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[ Other ] reflect on the game


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  • Registered: 2021-05-27
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On 2022-09-07 20:53:56Show All PostsDescending Order
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I opened this topic for developers to reflect on the way they manage the game. I'm not here talking things to the wind. I want to give constructive criticism that helps to improve the game. In recent years we see that the game has not made good progress, as time passes more bugs appear and take weeks or months to fix. The events are repeated week after week and nothing changes except the new ninjas, for years there is nothing new. Ninjas are created almost every week and none of them are accessible to the whole public, ninjas increasingly broken that only destroy the game and make life hell for those who don't spend ligots. As a company I understand the need to profit from new characters, but what does it cost to bring them months later with accessibility to all people? Ninjas like Black Zetsu, Hashirama Final Battle, Madara Final Battle, Deidara Rinne, Shisui susano, Pain Six Parth, Ginkaku and kinkaku, Chinese Itachi, Chinese Neji... us "ordinary" players. In forms you ask why many players stop playing, I have a very simple answer, there are no innovations in the game, there are no bug fixes, there are annoying waiting lines in arenas and matsuri, free players take years to get a ninja from meta, exchanges of events look like the game from 4 years ago, the monopoly of power and ninjas that a whale has of free just for spending in the game is absurd, Fuku has increasingly depressing prizes, no power system arrives and new attribute, there are no system updates like bt and also update items in the warehouse. The community dislikes the current game but they don't take a stand, many complain but don't protest. The servers are getting more and more empty, I even see the whales stopping playing because of the repetitiveness, it's always the same thing every day and every week. Just make an equity of whales and frees, bring affordable stuff, fix bugs and change events. It is a fact that the game is always the same or even worse for certain people.

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On 2022-09-07 22:05:32Show All Posts
  • bestivick@gmail On 2022-09-07 21:14:10
  • "I opened this topic for developers to reflect on the way they manage the game. I'm not here talking things to the wind. I want to give constructive criticism that helps to improve the game. In recent years we see that the game has not made good progress, as time passes more bugs appear and take weeks or months to fix. The events are repeated week after week and nothing changes except the new ninjas, for years there is nothing new. Ninjas are created almost every week and none of them are accessible to the whole public, ninjas increasingly broken that only destroy the game and make life hell for those who don't spend ligots. As a company I understand the need to profit from new characters, but what does it cost to bring them months later with accessibility to all people? Ninjas like Black Zetsu, Hashirama Final Battle, Madara Final Battle, Deidara Rinne, Shisui susano, Pain Six Parth, Ginkaku and kinkaku, Chinese Itachi, Chinese Neji... us "ordinary" players. In forms you ask why many players stop playing, I have a very simple answer, there are no innovations in the game, there are no bug fixes, there are annoying waiting lines in arenas and matsuri, free players take years to get a ninja from meta, exchanges of events look like the game from 4 years ago, the monopoly of power and ninjas that a whale has of free just for spending in the game is absurd, Fuku has increasingly depressing prizes, no power system arrives and new attribute, there are no system updates like bt and also update items in the warehouse. The community dislikes the current game but they don't take a stand, many complain but don't protest. The servers are getting more and more empty, I even see the whales stopping playing because of the repetitiveness, it's always the same thing every day and every week. Just make an equity of whales and frees, bring affordable stuff, fix bugs and change events. It is a fact that the game is always the same or even worse for certain people."

    This is my suggestion too, please developers please look into this :(

You know, this might even get to them, it's just that it's unlikely to change. For something to change it takes a good movement from the community the forum admin would report "players are asking for changes throughout the game, part of the community is moving for improvements" just like this to get results, many will look at this topic and won't give your position.

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On 2022-09-08 11:57:56Show All Posts
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2022-09-08 02:31:56
  • Hello,
    I understand your frustrations and I sympathize. However, please keep in mind that this subforum is not for rants, venting, or long conversations. It is for help with bug fixes, technical issues, and for suggestions. I can take in your suggestions, but please keep that in mind.

    Since this post is polite and respectful, I'll allow a limited amount of conversation on the topic, but again, please keep in mind that if the topic turns vitriolic, I will lock the thread and you will need to take it to a different, more appropriate forum to vent.

    > I opened this topic for developers to reflect on the way they manage the game. I'm not here talking things to the wind. I want to give constructive criticism that helps to improve the game.
    We welcome constructive criticism, and I will submit and rely and such feedback.

    > In recent years we see that the game has not made good progress, as time passes more bugs appear and take weeks or months to fix.

    I understand that it can be frustrating to deal with bugs, but the game has made considerable progress in recent years. One needs only look at the 1.0/2.0/early versions of the game to see this. There were no fukurokumaru's deals, no infinite illusion, there were many fewer ways to get coupons and desired rewards, nearly no ninjas were given out for free. In the past year+, I've personally watched as dozens if not a hundred or more suggestions that have been submitted have been implemented, such as requested ninjas in fireworks, optional packs in fireworks, improved rewards in events like myoboku trial and activity lucky bag, changed, upgraded. and improved rewards in nearly every event (but fishing mania, I don't know why), and so on.

    > The events are repeated week after week and nothing changes except the new ninjas, for years there is nothing new.
    We have a brand new event just this week, and had another one a little over a month ago.

    > Ninjas are created almost every week and none of them are accessible to the whole public, ninjas increasingly broken that only destroy the game and make life hell for those who don't spend ligots. As a company I understand the need to profit from new characters, but what does it cost to bring them months later with accessibility to all people? Ninjas like Black Zetsu, Hashirama Final Battle, Madara Final Battle, Deidara Rinne, Shisui susano, Pain Six Parth, Ginkaku and kinkaku, Chinese Itachi, Chinese Neji... us "ordinary" players.
    I can definitely understand this frustration, and I sympathize with it. However, if you look carefully back at events, you can see that many of these ninjas *are* and have been becoming coupon available. Deidara was recently in a fuku's deal and is currently available for coupons just this week. Black zetsu has been available for coupons in recent months. Hopefully these other ninjas you want will soon become available for coupons, as well. (However, ninjas like FB Hashirama/Madara will likely remain "pay only" for a considerable amount of time.)

    > In forms you ask why many players stop playing, I have a very simple answer, there are no innovations in the game, there are no bug fixes, there are annoying waiting lines in arenas and matsuri, free players take years to get a ninja from meta,
    Free players can earn around 10,000 coupons a month, so viable ninjas should only take around 1-2 months depending on luck and individual price.

    > exchanges of events look like the game from 4 years ago,
    Again, I would recommend looking at these events from 4 years ago, they are drastically different and much better now.

    > the monopoly of power and ninjas that a whale has of free just for spending in the game is absurd,
    Well, this isn't free. If a whale has that ninja, they literally spent money for it.

    > Fuku has increasingly depressing prizes,
    I can definitely understand being disappointed by the rewards in fuku's deals, especially if you want a specific ninja. However, Fuku's deal was actually recently updated to give better rewards for the 35k variant with the addition of the better optional packs. It received something like a 40% increase to effective ROI for powerup items for these fuku's deals. Additionally, we can't expect to see brand new ninjas move to this system immediately. It takes time for this to happen, and it's not as if there has been no movement. New ninjas an better prizes are slowly but steadily making their way to this platform.

    > no power system arrives and new attribute, there are no system updates like bt and also update items in the warehouse.
    I can definitely see how this would be frustrating, and you're not the first to suggest a new power system. I can definitely submit this suggestion for you. I'm not sure what you mean by update items in the warehouse, and while it's true that we have not specifically gotten a new power system in a while, there are still regular updates to existing ones. We receive new command flags and secret scrolls regularly, and the red summons effectively opened up a new power system for those that can get them (since gold/blue/purple summons give so little power but the red summons change that quite a bit.

    > The community dislikes the current game but they don't take a stand, many complain but don't protest. The servers are getting more and more empty, I even see the whales stopping playing because of the repetitiveness, it's always the same thing every day and every week.
    I am sorry that you feel this way. :( With my position in the community I do definitely see a lot of complaints in line with what you are saying, but I do think that discounts the silent majority. Many players are happy with the state of the game, so do not feel a need to go online to complain about it or offer feedback, because they are content. I speak to a number of people weekly, and their positions on this run the gamut from discontent to satisfied for a variety of areas.
    However, if you are upset and have issues, we do always welcome constructive feedback and suggestions. Any you give here I will submit in a report to the devs. So far you have mostly complained, which I do understand, but have not offered much in the way of constructive feedback other than "more free stuff sooner," which I can understand players wanting, but which is not really a viable or constructive method of improving the game. :\

    > Just make an equity of whales and frees,
    This, unfortunately, is not a viable suggestion. If paying players that spend hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars on the game were suddenly and immediately relegated to having the same options as every free player, the game would die overnight. Imagine if you were competing in a race, and you bought a $100,000 car to the race to win, and the judges saw this, so they gave the other contestants with bicycles a starting line 3 feet from the ending line while placing you 3 miles back. That would not be fair, and spending in game isn't really that different. People say it's "not fair" that spending players gain advantages over free players, but it really is. They spent to have those advantages. It can definitely be frustrating as a free player without them, but it would be inherent unfair for a spending player and a free player to be at the same position when the spending player is spending so much money.

    > bring affordable stuff, fix bugs and change events. It is a fact that the game is always the same or even worse for certain people.
    What kind of affordable stuff would you like to see? Powering up in game is currently more affordable now than it has ever been before, but if you have specific suggestions on what you would like to see, I can relay that.
    As for bug fixes, this is an ongoing process, as you can see from this week's updates where bugs have been fixed.

First of all, I thank you for your sympathy, I'm tired of stressing and complaining, creating topics and giving my most sincere opinion is worth much more than just sitting idly by, I want to see the game changing, each time I have felt a deep boredom when I enter the game, nobody online, arena almost nobody plays among other things. Here I will respond part by part of your feedback:

-I may have exaggerated when I said "the game hasn't changed for years" but it's a fact that events need better buffs, new systems need to be implemented, graphics improved (without changing the gameplay). This progress I'm referring to is the most impactful thing, players should listen more.

-There are some events there that have returned, but in this case I am referring to events that come constantly, need improvements in exchanges and awards such as Konoha Tree, Great plates always have the same ninjas in the pack, Lantern could increase to 50 coupons, Training ninjustu could give coupons, Rate of roulettes for coupons should be improved, some fukus see almost nothing of item, the last of 60k I spent for Orochi and I hoped to win more secret scroll, the exchanges also of the events were horrible, nothing that served me (itachi edo, Deidada rinne, Kisame, Kimi, hashirama new year). Remembering that there are events that don't come for a long time like general mobilization and Treasure Chamber

-Please look at event exchanges when you have fuku and when you don't, weeks without fuku have better exchanges. The week I spent the 60k fuku had 4 kushinas in different ones (one of them was repeated and was in a different one), hiruzen anl novo was also in two events.

-"Years" I refer to the top meta ninjas, Shisui susano, Pain, Orochi GNW, Obito jin.

-When I say that the exchanges are like years ago I'm talking about ninjas and items, I remember seeing kakashi jardin dos kneads and sai suit at lucky stars -_- they also took the flag packs from the event of colored balloons and the team limited.

-I know whales deserve to have something for what they spent, but is there a need to bring ninja to free players 2 years later? See, when I get Shisui he won't even be a meta anymore, that's a fact!

-What I expect from the fuku is an increase in items, increase the secret scroll, give a plate and change the ninjas every month just mix new ninjas with old ones, example: (Jiraiya toad, Itachi chinese or edo, Kakuzu Creation, Madara GNW , Madara edo or jin) (Kushina Swimsuit, Kimimaro Halloween, Kakashi kimono, Chinese Neji, kabuto sanin) a good suggestion is to increase the number of ninjas in the packs, if you now have 5 or 6 ninjas, increase it to 7 or 8 so we will have more options . Remembering that the last fukus are almost the same ninjas.

-I know there are flags every week and new secret scroll plates, but it's boring, we need something new that also gives a lot of power.

-As for the warehouse I say put other items as normal skill trial protection.

-Yes there are players, or he is cashing a lot and has more than 2kk or he plays on a new server that has a lot of people, but what about the guys from the old servers?? In fact, I still think that every player comes to a point where they are very dissatisfied. The numbers show, more people stop playing than new ones start playing. My fusion must have almost or more than 10 thousand players, less than 50 are active, Sage Battle is increasingly scarce, arena only has people much stronger and with shisui.

- More affordable things? you can improve the life of free players, just buff the events, improve the exchange (Firework, Lucky stars, Great plates, Konoha tree, limited time recruitamentr, 7 days of walfare) exchanges always changing, Buff on power packs, more Flag and plate frags, and the most important thing is meta ninjas, I only get meta ninjas after he's not even a meta anymore :(

-Final considerations: you can optimize the bt that takes a long time, optimize the arena put players with 1k strength difference to fight (27k and 28k, 26k and 27k) and similar ranks or below also open the arena to all dimensions.

Create bt for ancient ninjas. More instance phase. Bring good ninjas at check-in, Kakashi summer, Hashirama new year, Ibiki, Itachi edo who came a long time ago, a package the choice of hokages would be nice. Just innovate at check-in and event ninjas. Madara jin, obito jin, indra and ashura should already be more accessible ninjas.

Finally, I hope I have detailed everything, if you still have doubts about something, let me know, I can think of some useful solution to improve everyone's experience, I'm willing to do that.

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On 2022-09-08 12:02:53Show All Posts
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2022-09-08 07:18:31
  • Sure, I can send in these suggestions for you.

    I do think it's worth noting that while new servers/players and some free players still want ETR Madara in fuku's deal, he's heavily un-requested by more established players, since, he along with SSP Naruto, were spammed pretty heavily for quite a while, and most of the older, established players have these units finished and don't want to see them anymore. It's another difficult divide where not all options can be good for all players.

It is not difficult to bring a pack of fuku with various ninjas.

(Itachi Edo, kakashi Kimono, Karin taka, Suigetsu Taka, Madara edo, Madara gnw, Kimimaro Hallowen, Hiruzen New Year) see? everyone is happy, you won't give all the ninjas, just more options

This post was last edited by Ⲁἱɀеɳ  ͛ on 2022-09-08 12:03:38.
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On 2022-09-08 20:06:34Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-09-08 17:01:14
  • Events are fine in general there are other bigger problems that made old players leave this game


    It's not that community doesn't take a stand. We just hit a wall of no response so what's the point of doing same thing over and over again, that's insanity. Small edit here, Oasis improved events and feedback from it was implemented but when it comes to more important problems below we are ignored for years.

    Outside of game updates that are obviously lacking (yes game had updates from 1.0 but to like 2019 in last 3-4 years we had close to nothing) but are outside of Oasis power to do since they are a publisher not a developer of this game we did give them feedback over the years and they did nothing with it.

    Here is what old players were asking for:

    1) Server merges -> Seriously do them every year or something with out asking us or stop pretending that you actually care and are doing them. From 500 servers pool or whatever the number is after initial merges making 3 merges per 2 years is an absolute joke. We want to be mixed for 2 reasons:

    - to make it fresh, meet new people etc plain and simple

    - to mix great ninja war pool that is unplayable with merges so bad that 1 group wins every single cross GNW for 4 years straight because of terribly merged servers. Mixing cluster spacetime would be amazing too but that's sadly way harder thing to do

    2) Activities rewards in the game are completly outdated basicly still in version 1.0 and we are in 2022. That makes people not caring to do them and it forces mindset "there is nothing to do in this game it's boring let's leave" examples:

    - Ranked Arena -> You ask me in 2022 to grind 6 path rank for few seal scrolls and wind blade asuma or base shurado pain frags? No thank you

    - Sage world battlefiend -> This event is actually still not bad but small revamp would be nice

    - Spacetime event -> Should be biggest and most hype activity in the game with good rewards but it's absolute unplayable joke that everybody skips, rewards from group stages to like semi-final in 2022 are worth 0

    - 9 tails -> We have so many coin events now that revert the change to some coupons / pack to make it doable. Nobody gives a thing about 9 tails invasion

    - DB -> bad matchmaking + bad rewards (again we have too many moon coins etc already + old ninjas in packs combined with bad matchmaking makes it dead zone)

    - Great ninja war -> rewards are super outdated, nobody cares about seal scrolls in 2022 not to mention that cuz of what I said earlier lack of merges it's just annoying activity instead of fun. What's fun about doing cross-server gnw when you know that for next 50 months same group will win anyway and Oasis doesn't care to mix things up

    Other activity events I would say are decent, maybe rescue jinchurikis should be slightly changed as well but that's whatever (unless I forgot about something)

man there was a time when the rewards were very good, it was at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, after that they simply stopped caring and have been bringing little news besides ninjas, it takes time to fix bugs, mergers are time consuming, events are pretty weak, fuku has few items and ninjas that no one needs. I also talked about the revamping of the arena and battle of the sages. But all that you said is important to point out, the events are repetitive and need to be reformulated.

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On 2022-09-09 04:12:36Show All Posts
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2022-09-09 00:43:32
  • I can definitely sympathize with a desire for a revamp on systems and buffs, and the frustration of low activity. I am sorry. :(

    As for events that return constantly, a lot of these return constantly because they are consistently asked for, week after week.

    However, I will put in your suggestions for these specific updates. But please be aware that “rate of roulettes for coupons should be improved” is almost certainly not going to go through. Jackpots are meant to be jackpots, not guarantee-pots.

    Yes, the multiple Kushina thing was something I got a number of complaints about.

    I agree, two years is a long time for ninjas to transition from paygated to available. Fortunately, the vast majority of ninjas do not follow that mold. The only ones that do are the really big name ninjas, which serve as a sort of status symbol for whales. *Most* ninjas have followed a trend of emerging from the paygate within 6 months, some a bit less, some a bit more. There’s no guarantee that will continue, and it's heavily based on the ninja’s value and cost of course, but that’s been the general trend so far.

    > -What I expect from the fuku is an increase in items, increase the secret scroll, give a plate and change the ninjas every month just mix new ninjas with old ones, example: (Jiraiya toad, Itachi chinese or edo, Kakuzu Creation, Madara GNW , Madara edo or jin) (Kushina Swimsuit, Kimimaro Halloween, Kakashi kimono, Chinese Neji, kabuto sanin) a good suggestion is to increase the number of ninjas in the packs, if you now have 5 or 6 ninjas, increase it to 7 or 8 so we will have more options . Remembering that the last fukus are almost the same ninjas.

    This is somewhat counter to what others ask. Most people do not want secret scroll plates or command flags. These are only valuable to new players. We also tend to get the same requests for ninjas over and over again because these are the top ninjas. As for an increase in items, as mentioned previously, we have literally gotten that in the previous months for power up choices.

    I am also, unfortunately, not certain it is realistic to expect more, just, free stuff from this event. This event is already a huge amount of free stuff, and expecting more free stuff “just because we want it” is a plea that may well fall on deaf ears for the developers. I will put in the suggestion for you, but I think it would be realistic to temper expectations in that regard.

    > -I know there are flags every week and new secret scroll plates, but it's boring, we need something new that also gives a lot of power.

    As mentioned, the new summons do this, but I will submit your request for a new power system separate from existing power systems.

    Yes, skill trial protection in the grocery store is a common request. I genuinely don’t know why that one hasn’t been granted yet.

    > More affordable things? you can improve the life of free players, just buff the events, improve the exchange (Firework, Lucky stars, Great plates, Konoha tree, limited time recruitamentr, 7 days of walfare) exchanges always changing, Buff on power packs, more Flag and plate frags, and the most important thing is meta ninjas, I only get meta ninjas after he's not even a meta anymore :(

    I will put in for you that you want events buffed and exchanges improved, but again, when it comes to “we want more free stuff” this is a hard sell and may not go through. We are already getting more and more free stuff than ever before, so big asks for huge increases to these values are pretty tough sells.

    And as mentioned, most players actively do not want flags and plates. It’s only newer players that still need these. Every flag/plate in a fuku deal is a bunch of other, more useful items the older players could have. This is what Imean about it being impossible to please everyone.

    As for meta ninjas, I would suggest saving coupons. If you save your coupons for when a meta ninja just comes out, you won’t see this issue. I see a LOT of players spending their coupons as they get them and partial recruiting good ninjas, just to finish them JUST as the ninja becomes useless or a newer/better version comes out. I see it all the time. I can’t recommend enough to not buy a ninja until you can buy them in full.

    As for powerbased matchmaking, this is most likely never going to happen. This is for several reasons. First, it punishes players for spending. Second, it punishes smart players that power up. In general, it punishes powering up, which is never ideal. And finally, it creates even worse, more arbitrary gaps than a level based system. If you think that SWB is scarce now, with level divides, if we force a divide for only 3M-4M, and 2M-3.5M, and create more and more brackets like this, no SWBs will ever start because there will never be enough players for the desired brackets. It also creates the exact same issue you are seeing now, just favoring different players. Right now, “weak” players lose to “strong” players in level based matchmaking. That won’t be any different in power-based brackets. That 4M is going to beat the 3M, and the 3M is going to be upset. All that’s occuring is a shift in the contentment, rather than an actual fix.

    I see that you are unhappy with arena wait times. Imagine if the game required you to EXACTLY match someone’s power for every fight. Unless you got fairly lucky or were in a seriously active server, you’d be waiting a dozen hours for every ranked arena match and hours for every matsuri match. Unfortunately, it just really isn’t feasible.

    I can submit a generic request for more skillbreaks for older ninjas and for more plot instances. This is another request I get commonly.

    Unfortunately, most of the ninjas you are asking for in signin would be disliked by the majority of the community. Established players already have these ninjas four starred and don’t want to get them again. Again, this is what I mean by we can’t please everyone, but it’s why we moved to optional packs.

    I will submit your request, but please just be aware that there are many people that actively un-request these ninjas and have firmly stated they don't want repeats like this. It's a rough divide between old and new players.

When I say improve events I don't mean giving things away for free, but it improves drop rates. Here an example is the konoha tree, on other servers it is possible to reach level 7 with 20k while here it is 30 to 35k. The difference in points obtained is also absurd, in addition to the ninjas from the last levels, I remember that on the br server level 7 has healing nest packages (karin taka and tsunade byakugou) and package with indra and ashura. The rewards are really better. Currently the best event to spend coupons here is Lucky Stars and they have nerfed it recently. What's wrong with giving away items for free? it won't affect the company's capital, every week the events can be taken advantage of without spending coupons, think about Time Limited Recruitament that gives 10 daily keys, increase it to 15 or 20 and it will make a difference. Think of an event that gives 10 potions daily, increase to 20, gives 10 small myoboku packages to 20, if the flashlight gives 40 coupons increase to 50, that's the logic when I talk about event buff.

Fuku packs need to have more options and variations of old and new ninjas, see a Madara GNW, Shisui kimono, Karin taka, Kabuto sanin and other ninjas are old but still good to play, it's not just new players who want, I've had a good time playing and haven't had a chance to catch any of these.

Maps and command flags are essential, I'm not a whale but I need a lot of flag and map. They took those out of the events and it makes me very bad to hear that new players can no longer farm flag and map fragments.

Regarding the arena, I say that an optimization is needed, it is increasingly boring to play arena, also optimize the battle of the sage.

I hope they bring the ninjas I asked for, everyone knows they are great ideas and would have a lot to add to the game, I know some of them will come just for the whales. (Madara fighting the bijus, Sakura, Sasuke indra, Sasuke second stage of the curse, Ibiki BT, Sasuke susano BT, Pain Chikushodo Bt, Kakuzu BT, Guy eight gates, BT kakashi Susano, BT Shisui Kotoamatsukami, BT kakashi summer, Kaguya, Hagoromo and Dosu We don't want Chinese ninjas.

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On 2022-09-19 21:16:58Show All Posts
  • Tachibana Saeko On 2022-09-10 05:43:57
  • > When I say improve events I don't mean giving things away for free, but it improves drop rates. Here an example is the konoha tree, on other servers it is possible to reach level 7 with 20k while here it is 30 to 35k. The difference in points obtained is also absurd, in addition to the ninjas from the last levels, I remember that on the br server level 7 has healing nest packages (karin taka and tsunade byakugou) and package with indra and ashura. The rewards are really better.

    OK, I understand what you're saying. Unfortunately, it's an important point that the events between game versions are different, and aren't necessarily just swap in/outable. There are more factors at play than that, not all of which I can go into, but at the very least, consider that events are not in a vacuum. For example, KGT might be "better" in that other region due to a series of factors: The rewards at that higher level are not as important or valuable due to other events or game systems; or other events are worse to make up for the better in the one event; etc. I know a lot of people say "rewards are better" but when I've looked at them, that hasn't always been the case. *Most* often what it really is is "the rewards are better for me, and are my preference." An actual cost *ysis of the Fuku Deals in other regions, for example, has us being the best region for Fuku Deals.

    > Currently the best event to spend coupons here is Lucky Stars and they have nerfed it recently.
    I know this rumor has been going around a lot recently, but I saw this data and it was fairly suspect. The trials done were low, there weren't enough data points, and it didn't take into consideration all the facts of the situation. More rigorous *yses of this that I saw showed that lucky stars actually improved very slightly, since more stars means more powerful item packs, even if it is at the cost of straight up potions. The net gain is higher, even if it looks lower.
    Also, Lucky Stars is not the best event, it's just the most popular. If you actually do ROI calculations on all the events, lucky stars is good but not best.

    > What's wrong with giving away items for free? it won't affect the company's capital, every week the events can be taken advantage of without spending coupons, think about Time Limited Recruitament that gives 10 daily keys, increase it to 15 or 20 and it will make a difference. Think of an event that gives 10 potions daily, increase to 20, gives 10 small myoboku packages to 20, if the flashlight gives 40 coupons increase to 50, that's the logic when I talk about event buff.

    I see what you're saying, more bonus free items does seem very nice. But, well, it actually does affect the company's capital. While I can't speak for the exact specifics of any given event, in general terms, any freely given item has the potential to hurt the bottom line, since that item will be less likely to be purchased for real money in the future. I know people hate this, but at the end of the day, the company has to make a profit to stay in business. It is a difficult balance to cut between making spenders happy enough to spend and making free players happy enough to play.

    > Fuku packs need to have more options and variations of old and new ninjas, see a Madara GNW, Shisui kimono, Karin taka, Kabuto sanin and other ninjas are old but still good to play, it's not just new players who want, I've had a good time playing and haven't had a chance to catch any of these.

    I hear you. It can definitely be frustrating to not get the ninjas you want. A few things I would point out though.
    - Just because these are the ninjas you want doesn't mean everyone wants them. I process a lot of the suggestions for events like these, and most of the ninjas you want are not highly desired by the community as a whole.
    - If you truly want these ninjas, you should consider simply purchasing them with coupons. I believe most of these have been recently available. Trusting and hoping and expecting for a Fuku deal to give the exact individual ninja you want, especially an older one that is not desired by most of the community is not a really valid tactic for getting that ninja. It would be better to get that ninja directly during a Fuku deal and getting something else with the pack.

    > Maps and command flags are essential, I'm not a whale but I need a lot of flag and map. They took those out of the events and it makes me very bad to hear that new players can no longer farm flag and map fragments.
    These items are still very much in events. I believe they are available in two events this week. I know what you mean is that you want them for free, and I get that, but not all items can be given out for free on the limited free weekly points for events, and these are two items that are specifically DIS-requested by older players, who have all the flags/plates they need.

    > Regarding the arena, I say that an optimization is needed, it is increasingly boring to play arena, also optimize the battle of the sage.
    OK, what kind of optimization would you like to see? This is a pretty general statement, but it would help a lot for filling out the report if you can give me specifics on what you want to see.

I speak of Lucky Stars being the best event to give prizes beyond what you buy, understand that events that give items for the coupons you spend are better than the events that you only buy the ninja or item for coupons. Roulettes are the best for delivering more items, a konoha gift is far below because it is a store. So I suggest that you optimize the events in general, both roulettes and limited stores.

In my opinion it is easier to affect the capital of the game by not innovating, I see many whales and spenders stopping playing. That's a loss in capital, even for them it's always the same thing. The company should embrace the free, it's like a father who has his favorite child and leaves aside the other child, I see that they always favor spenders, they already have the advantage just because they are spending.

I'm not frustrated, in fact I have all the ninjas a free player could get with enough effort (Jiraiya toad, Orochi GNW, Madara edo bt, Izuna BT, Kakuzu creation, Gengetsu bt, Kimi hallowen bt, Pain Chikushodo male, Kushina summer, Rin Nohara, Ibiki, kakashi kimono) see? I have a lot of ninjas in 1 year of account and in fact I don't even know which one I should get next, the question is just variety and availability. It's like I said put 8 ninjas in the package that will be a considerable change, it doesn't matter if it came in the past, that was a long time ago, it's been a long time since I saw a Kabuto Sanin, Madara gnw and shisui kimono no fuku. I'm not saying this because I want these two, they're just cool ninjas and they could be coming at fuku events and packages. No need to ditch the new ninjas to put these, just increase the variety, if you have 4 ninjas in the pack put 8, it's simple. And there are always new players who need these ninjas, you say that "nobody needs them" is practically making a relationship with the F2P and whales that have everything in the game.

Maps and flags are in the dry-spend coupon events, limited stores, no one will waste time spending at these stores except the whales.

Regarding the arena, it would be good to make a pack of ninjas that would be good for new players and that would not affect the game, Shisui kimono, kisame shark, rin Nohara, konan, Kakuzu resentment, Gengestu, Sasuke rinne. There are many options, and none of them would end the game, nor would it affect weak players since everyone would have the chance to have it and neither would the middlemen and whales. I also don't know how the Arena's internal system works, but there has to be a way to optimize it, maybe if all servers played the same arena, then there would be no long queues. Another way to solve the lack of players is to put opponents off, the same as on new servers, the queue is longer than 1 min put an account of the same rank or power to fight, of course you shouldn't take points from the player's account because it's not he who is playing is just the game that used it to battle the player in the queue.

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