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[ Events ] guide to naruto kuruma and madara seals.


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  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2023-02-23 07:43:57Show All PostsDescending Order
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i think it has been years since i saw THE guide every 900 seals u either get madara/kuruma. while u get the next one in another 900 draw . 3 star hashi edo is at 2000 seals draw . saw someone complaining about hes been 3 yrs playing. its not about how long its about how many draws. and when and how u draw.

i think it would be better if ud maximize events. like if theres a event for recruitement u use it along side another eg capsule or 7days. dnt force a draw if ur not yet at 300 seals. y 300 seals bec. after 300 chances lower. IMG_20230223_074001

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2023-02-23 07:51:04Show All Posts

if ur goal is kuruma hes pretty easy to get i got him in less than a year of playing it is hashirama edo that was difficult.

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2023-02-23 19:58:23Show All Posts
  • chuggaroo On 2023-02-23 12:05:08
  • edo hashi is easier to get nowadays though, every one of those events (forgetting the name) where the top group gets 5 edo hashi frags happens about once a month, even without drawing from gnw treasure it'd only take 16 months.

yes colorful banners gives 5 edo hashi frags.

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2023-02-24 07:41:47Show All Posts

sorry if mine is outdated. its kinda old. yea for some it is common knowledge but if u check out in suggestions someone is requesting kuruma and complaining hes been playing for 3 yrs. this is just in response to that. yea i think yours is a much more accurate count. was just basing on my and of some old youtubers experiences and a post disvussiin here which was yrs ago. sorry. yea i agree more or less thats the correct average but some get him at 600 or less. also. thats the reason why maybe the made it 900 i got him at around 657.

  • Registered: 2017-09-16
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On 2023-02-24 07:46:31Show All Posts

but for the sake of unanimousaty u and i both agree that its not about yrs but about the number of pulls in seals right?

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