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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 15th of September


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-09-16 04:36:22Show All Posts

I can't believe the Queen of England died before Dosu became playable in the game

This is hilarious in the saddest way

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-09-16 04:51:03Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-09-15 05:35:46
  • You know what's pathetic about this Dosu thing? It's that most of people that want Dosu will cry after they add him "why oasis is wasting time adding useless ninjas instead of 8th gate guy".

    It was funny for a bit but now just stop. No we don't want / need Dosu I'm 10times more hyped about getting my hands on Chinese Style Sasuke.

Adding Dosu was never meant to be a joke or a meme, even if I used Chinese memes to prove my point.

I have said this before and I will say it again – I started this game because I wanted to check if Dosu was actually in the game, because other, worse Naruto browser games replaced him with a generic faceless enemy. I've written multiple extended essays on these forums examining why it makes no sense for Dosu not to be a playable character, especially since he was originally playable in the alpha versions of the game but was removed for some reason. I've written about how other, bootleg ripoff games have added Dosu before the LITERAL OFFICIAL BROWSER GAME did.

Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 1

Now, I obviously can't speak for others who are rallying with me. I agree that some people might complain and go against what they were asking for, but that will literally be the case for any community movement, so what's new? It's almost like the community is full of many people with multiple opinions and one opinion doesn't represent everyone in the playerbase–therefore people complaining about useless ninjas and people wanting Dosu can exist in the same community.

But as the person who started this (and as a person who has been practically with the game since its release) I can truthfully say that I started the game because of Dosu, and there is no ninja release that I will care for or be more hyped for than Dosu.

I have been dead serious about adding Dosu from the moment I made an account on this game.

Also, the easy way to fix this "useless ninjas" problem is to... just make Dosu an actually competent ninja and not a meme unit? Simple as that

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2022-09-16 04:54:01.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-09-22 01:52:49Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-09-17 00:30:41
  • That's why I used term other people not "perfect cell said"... sigh. From what people ask in suggestion threads etc it's clear that AGAIN people in general have no idea that Oasis is a publisher not developer of this game.

    As for what The X said, that's true, they should add him as seasonal (they need bad ninjas for that anyway) for those 10 people on top of it just making sense narutoverse wise but I'm still holding my ground that he is as irrelevant to the game as some other ninjas that were not added. Let's say those 2 Gaara fanboy girls from Sand Village that had screen time during akatsuki attack and gnw. They could be added maybe someone wants them but again it's totally irrelevant to the actual state of the game and it's problems so to make it perfectly clear for the last time:

    - Dosu should be in the game for years now

    - Dosu is completly irrelevant to the 2022 state of the game like other filler characters aka new year bee or some other troll bs and he would be used as often as them (read never) so adding him for the sake of filling pokedex is pointless. Like I said before you can find a lot of ninjas like Dosu that are not added and its whatever, just 1 guy started Dosu rant for years and now some people act like they cared for Dosu for 6 years as well

    - Oasis is a publisher not developer and if you know it but still spam for it in every thread then that's even worse

    - Put your brainpower and effort elsewhere where it matters aka server merges that dont happen and other problems that you can actually ask for from Oasis.

    That's it. Amazing total waste of time conversation about garbage ninja both hype and in actual story wise that should never take place and Im ashamed that I wasted so much time on this pointless topic. Hopefuly Tencent never adds useless things like that because he is as pathetic as that Autumn Naruto / Swimsuit Mei etc that you are hating in same event topics for good reason but are delusional about Dosu.

Again, this matter could be easily solved by revamping the old Dosu's moveset and making him... actually valuable in certain types of content. Or if they don't want to, again it should theoretically take piss little effort to make Dosu playable since he was playable in the alpha, which means no time nor resources are lost for working on other content to improve the state of the game (aside from Oasis using Dosu's release as an excuse to delay other content, but that's on the publisher being sc!mmy and not the fault of Dosu's release specifically) I don't expect Oasis to do any of these productive solutions because, well, it's Oasis. And that's a multifaceted answer in of itself; Oasis is just the publisher, plus if Oasis decisions were based around more logical sensical trains of thought Dosu would have been in the game by now.

I actually agree with you that most people probably don't care, but to be frank that's not something that's going to stop me. Gameplay isn't everything—if the story and flavor didn't matter, then why even go through the effort of reskinning all these game mechanics in a Naruto lens? And I've long since known that the characters I like are often ones no one else even gives a second thought. If I don't speak up for my favorites, no one will.

And believe me, I would be campaigning to Tencent if I knew Chinese at all or had any access to Tencent forums. I agree that the chances of things changing by rallying on these forums is low, but it's not like there's many other options, right? I agree that this isn't a particularly likely method of success—so give me a different one and I'll take it.

This post was last edited by Dosu on 2022-09-22 01:57:25.
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