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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - 28th of April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-04-28 03:58:53Show All Posts

I Feel Like We (The Players With Older Accounts) Deserve Some Compensation Of Some Sort (To Begin With Though) Because Of The Fact That Madara (ETR) Even At 3 Stars Is A Fairly Decent Ninja For A Starter Account To Have At That Stage In The Game To Begin With (That Is As Such Though) But For Users Like Me Who Haven't Unlocked Him (As Yet Though) Are Then Going To Greatly Suffer In Spite Of The Fact That Madara In Particular Also Has Ninjutsu Immunity And 100 Chakra Drain (AKA Full Chakra Bar Depletion) Through His Chase Attack Alone (That Is As Such Though) Where As We (The Older Players) Get Nothing In Return For All Of The Time Spent Grinding On This Game (As Such Though)

This post was last edited by Esponix on 2022-04-28 04:12:39.
Quicky Post

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