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[ Events ] did u guys enjoy from the game


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  • Registered: 2018-02-14
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On 2023-08-27 03:58:26Show All Posts

only replying to the first post in the thread: welp the game seems overdone, or feels to me,
but it took a long way to get there, with money or not, more often i should simply say > yes totally p2w catered.
is it still fun for f2p (if you ask me i'd say not really, if you ask those who managed to stay on~ and actually play the events)
(i think they stay because they are suited to grinding long term, and/or they play very casually just to kill some boredom)
is it worth it or fun for me after all this time around 5-6 yrs, the answer is semi-yes,
that it is still worth it even as i continue to log for only 1 min. or just grind to aid f2p when i can ezily.
does the game often frustrate the hell out of people, yea it certainly does, (since the very beginning)
coz there was so much people like abt the game in more ways than one
and wi* could have certain things that seem like it could be even greater XD frm f2p mostly i think but even p2w

anyways enuff said > i managed to make my peace with most part of it after all these time. raging quitting and rinsing the process
i think i wasted a lot of time, more time than money, but idk man, i feel money is not as tangible and impt as time
and most of what i wanted to get out of the game cannot be negotiated well with how time is spent, (in relation to money also spent)
perhaps ultimately, how to enjoy the game lays very much in where your heart lays with many things.
that is, just one way i'd rather look at it from the journey i traveled with my own way of gaming.

Quicky Post

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