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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 8th of December


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  • Registered: 2017-08-17
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On 2022-12-08 00:30:39Show All Posts
50k for useless ninjas ? normal 35k fuku is much more useful. 110k is worth but not many people can afford it.
  • Registered: 2017-08-17
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On 2022-12-11 20:58:45Show All Posts
  • Takedaao On 2022-12-07 22:48:42
  • this in the second package from 70k onwards


For 70k coups you get end game ninja ? So after 3 months everyone would have copy paste meta ninjas lineup then where is the fun ? its even worse than on EN honestly.
But ye xmas fuku on EN is terrible too xD

  • Registered: 2017-08-17
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On 2022-12-12 01:10:54Show All Posts
  • Takedaao On 2022-12-11 22:19:53
  • well, you don't choose the amount of frags or the reward tree depending on your spending on it, but what I want to mention is the tree's reward rate there, it is quite rewarding, and to have this reward, the expense must reach 100k of coupons and it's not so easy to have 100k of coupons if you don't top up every month or week and still get Naruto wallet... so the award is rewarding yes and for what comes to serve everyone is satisfied with the course of the awards of the events doing with enough players and it becomes quite competitive it doesn't become a boring game because as I mentioned what makes fun in mmorpg games is the competitiveness between the players, being players who recharge a lot or those who only place a monthly

Where is fun when they can get full meta team after 1 fuku (even 4* or 5*) ? for me it would become boring after a few weeks. Also getting 100K coups is not hard even for f2p, its just a few months of saving with minimal effort just daily collect coups for few mins.

In MMORPG its mostly grinding for months (somewhere years) to get endgame equipment, also it is updated often so end game become outdated easily. Here is for example shisui meta pretty long.

This post was last edited by Basarraa on 2022-12-12 01:16:11.
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