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[ Events ] You have 10K Ingots, What to do?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 80
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On 2016-10-03 08:17:41Show All Posts
10k ingots nets you the following possiblities:
666 HP/Atk/Nin lvl 2 Magas
833 Def/Res lvl 2 Magas
769 Low level refines
400 Mid level refines
263 High level refines
769 Low cloths/threads
263 Med cloths/threads
158 High cloths/threads
1000 Meat*
666 Mood scrolls
158 Summon scrolls
80 Seal scrolls

Note: All of the above is assuming that you are using ingots exclusively for only 1 thing. If you were planning to power up, you'd be planning to mix and match in order to fit your needs. :P
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