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Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths] Its special?


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  • Registered: 2023-02-10
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On 2023-02-13 20:26:33Show All Posts
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2023-02-13 09:56:57
  • Firstly, what's canon in anime is not necessary true for the game.

    Secondly, they are technically meant as different price range ninjas

    with obito T.T and madara T.T and asura as tsuku tier rares.

    Naruto given tai-nin standard will change the game mechanics and

    make him stronger (as some ninjas like madara etr is nin-resistant)

    There probably won't be equality in "Legendary" for the 4 ninjas as its not view that way by the developers,

    And if it were so, then Naruto will be less accessible due to pricing and rarity, and not many will ezily afford or use him too.

In current meta vs Madara it would be useful but when he was added it was 1000% stronger to have his standard and chase pure ninjutsu dmg for 2 reasons:

1) Gamariki summon lowers only resistance so pure ninjutsu damage increase from this summon was and still is to this day disgusting (for tai/nin 50% effectiveness)

2) Naruto scaling is purely ninjutsu based so for tai/nin attacks again its only 50% effective

so adding 1 + 2 = standard attack / chase that would hit literally for twice less minimum of what Naruto was able to do. (that would actually be a solid balance change after his release that would make him less broken and more relevant now but hey we don't balance anything in this game)

That's also why Rinne Sasuke damage was never good, majority of his damage is tai / nin but he scales only ninjutsu so even when you would think on paper scaling like 80% ninjutsu with chakra per round is "insane" in reality it's not.

This post was last edited by bukii on 2023-02-13 20:28:50.
  • Registered: 2023-02-10
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On 2023-02-19 19:09:08Show All Posts
  • QuaDDamagE On 2023-02-16 03:35:04
  • CN % actually means percentage.

    Here is just some hidden number between x and y.

Not really, it's just that some buffs are additive while others multiplicative. Sadly THIS IS hidden and you need knowledge about the game to know how each one works.

*don't mean inside Oasis knowledge just testing in game over time etc

This post was last edited by bukii on 2023-02-19 19:10:55.
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