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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - July 6th


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  • Registered: 2023-06-22
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On 2023-07-06 01:59:17Show All Posts

3-4 weeks from PR manifest and reformed Oasis doesn't look reformed at all:

1) Speed of updates same as before

2) Ninjas as expensive as ever

3) Events even bigger troll like this fuku pack or great plates reward

4) Coupons increased for players not sure where

5) etc...

Let's hope for Indra BT and Pain rework in early 2024 cuz all those youtubers like Roxy saying "they cant tell from where but they got info that indra BT is out in june" just got clapped

  • Registered: 2023-06-22
  • Topics: 1
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On 2023-07-09 19:19:55Show All Posts
  • HenryWong122 On 2023-07-09 17:08:46
  • They were correct that Indra was coming, just not that one and not in June.

Even my grandma knew that Susano Indra is coming this week because of new Tsukuyomi rebate

Sadly these days the only naruto youtubers are people who steal content from china or 12 year old kids that pilot other account and act like they are some hot thing knowing everything with inside knowledge from mods when reality is that even said mods have absolutly no idea what is going on with this game and what next weeks will bring.

Imagine trusting some forum mod who is basicly slaving for few coupons and thats the end of his knowledge and power in this game

Quicky Post

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