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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 21st of July


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  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-07-20 20:51:44Show All Posts
  • Josh09 On 2022-07-20 16:22:14
  • Hi, I've suggest that you try to participate in their Weekly Event Survey to finally give them your feedbacks on the current weekly events. Just give your honest and best opinion.

those does less then complaining on forum which says a lot... and its proven
  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-07-20 20:55:04Show All Posts
  • Josh09 On 2022-07-20 18:42:17
  • Sounds like you're telling them how to run their business. just have fun and enjoy the gane.

who other then paying customers should tell a company how to run their business? you do realize that they are alive because we the paying customers

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On 2022-07-21 20:09:19Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-07-20 21:35:54
  • It's not Oasis fault that Tencent adds terrible balance ninjas / BT who straight up ruin the game (cough 6p Naruto and now completly loco Shisui), and I agree waste of time filler ninjas who are completly useless (powercreep wise but as well as "hype" wise).

    Im the first guy to blame Oasis for being terrible publisher that doesn't care about community at all but it's not their fault for things above.

    On that note tho you can make suggestion topic that NY community doesn't want wave of summer / swimsuit / suit or other clown ninjas but focus on adding story characters like: Dosu, Kin, 8th Gate Guy, Kaguya, 1st generetion Kages (from hashirama's 1st summit flashback and their guardians), Version 2 cloak Jinchurikis like Yagura or Utakata would be cool etc, there are still some options before we are like "yeah there is nothing to add, make filler bs or just move on to Boruto meta"

you can blame tencent but our version lack a lot and i mean A LOT of things that makes those "game breaking ninjas/bt" more bearable in special when you have 3 star bt and everyone have access to it....

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-07-21 20:10:07Show All Posts
  • Josh09 On 2022-07-21 02:42:29
  • Don't get your money runs to your head. Paying have the right to complain but not at all times. This is a free to play game, it's your decision to spend but it doesn't mean they did not hear your clamors, but still this is a business that needs balance in order for them to exists in the long run. The door is always open to get out if you cannot take the process. Goodluck.

if this is your big reply then you dont know how economics works...

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-07-21 20:11:36Show All Posts
  • Josh09 On 2022-07-21 18:07:46
  • I just don't know why people * in the game when in fact they complain too much! You love the game? Then bear it...

so basically you are pro censorship, gg

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-07-22 07:10:20Show All Posts
  • Kiriya. On 2022-07-22 00:43:30
  • That's how I looked at it before but not now. Shisui and 6 Path Pain (CN version in Arena especially is just impossible to beat) are ninjas that should not leave test play at all or be nerfed after 1 week. In this case "when everybody has broken ninja then nothing is broken" doesn't really work. Shisui vs Shisui can win/lose with over 1m power difference as well and that should not be so easly possible. Game is just completly broken.

    For both ninjas that standard attack passive is a huge mistake and I don't understand how braindead you have to be to think of a passive that gives you extra 10 standard attacks as a REWARD for being debuffed. How is this passive fair ? You punish people for using control ninjas over 10IQ 1shot mirrors like old meta edo hiruzen or kiminaro ?

    Some ninjas have passives that give 1 reflect, others infinite amount of debuff reflects, some have immunity or level 2 immunity and what we have here? Insane combo that makes ninja literally uncontrolable to debuffs (can't be suppresed by immunity suppresion) so that's like already INSANE passive and on top of that you give the ninja extra 5/10 standard attacks like for real wtf happened in development that this abomination is present in the game and they don't care about nerfing this bs.

    PS For people that didn't see, check that new spider summon for China. Amazing idea yet again. Debuff removes enemy initiative so much that if you get hit by it legit 1m BP player becomes faster than 3m bp . Have to use control ninja to stop it but then you feed control or have dead pick vs Shisui / Pain passive Old servers are pretty much dead right now, every whale is done with this meta and if they don't fix it in this year I can't see this being playable in 2023.

ye but CN at least listen to feedback somewhat... they did make some bad decisions but not on the level of our version... if enough people complain in CN they will do something about it (yeah i know some people in here, wont name them, dont understand the concept of complaining for better game and are pro censor and try to shut down everyone who make any feedback comment, if you know what i mean)

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2022-07-22 19:52:57Show All Posts
  • Dosu On 2022-07-22 09:49:50
  • People criticize the things they love because they have passion for it. If they didn't have the passion, they would just abandon it and leave it in its tattered state without giving two cr@ps.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting untapped potential to be reached.

looks like people dont understand the difference between complaining and whining , thats the problem (or they simply are pro censor and "hard workers")

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