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[ Events ] did u guys enjoy from the game


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  • Registered: 2021-09-16
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On 2023-08-23 01:51:01Show All Posts

It's a lot more fun in cn.

Of course it's a p2w game though, whales will always exist - even if tencent had no intention of making it p2w, there will always be someone willing to spend money to get ahead. That's just how these games are. I find it strange to see people complain about this, 90% of games such as this are p2w and if you don't like it maybe it's not the genre for you.

  • Registered: 2021-09-16
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On 2023-08-27 15:23:06Show All Posts
  • Aerth On 2023-08-23 02:38:06
  • Company can think about money without going full greed like Oasis. Or at least they could use drop of those money to improve game and not throw same events over and over again with same worthless prizes and without fixing any bugs.

    I could live with whales getting things faster and better. It was frustrating, and still is, but I could live with that. However:

    - purposfully changing drop rate for reward in event is not ok
    - purposefully reducing prizes to nearly garbage level in most events is not ok. Even Fuku was affected below 110k level.

    - purposefully changing events to become harder for f2p (and only f2p) is not ok.

    Oasis did all that since Infinite Illusion event was introduced. The moment players got more ways to earn coupons, quality of prizes one could get for coupons plummeted and Nature Training as well as Infinite Illusion were "updated" with sole purpose to hinder f2p players and make them frustrated.

    Oh, and every single ninja that can as much as scratch Susanoo Shisui golden boy is either paywalled or removed from events.


    P2W - whales get things faster and better, but f2p can get them at some point as well..
    Naruto Online: whales get things faster, better and f2p can't get most of the same things.. Example? Recharging used to give you red Quick chakra for 8th gates. Now I can't see that as prize anymore, but can f2p get that chakra? Nope, it is just gone from game.

Actually, the concept of pay to win does not mean a f2p player can get it - it refers to something that can be obtained faster OR exclusively through microtransactions.

It's in the very etymology of the term, "Pay-To-Win" you pay for an advantage - it does not denote whether such things are available to f2p players, quite simply the concept of paying for an advantage. As for saying red chakra isn't available as a reward for anyone, that's not true at all - it was in the spending rebate.


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