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[ Strategy Share ] Strong Approaching Hidan Attacks (Solo) (Difficult) Lightning Main


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-23 14:53:01Show All Posts
  • Sanamabits On 2016-10-05 07:16:51
  • For those asking for what to use in replaced of Lightning Tiger and Kisame, Use Kakashi and The Kyushoku Deer. Talents: 2-3-2-1-2


    Kabuto - Neji GNW - Empty
    Empty - Empty - Empty
    Empty - Kakashi - Main

    *It does a 7 combo and its enough damage to kill Hidan at the 4th Wave. :) Ive tested it and it is also for F2P Players. Enjoy!

    This post was last edited by Sanamabits at 2016-10-5 07:17
I have Neji GNW,but she's 2 star. She dies at 2 wave. What can i do? I have 17k BP with this team(because of stars)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-23 17:56:09Show All Posts
  • Sanamabits On 2016-10-23 15:15:44
  • Try putting him at the back and let your main tank it..
I didn't get it. Change places Neji and Main?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-23 18:06:19Show All Posts
  • Sanamabits On 2016-10-23 17:59:59
  • Yeah.
didn't work. Deidara kills Neji
Quicky Post

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