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Great Plates questions


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-03-16 13:26:57Show All Posts

Please remember the forum rules and guidelines. Also, please do not make attempt to make threats or spam. Thank you!

As for your question, there is no guarantee for any event to occur in any time frame. That goes for great plates as much as any other event. That said, at a glance it would seem that this event most recently occurred on February 10th, January 13th, December 23rd, December 2nd, and November 4th. So, fortunately, it has not yet been a month and a half since we last saw the month (you will have to wait another 2 weeks for that to occur at an outside estimate), and as you can see, there is no regular schedule for when this event is released.
Thank you!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2022-03-16 16:05:47Show All Posts

Baby talk is defined as

"childish talk used by or to young children." Hopefully that helps your question. I am not sure why it was brought up, however.

The last great plates would have ended on February 16th, which means that in order for your "We have not seen it in 1.5 months" statement to be true, it would need to be April 1st, which it is not.

However, again, as mentioned, there is never any guarantee that events will come out on a set schedule. If Great Plates does not return by April 1st, well, that may well happen. If you would like, I can put in a suggestion that you would like to see this event return. So far you have yet to pose an actual question or suggestion. Is this the suggestion you would like to put forward with this thread?

As for the threat, I was referring to your threat of spamming topic creation if you do not get your way. Although I do not believe I have actually deleted any of your posts. You may be confusing me with another moderator, which is quite possible, given your history of aggression in nearly every subforum and your likelihood of having posts deleted or removed. Although I will admit that I am not certain and do not recall if I have removed any of your posts, so I cannot swear to this. Regardless, please keep the rules in mind and please refrain from creating duplicate posts. Thank you!

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