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[ News ] Server Merge Request - Week of December 4th


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On 2023-12-05 06:38:57Show All Posts

1.Server ID: S1790 (1786 1794 1782 1802 1798 1806 1750 1778 1810 1826 1858)

2. Server Region: NY

3. Server Age: Estimated 2 years - merged 1 year ago merge somewhere January of 2022 10 or 11 maybe

4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 12 minutes++

5. World Boss HP as of today monday 3/13/23 time 7:29 cst the hp was around 500k+ yesterdays was 100k

6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 1 merge has 8 groups

7. AVG Top 5: 1mill to 800K, AVG Top 10: 1million to 500K, AVG Top 20: 1mill to 200K are server is very dead if anyway to merge with more active server please help. image_2023-12-04_163735447image_2023-12-04_163854121

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