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[ Events ] Nature training event


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 12
  • Posts: 227
On 2023-04-20 02:23:11Show All Posts
  • Dumbledore Calr On 2023-04-19 23:51:29
  • yea u hit leaderboard first

What kind of response to his question is this lol.

1) Top priority amount of rounds you took to beat each stage

2) If it's equal to other person - > who did it faster is ranked higher (example you killed enemy round 3 with your pos2 ninja standard hit meanwhile other guy did it in round 3 with pos1 ninja meaning he did it faster)

3) If both above are the same then person who did the event first will be higher

Possibly there are some other hidden things about it but nobody knows them for sure outside of those 3 above.

Quicky Post

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