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[ Bugs ] Haku ronin passive skill bug


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  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2022-03-03 20:54:34Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hi, this Haku skill don´t work properly as it is statedpassive

But debuffs cancelling and critical only applies on random sword user and not on Haku himself. Although I am not 100% sure about critical rate on Haku, but I am sure about debuffs cancelling.

I will show you an example. It is not my only experience, just an example.


You can see here blindness being applicated on Haku. It is BEFORE Haku passive so he should remove it.


Now you can see critical rate going up on Shisui, which is that only random sword user in this case, but NOT being applied on Haku.


Shisui already attacking and you can see Haku blindness is still there and He does not removed it on himself.

I beg you to move it to competent people, thank you.

  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2022-03-04 10:05:07Show All Posts

I wrote also on support with this problem, they answered. And they made a change. Unfortunately, it is exactly opposite. Now ONLY Haku gains critical and removes debuffs and NOT for other sword ninja. I can´t believe it. Tomorrow I will add new facts and must write next support ticket.

  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2022-03-08 17:59:40Show All Posts

It is possible that ONLY ME was thinking that they fixed or they tried to fix something. It was not my fault neither cause it started to act differently at the end of the day.

First problem was that only other sword ninja was under haku passive. But then it switched and only haku (and not other sword ninja) was under his passive. That was the time I thought that they tried to fix it. After some time it appears that it changes up and down in different time. Like..two days ago it was only Shisui who was under haku passive, and two next days I am playing only haku is under his passive. So in the end I think there was no correction so far, they just need more time to see problem and solve it. Possibly in next week cycles.

This post was last edited by Wahiro on 2022-03-08 17:59:57.
  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2022-03-09 03:21:09Show All Posts

Regard 1st part:

Sorry but you are not right. Haku passive clears and should clear debuffs at the beginning of every round. It does not matter if it was debuff created in previous round or this round. (considering it is removable)

It acts and should act as 4 star kabuto sage mode Y+1 where debuffs are cleared at the beginning of round and he also clears (Kabuto) blindness from wind main at the very beginning.

I tested it. Here is another example.


screen 2

As you can see Haku cleared debuff blindness from wind main at very beggining as his passive acted after wind main blindness. There is no problem with that. Skill works. What is problem, he applied clearing only on himself and he also applied critical only to himself

screen 3

So as I said before. I had problem, that his passive is applied only on OTHER sword ninja, and then problem reversed and it was applied only on himself

About 2nd part : He is sword user ninja ( has sword attribute)

3rd part: there was no problem with endurance. That works.

This post was last edited by Wahiro on 2022-03-09 03:23:56.
  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2022-03-09 17:19:53Show All Posts

That would be not fair xD ... Why ,,selling,, ninja with good passive skill and then when some error comes up they change description instead of repairing it. I honestly hope they will repair it as he is good support for Shisui. Otherwise it would not make sense :)

  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2022-03-09 17:53:35Show All Posts


  • Registered: 2020-02-11
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On 2022-03-12 06:37:21Show All Posts

It is what it is :) nothing important in our lives :D . Thank you for response :) you can lock it then if you want.

Quicky Post

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