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[ Bugs ] Haku ronin passive skill bug


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  • Registered: 2018-03-31
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On 2022-03-08 22:45:53Show All Posts

Haku's "A meaningful Tool" passive has 3 parts.. a bit different in terms of skill explanation in-game & from other website:

1st part: At the beginning of every round, Haku and 1 random Sword User ninja in your lineup will have all Debuffs cancelled.

- "at the beginning of every round" i believed it was meant that the debuff cancelled will be the debuff that applied in prior/previous round, ie if debuff applied at round 1 which last for 2 round or more, it will be cleared by this passive during round 2 since passive activated "at the beginning of every round"

- however, i'm not very sure & this just my opinion, i cant test it since i dont have haku ronin

- since u have haku ronin, the best way is to test with your friend.. use haku ronin & fight anyone with debuff that last 2 rounds or more, fight until round 2 to see whether the passive clear the debuff or not

2nd part: A random Sword User will have its Critical Rate increased by 40% until the end of the round.

- your skill description is a bit different from the website i referred to

- haku is not Sword User but Shisui is, explained why only Shisui get the critical increased but not haku

3rd part: Additionally Haku gains Endurance until the end of the next round.

- no issue

  • Registered: 2018-03-31
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On 2022-03-09 14:03:30Show All Posts

maybe they will change that description.. only apply to himself & not to other ninja

  • Registered: 2018-03-31
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On 2022-03-09 17:36:40Show All Posts
  • Wahiro On 2022-03-09 17:19:53
  • That would be not fair xD ... Why ,,selling,, ninja with good passive skill and then when some error comes up they change description instead of repairing it. I honestly hope they will repair it as he is good support for Shisui. Otherwise it would not make sense :)

update for tomorrow.. as i mentioned, they changed the description

Translation adjustment:

Haku [Ronin]'s passive [A Meaningful Tool]:

At the beginning of every round, a random [Sword User] ninja in your lineup will have all [Debuffs] cancelled and will have their [Critical Rate] increased by 40% until the end of the round. Additionally Haku gains [Endurance] until the end of the next round.

means that, passive will occur randomly if u have more than 1 sword user in your lineup.. if only haku, then haku will get the debuff cancelled & crit rate increased

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