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[ Lineup ] Super P2W fun


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-09 19:11:54Show All Posts
I don't get it. I've faced scarier P2W teams, and I don't get how you are getting a full combo out of it (With Rhino you are not getting full chase... didn't try with any other summon). I get you are running Iruka for the shield/buff to Naruto and your main... but if you were really going for an exaggeration Konan and another pain/akatsuki would do it better I think.... (Sasori would be scary... His puppet not only gets Konan's buff/shield but your main would be shielding it just like Naruo's clone... also it would combo start every round... and give you a really good combo...)

Also as far as fun goes, I've had alot more fun with playing around with teams that share a common thread... Like running teams of real Naruto teams (team 7, 8, 9, 10, sound 4 and so on). Or the annoying dodging teams with Konan, Tobi, and one other (you could run Iruka, but it wouldn't be as good)... Enma has been funny on that team... More so when he revives more then once. Or the revive team? Hidan, Orochimaru, Tobi, Earth main (unyielding anyone?)... or again, Enma instead of Tobi.

Once for fun I even used the "no chase team" with Naruto, Shino, Enma..... just because. This post was last edited by Maroner at 2016-10-9 19:13
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-09 19:25:59Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-10-09 19:21:59
  • Again, it's for fun, but I guess some of you don't understand what that is.

    Also GNW Neji shuts down a lot of teams just cause of acunpuncture, that's how the acunpuncture feature works, congrats!
Not if you had a healer that removes debuffs... or a ninja that removes debuffs.... or a ninja that can't be debuffed.... or a mirror that bounces the debuff back at you (like what would happen with the team you posted above, cause that you are only casting 1 debuff in that whole combo, and it is the acupuncture).

I hope you know I'm just giving you a hard time... as posted above, I do enjoy playing around with random teams just for the fun.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-09 19:30:16Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-10-09 19:24:29
  • Fun is in the eye of the beholder, whilst you may not find this fun I do.

    As well, chases aren't everything the main thing you're going for is the acupuncture and the repulses allowing for Naruto to 1 shot the entire team turn 2, even if Naruto is acupunctured you'd then be able to either use Tendo's mystery to kill 1 member of the enemy team or just delay by interrupting the enemy team until SM is good to go.
    Combos aren't everything and this is meant for more control than a Konan akatsuki build, this build has already beaten that on my server due to the clone or main taking a majory of the damage and them not getting combos off due to acupuncture and constant interruption.
    This post was last edited by ronaldfranklinthomas at 2016-10-9 19:26
I've never seen Naruto 1 shot a whole team turn 2... unless you are talking crazy 50k P2W... but if that is the case any nuke ninja could do it. Don't get me wrong, I've seen scary teams with Sage Naruto, but it was always the combo status effects the whole thing caused. Not pure damage from Naruto alone. (My server runs alot of Sage Naruto, Ao, Water Mains, and Iruka, some times another pain or something)
Edit: Rarther then keep repliing to your posts, I'll just leave it at this and say I get playing around. One day I spent all day getting the first win on all my ninja in the arena (I have like 60). I kind of turned it into a game on what powerful teams can I come up with using only ninja that need a team?

You have any idea how hard it is to get a fair win using Konohamru or Konohamru corps? lol

This post was last edited by Maroner at 2016-10-9 19:32
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-09 19:48:59Show All Posts
I'd still run this: Edit: since the picture is broken, I was running Earth Main where you have Naruto, Tendo in place of your main, Konan in place of Iruka, and Sasori (normal, not 100 puppet) where Tendo was.

It is quite scary, and all your damage dealing ninja are getting a buff and shield. Your combo is also causing acupuncture, poison, and tag along with all the damage. 9 hit combo all the way around other then on Sasori's auto attack... but I just threw this team together just now. This post was last edited by Maroner at 2016-10-9 19:54
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-09 20:21:06Show All Posts
  • ronaldfranklint On 2016-10-09 19:57:58
  • The problem is that Sage Naruto is just too good right now and easily outdamages that combo with just his mystery alone.

    That build is also super susceptible to any form of control and will die if you can't get it off, one of the main things I try to avoid is relying on combos but rather relying on other aspects, especially since it's getting harder and harder to have reliable combos go off.
    From what I'm seeing in that build as well, sasori won't place his puppet in front of Tendo and rather to the side.
    This post was last edited by ronaldfranklinthomas at 2016-10-9 19:59
I guess to each their own. I've easily out lived Sage Naruto mysteries from people with more power then me. It has gotten to the point they don't scare me. I stop their main combo link and leave sage for last half the time. Even easier when he has lower refines then my main so I can stop him, but most sage teams I've run across have higher refines then me... so I end up just sitting through it. When I have Konan on my team between her shield and the one from my main round one, Naruto doesn't even damage the shields let alone health, even the combo's can't take anyone on that team (I run something like it other then Tendo) down to half health, and that is including burn/poison damage. From there the control is in my court. (I will be honest, at most I've fought people with 7k more power then me, nothing more... but I can still win 60% to 70% of the time against a Sage Naruto team. 100% if Naruto is lined up in front of Sasori.)

Also Sasori's puppet would place in front of Tendo. His puppet also deals alot of damage on its own, along with the 9 person damage/paralyze it is a great back up plan if you can't get your main, Tendo, or Konan off. Along with Konan's buff the whole team would be hitting like trains.

As for trying to upset F2P players... You could always post your fun builds. Granted the one we have been talking about tends to fall more into trying to find an over powered build, but the ones I posted a few posts ago were all about fun. Even though it was hard to win, fighting arena battles with Konohamaru was quite fun (not P2W cause all I did to get him was invite one friend to play and talk him into spending $1 on getting Gaara :P)
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