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[ Scarlet Blaze ] So is this a damage charicter or control


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-15 06:47:28Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Because it seems to do both very very well , shuts down 3/4 members of your team than just straight up does so much damage it puts agressive lineups to shame , Fire main can close to solo a 4 man team , im loving playing him lol
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On 2016-10-15 06:56:00Show this Author Only
Both, its why he is so annoying to play against. If he plays smart enough, he can even beat his "counters" on equal power levels.
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On 2016-10-15 06:58:52Show this Author Only
  • WolfMaster On 2016-10-15 06:56:00
  • Both, its why he is so annoying to play against. If he plays smart enough, he can even beat his "counters" on equal power levels.
so in otherwords he is OP and might need a balance check lol
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On 2016-10-15 07:46:52Show this Author Only
Fire mains ah a worthy opponent to the lightning kingdom but they are quite the pest when soaking with lightning from our CHIDORI BLADE SHADOW paralysis is quite the problem to a team but to make them feel hurt more add a little SHIKAMARU to make them really feel it when we stop their pesky DEATH MIRAGE.
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On 2016-10-15 07:52:49Show this Author Only
Fire main is fine. The real problem is that there needs to be more reflect ninja that are not rare's. Fighting a fire main without reflect is not fun.
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On 2016-10-15 08:38:52Show this Author Only
  • Ronin345 On 2016-10-15 07:52:49
  • Fire main is fine. The real problem is that there needs to be more reflect ninja that are not rare's. Fighting a fire main without reflect is not fun.
I agree. Mirror genjutsu is one of the top tier passives in this game, and players need more than just f2p konoha ninjas to counter it.
Quicky Post

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