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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 2nd of June


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  • Registered: 2018-10-22
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On 2022-06-01 19:52:13Show All Posts
  • teemonly On 2022-06-01 12:29:02
  • So what is this new npc is about?

-How to use:

1. Find the Auto Mode Anbu Guide to have access to the system.

2. Level requirement is 58.

3. Consume 1 ''Auto-play Card'' each day to activate the Daily Auto-play system. After usage, players will have access to the system from the moment they unlock it until 5.00 AM the next day.

4. Completing assigned tasks to receive the ''Auto-play Card'' daily.

5. Under Auto-play System, the system will execute the dailies that playershave chosen.

6. While the system is functioning, players cannot change your lineup, and any manual change (excluding chatting) will stop the system. Players can activate it again within the day without consuming any Auto-play Cards.

Autoplay settings:

1. Auto Forge Treasure Tools. Can enable auto forging Treasured Tool when the time isn't under cooldown. -Players can choose between the 4 Tools.

2. Auto Reward Claim. Can enable auto-claiming rewards from some daily system. -Daily Rewards, Ninja Exam, Team Ninja Exam.

3. Auto Free Draw. Can enable auto free draw-ing in some of the Treasures. -Mysterious Cave, Seal Treasures, Summon Treasure, Ability Treasure.

4. Auto Instance Sweep. Can enable auto stamina usage in Instances. -When the player's stamina reaches 100/200/300 (can be changed by the player), automatically sweep until 0/50/100 stamina (can be changed by the player). -Can choose to sweep in Rich Field, Instances, Elite Instances. Click the blue *on beside each of the option to specifically choose which instance to sweep.

5. Auto Exchange. Can enable auto exchange items in shop. Group and Summon Shop, Space-time Shop, Black Market. -Click the blue *on beside each of the option to specifically choose which item to exchange.

6. Auto Group System. Can enable auto executing systems related to Group. -Auto spin the group wheel (amount of spins can be changed by the player) -Auto donate coins (amount of coins can be changed by the player) -Auto accept supports from other groupmates' Convoy -Auto sacrifice Summon Chakra (only sacrifice a full set)

7. Auto Home. Can enable auto executing systems related to Home. -Auto talk to ninjas in the player's Home. -Auto complete Ninja Tasks -Auto collect Wishing Tree rewards (rewards chosen can be changed by the player) -Auto water the Wishing Tree -Auto mine and collect ores in the Mines.

8. Optimization Settings. Can enable auto turn on some of the Auto-play System's settings to the Players' wishes. -Auto enter the Hot Spring if there's no further Auto Systems that needs to be complete. -Auto activate Auto-play System for the day if the player AFK for more than 5 minutes (the time can be changed by the player). The Auto-play Card needs to be consumed already in order to have this function enabled.

ATTENTION This is Bugged!!! Assigned Tasks: -Complete only one and not like it is written all 5 tasks daily to gain 1 Auto-play Card.

1. Complete 1 Decisive Bonds battle. (bugged because it is not possible to get Autoplay cards in groups!)

2. Complete 1 Arena battle.

3. Complete 1 Convoy or 1 Plunder.

4. Complete 1 Strong Approaching battle. (bugged because it is not possible to get Autoplay cards in Groups!)

5. Complete 1 Survival Trial battle.

This post was last edited by YamataHanzan on 2022-06-01 19:53:07.
Quicky Post

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