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[ Suggestions ] Balancing Fire Mains Ideas [Mirror Return]


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-23 23:44:20Show All Posts
Not gonna happen.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-24 14:40:19Show All Posts
That formation : FM - Neji - Naruto - Gaara is very bad yet you talked like it's super OP.
Tell me what is your level and power? What setup you are using?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-24 16:20:44Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-24 15:35:04
  • please dont assume it's based versions.

    im talking GWN Neji, GWN Gaara, and Naruto.
    come again when actually read throughout the posts.

    i literally shortened it to base names so as to save time. and to have confused me for using base forms, you must not take me seriously.

    also. this thread is about .
    everything else is related to discussing about said passive skill.

    but apparently everyone wants a live formation scenario and whatnot.
    so i provided:

    x-FM-GWN Neji
    x-x-GWN Gaara

    shortened to:


    and apparently you're pretty high in yourself assuming i'm using the base forms.
    and you ask me what lvl i am? what power level im at?!

    how dare you fall for such bait?!

    I'M OVER 9000!

    /you've been got.
    /gg no re.
    /read everything before posting

    but i ask you anyways oh mighty one.
    did you even read the opening post long enough to discuss about the changes i proposed to ?

    or did you legit skimmed through and assume this thread was a "this FM lineup is OP" thread?

    dear God help us all/
On your opnion on mirror return I already said at 2nd post : Not gonna happen. At least not anytime soon.

About your BS dream team :
- GNW Neji is bad when it come to deffensive, he can be one shot easily. There are many puppet user or ninjas that can by pass his standard dodge, also his dodge chance is not even high to begin with.
- GNW Gaara? Did anyone have access to Kage Treasure already?
- Naruto 9 tails, except for his 3 stars or higher version he is easy to kill. His atk buff each time get hit just got nerfed in our version. But if you ever face against a player who can buy him 3 stars you will lose anyway because he is P2W unless you are one too.

Firemain is not that hard to beat. You're just bad.
And ofc I'm high, at least to you :lol it's not easy for a f2p player like me to stand in top 3 almost all sage battle, top 10 kyuubi, around top 10 power, level and survival in a server that can kill ninetails 1 month after openned.

Off-topic : I was a newbie 2 months ago. But instead of whining about this and that are OP. I went here to research, I read a lot in stragegy box. I even went to other versions, use google translate to understand what they said. Those action helped me archived what I said above, not whining. I came with intention to help you counter the team that you're struggling with and want to help to improve your setup but it's seem like you are not just bad but also dumb. That can't be help I guess.
Anyway, keep whining and good luck :lol This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-10-24 15:22
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-24 23:11:47Show All Posts
it's a theorycrafted team. a dream team. a possible team in the future. that's what a 'dream team' is.

and when they do, and they will be released. it legit becomes the strongest FM team i can think you. that means, eventually down in the future you WILL face that lineup fully maxed out with your choice of a maxed out team.
Quicky Post

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