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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 11th of August


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  • Registered: 2019-02-17
  • Topics: 51
  • Posts: 330
On 2022-08-10 14:31:20Show All Posts


  • Registered: 2019-02-17
  • Topics: 51
  • Posts: 330
On 2022-08-10 20:12:15Show All Posts
  • Mark the Narc On 2022-08-10 18:48:46
  • Seriously? You fixed the new itachi, but you haven't been bothered to fix Konan AoG??! I have been reporting this weekly since her bt was released, and have gotten the "hurr durr we're looking into it" response every time. Get off your asses and fix the old bugs before your start creating new ones. Every week you guys are getting more and more pathetic.

    *EDIT* Looks like they read my message and finally fixed it. Chase now does chase high float.

They don't care of F2P, will mostly do stuff that will earn them money to keep milking the remaining addicted casher players.
We lack a lot of breakthroughs from many months ago right? Want to bet we're getting the new Ashura's BT in a few weeks before all of them?

It's very sad to see the game in the state that it is but it's what we have I guess. Coupon farming simulator for months fighting every player using the exact same team, do a fuku deals when you've got enough, repeat. Yay! Fun!

Quicky Post

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