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[ Lineup ] Tobi's Chase damage?


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On 2016-10-10 09:17:12Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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It seems that when I go against Tobi I have to expect his chase to do at least 1K+ to one of my nins. I can count on one hand the number of times that it was below 1K. I'm not really complaining just wondering how to do it? like what combonation of ninjas should I have and etc...
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On 2016-10-10 09:29:48Show this Author Only
For some reason the dmg multiplier on his chase is like double of other ninja I had it crit for well over 5k on hidan hard mode. I don't think other ninja can match it.
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On 2016-10-10 17:24:30Show this Author Only
That's how he is, always getting 2k damage chase lv70 without crit/element effect. That's why he is getting a nerf
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On 2016-10-10 17:26:46Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2016-10-10 17:24:30
  • That's how he is, always getting 2k damage chase lv70 without crit/element effect. That's why he is getting a nerf
You don't know that he's going to get nerfed, you only know that on the CN servers he was nerfed.

Don't take info from one game and put it into another, each game is different whether it be TN or CN or GN.
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On 2016-10-10 17:30:09Show this Author Only
And they didnt even nerv his dmg or chase. He deal alot because most ppl buff h9is mood at least to 25%. Without the mood buff its more around 800 dmg which is still pretty good.
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On 2016-10-10 18:48:55Show this Author Only
so what he does a lot of dmg?is a free ninja for everyone to obtain,I dont understand why whine and complain about it anymore?
I swear that this forum is 80% about complain and whining,even I sometiems lol and its becoming annoying.
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On 2016-10-10 20:14:42Show this Author Only
Tobi's chase deal more damage because of fire main's passive which deals significant damage if your opponent is in ignite status aside of the debuff reflect. When Tobi use his mystery 1st which deal dmg + ignite then chase the ignite target which deal insane damage.
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On 2016-10-10 21:36:38Show this Author Only
Tobi deals around the same damage with his chase as a 2 chase ninja. The reason he deals really hgih damage is the fire main reflect that boosts his damage to targets with ignite on them.

Try attacking someone that can reflect your ignite or is immune to it and see how little his damage is compared to a target with ignite.

They also don't nerf is damage in CN they nerfed/buffed him by adding a 20+ chakra a turn passive like sage Naruto, took away knockdown from his mystery and removed his revive which is what they considerd OP in CN servers. not his damage. I also herd they buffed his dodge but idk if thats true?
This post was last edited by Arawn345 at 2016-10-10 21:39
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On 2016-10-11 04:37:10Show this Author Only
Kiiroi Sit Boy
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On 2016-10-11 06:55:22Show this Author Only
Ya sometime he can make 2k damage without crit. His chase so op :lol
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On 2016-10-11 11:11:12Show this Author Only
I'm not complaining just wondering. Mine does ~600-750 but I'm not a fire main and I don't mess around with moods. Do Moods really boost things that much? Maybe I should start using it...
Quicky Post

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