I'll give you a water main as my lineup against your theory-crafter FM lineup.

    Talents: 3/2/3/2/2

    Hinata x x
    x x x

    Any first inflicted damage is a counter to FMs mirror. And you worry about Neji as the first move? Wait for him to cast acupuncture mystery and heal it with your main's heal mystery. It costs 0 so you are able to initiate another mystery. Neji acupunctured your water main? Then initiate as well. Take him down asap, next is FM then naruto then gaara. In the first place, if you have higher refine (naruto at least), your theory-crafted lineup is wayyy no match to a basic WM setup
we assume maxed stats.
arena stats.

power levels are a crutch and shouldn't be used.
RNGesus standard attacks -> combo are not allowed.

and both Neji and Gaara outspeeds your whole lineup. unless i'm misreading speed tiers wrong.
there's no way Naruto and Kakashi will be able to use their mystery's cleanly.

between Gaara and Neji. and mystery CDs. you'll be facing attacks from Gaara and Neji. and a lockdown from casting offensive mystery's.

Round 2.
if death mirage manages to land me chakra regain.
it's automatic GG.

Gaara and Neji mystery.
Neji will interrupt Naruto/Kakashi and the Gaara will aim for WaM.

regardless of which, you now have 2 units acupunctured. and WaM is immobiled via chase combos from GaaraGWN.

Gaara and Neji mystery down.
and you lose either Kakashi or Naruto. whichever was used previously.

chances are high you'll use Kakashi or Naruto to trigger mystery -> chase combos.

regardless of who it's used on. i'll let it slide. because WaM is my real concern.
your Hinata's acupuncture gets reflect back at your team. it's irrelevant who it lands on.

and if WaM is already low enough from the previous encounter. she's dead this round.
she won't be able to jutsu either.

according to speed tiers. FM should be quicker, and there capable of landing his mystery -> chase combo = more lockdown.

4th round.
your WaM is consider'd dead. via Naruto mystery. coupled with the ignite inflicted by FM from earlier.

and that's match point right there.
my theory team wins.


unless we factor in RNGesus combo procs. but we won't, because RNGesus is unreliable in theorycrafting concrete situations.
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On 2016-10-25 16:29:20Show All Posts
  • KenR On 2016-10-25 15:48:26
  • "current state of FMs Mirror is overloaded. it;s literally a team-wide damage buff" huh?

    By that logic EM's Pose of Duel is also a Team-wide damage buff with no restrictions, except that they have to be at 50% or more HP for it to be effective, what about that?

    "i want to know why FMs Mirror is so overloaded but his ekkei passive is literally * tier"

    Every Main have a more common skillset and a *ty skillset. Nobody use WaterM's Soul Absorption, why is no one nitpicking on that?

    "Gaara's up. and he'll trigger a chain combo that includes acupuncture with Neji in Round 2. that's on prompt. and will outspeed you if formation orders are working as intended"

    And? Can that particular move, when paired with FM's Mirror return, can actually kill? With the White Snake summon it can only reach a 5 Hit combo with the Ignition applied at the end. The Damage Boost only kicks in if the Ignition is applied at the start of the combo. You're making a silly assumption here.

    "FM's Mirror Return is overloaded with utility and a extremely potent damage boost. that's not restricted aside from it activating once per round"

    Overloaded? 1 debuff reflect per round? As one who runs Poison Tai the 1st debuff I inflict is always poison. So FM reflects that back to me, what of it? The debuffs I inflict after that are more layers of poison, acupuncture, immoblie, ignite and paralyze. Should I be concernced about that 1 debuff he reflects? All on a Round 1 standard attack combo not relying on RNG.

    If I use a team relying on pure damage buffers not relying on any status effects, should I be concerned about the Mirror Return?

    "Fire Mains legit have 3 free debuff removed every turn

    I'm guessing the 1 is from the reflect and the 2 from the Death Mirage? You assumed it works that way? "cancel at random a poor state of up to 2 units..." that's what it says. Did you know that of those 2 units, 1 of them is always the FM and the remaining 1 is random, and it DOESN"T check if the target actually has a debuff on them? It can target a unit that has no debuff on them at all and ignore a unit that actually needs that cleanse. It's UNRELIABLE.

    "i listed the theorycrafted FM team,
i can't even.

go read the first post.
i legit compared each Main.
Quicky Post

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