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[ Events ] Christmas Event - Story Telling


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On 2021-12-26 02:40:52Show All Posts

In Game Name: Iris

UID: 200000090087544

My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey

My Server Region: UK

For Orthodox Christians who follow the Julian calendar, Christmas falls on January 7. However, January 6 is also important and there are a number of customs associated with this day. It also has its own specific name - Badnjidan (from term *badnjak* which represents specific part of tree - usually oak, but it can be some other depending of region - which is cut in early morning of that day by head-male of household alongside sons/grandsons).

When he chooses the right tree, the host turns to the east, crosses himself three times, mentions God, Saint - protector of his home and tomorrow's holiday, takes an ax in his hands and starts with cutting. According to popular belief, *badnjak* must be cut with three strong *s. What the ax does not cut three times, it needs to be finished by breaking or twisting. *Badnjak* symbolically represents the tree that the shepherds brought and that the righteous Joseph pledged in the cold cave when Christ was born - tho today it's know that this has connection with Slavic paganism and beliefs too from time Slavs weren't Christians, but about it another time. When tree is cut, it's brought to home and put close to door until evening. Today, in big cities at least, closest bazaar works out pretty well too.

During all of that girl, woman, grandaugters and grandmothers would start preparating food for that and next day. January 6th is last fasting day (out of 40) and food which usually u can find on table that day are baked beans, fish, a lot of vegetables and torshi. Specific type of meat is prepared on that day too, for Christmas.

After dinner, it's time to for *pijukanje* - basically a custom in which kids are main participians. We would sit on the ground in circle of big hallway while adults would be behind us preparing for show and laugh. Smallest children would sit in lap of one adult which would basically do their work. Lights go off and main lady of household would grab big plastic bowl full of candies, welnuts, small chocolate bars etc and with hand throw it in middle of circle while calling for her "chickens". Kids are quacking like a chickens and grabing with hands as much sweets as they can in complete darkness. False accusations would always be made about someone cheating and having additional help of adults, especially if there is the one type of candy which all kids want, but whole event would always end up in laugh. In the end, this day is all about forgivness and making peace with everyone you ever had fight with. Grabbed sweets are for tomorrow, however, which means kids aren't allowed to eat any of it - on that way parents would teach children about patience. Not happy when i recall that part -_-

Česnica - specific type of bread which can, but doesn't have to be sweet, would be kneated on this evening too and it's first thing which will be tasted on Christmas morning, after specific custom being done tho. How it's gonna be made depends from region.

End of the evening ends with one more custom which is mix of paganism and christianity, beside making bread and oask tree itself - burning badnjak. In big cities (around 7-8pm usually), people who live around churches would go there and put their *badnjak* on same spot. It would be blessed by priest, sometimes wine and honey would be spread all over trees and set on fire. Kids, including me too, would poke it with smaller branches while saying specific words to wish for blessed year. Flame could lasts for hours, sometimes even up to 5am! In rural areas, neighbors sometimes would have competition who will have bigger flame xD

Several customs were skipped - for the sake of every reader who dared to pay attention to this big text. I described only ones which are staying strong in my memory and keep being cherished.

Quicky Post

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