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  • Registered: 2020-04-21
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On 2023-08-13 18:47:35Show All Posts

In Game Name: 망고스무디

Submission Type: Writing


When a young fire user presented Kakashi Hatake with 80 fragments of his photo as invitation to help out his squad, he accepted immediately. But when he beheld the boy’s teammates, he doubted his decision.

“Just. Don’t. Get in the way,” Kimimaro grumbled, skulking off to the nearest corner, his black hoodie blended perfectly into the shadow.

“Wellllll-come,” Kisame grinned, showing all his pointy teeth, “when we’re done, let’s feast.” His webbed hand patted Kakashi’s shoulder, “though I do wonder: what, exactly, will we be eating today?”

Kisame, fused with Samehada. Kimimaro, in Halloween costume. Users of the world’s fastest ninjutsus, needed his help in a time attack training? Scarlet Blaze laughed nervously and apologized for them, but Kakashi found himself calculating his survival rate.


Kakashi marveled at his teammates’ strength as a giant wave swept through the battlefield, destroying most enemies. The lucky few who survived were spiked on a sea of gleaming bones.

However, among the second wave, Tsunade-sama’s clone dropped onto the field. Kimimaro sighed. Kisame groaned. Indeed, her reserve seal was strong. She stood tall, even when everyone else was defeated.

“I’ll create an opening for you,” Scarlet Blaze murmured, and jumped into the fray.

Kakashi rallied his chakra, and glared at the opponent. His jutsu required very precise aiming. Fortunately, his team leader knew this, and sealed her movements.


As the clone disappeared, Kakashi’s world started fading to black. But before his consciousness slipped away, he vaguely remembered hearing the bell that signified the end of their run…


Kakashi awoke to a twitching sensation on his mouth. He jumped, and pulled a small fish from under his mask.

"It’s good for chakra recovery," Kisame drawled, "I caught it especially for you."

"My net caught it," Kimimaro mumbled, toying with a bone net. “All you did. Was. Chasing. It around.”

Kakashi pondered why they looked at him expectantly, as if waiting for him to eat the fish raw.

"Let's eat at Ichiraku’s tonight," Scarlet Blaze chuckled, "I have employee’s discount. Besides," he winked, "I can slip it in the soup when Teuchi-sensei isn't looking."

(349 words)

This post was last edited by ㅡ.ㅡ on 2023-08-15 14:15:14.
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